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Bullshit faggot - video was edited
>he's dead
>cops equited
>niggs burnt their own ghetto
>riots helped trump win
How are we BTFO?
you are fake news
So he didn't rob the store. Didn't he still attack a police officer?
For all new to this. Essentially this video proves nothing. This video was from before the robbery. The robbery itself was documented on video solid evidence. All this shows is that he was adrug dealer as well.
>unrelated video proves Brown was innocent
Only niggers think not robbing a store one time means you are a good person
>Cleared of blame
He's black, that's enough to blame him.
the officer was never hit, he shot michael brown from a distance because he thought he had a gun(allegedly)
does pic related look like an injured man?
>nigger deals drugs but does not rob store
>he comes back later and robs the store
>then he tries to take an officer's weapon
>dindu nothin'
this is how he regularly looks
>CNN it's me, "the wolf"
>Listen, we need to blame race relations from the obama era on Trump
>yes, right, ok say no more
>then he tries to take an officer's weapon
Darren Wilson never made this claim
I saw this yesterday.
Check the comments
>Didn't rob the store... he was just dealing drugs.
Criminal still a criminal.
Jokes on you.
He's dead
How is a tiny dime bag of weed worth two cartons of cigars??
Yes he did
Forensic evidence backed it up, which is why the officer was never tried. Brown tried to steal his weapon and he was shot at near point blank range
>liberals being this desperate to lose again
I am rock hard, keep going. I can't get enough of winning
unless it was a .08 or .09 bag of KUSH which here in chicago that small bag is worth 20.00 dollars.... it MIGHT make sense... IF those cartons are worth 10.00 dollars each... which if they're cigars doesn't look like they were... so it was probably Cocaine?
Idk... faggots... any drug dealers here?
Incoming riots in 3...2...
>didn't look at autopsy report
T. Nigger
What does CNN stand for? Complaining Nigger News?
Is he alive? If not I'm pretty sure he's still the one that got btfo.
this makes him look even worse and was probably suppressed by liberals themselves in the first place
Maybe he didn't rob that store but he would've robbed another in the future or raping a white girl.
A nigger is never innocent.
>So he didn't rob the store
exchanging illegal drugs for goods at a convenient store is not a legal transaction. he still robbed the store
The reports clearly stated Brown slammed the car door shut, punched Wilson and went for his gun.
I think a round or two were shot off from inside the car, I forgot.
In anycase Brown broke off and ran then turned and charged Wilson. Wilson then shot Brown dead.
Um yea he did, its why the gun didn't fire the first trigger pull.
The weapon was pushed out of battery.
Nigga still dead.
There was gun powder residue on Brown's hands and the bullet went up and through his arm. He was reaching for the officer's gun.
Act like a nigger, die like a nigger
find one article that backups your claim
what information in the autopsy report would contradict what I have posted?
provide a source.
Bruh a gram usually cost 10.
He's dead and technically he was the one blown the fuck out. (Cause of death)
>Those comments
not kush, senpai.
quarter onces were around 250
onces about $420
they are trying to trayvon him so the plebs will riot and start watching the news again.
Very very fucking dangerous of cnn but not surprising at all
>"he didn't steal he just assaulted someone while retrieving stolen goods he got in a drug deal"
and that makes him innocent how?
Cleared of blame by who? Fake News?
>claim nigger bartered with illegal drugs
>claim he came back for what's his
>still got the cops called on him.
>new video provides more evidence we still don't know what happened that day
decent riot will fill the time until 15th
also chcked
>Brown makes a deal with one employee to trade weed days before for Cigarillos
>Different employee is working there, doesn't know about illegal deal
>Brown robs the store
Still robbery, still a crime, still deserved it.
just used one measurement
pro tip: grams is better
ANYTHING is worth whatever some junky is willing to part with for ANY amount of their drug of choice. Just because you can face a zone of kush in a day doesn't mean some junky that lives in a shopping cart can do the same.
Just be happy you don't know anyone who has sucked dick for drugs (if you know a female drug user, even weed, then you know someone who sucks dick for drugs).
He wasn't shot for robbing a store, he was shot for trying to grab a cops gun.
This video is the very definition of irrelevance.
>publicly dealing drugs proves innocence
What a time to be alive.
no, he still attacked a cop
he didn't get shot for stealing, after all
>find one article that backups your claim
Here you go kid.
>As those who have been following the case closely are aware, Wilson testified before the grand jury that Brown reached for his (Wilson’s) gun and a struggle for the gun followed, during which Wilson fired two shots. Later, Wilson pursued Brown and, after he turned and then charged toward Wilson, fired multiple shots bringing him to the ground about 8 to 10 feet away from him.
>The physical evidence is consistent with his testimony.
Also, there were ZERO (0) gunshot wounds in Brown's back, which means he could not have been shot while running away. He had to be facing the officer.
Do you have any other statements I can prove wrong?
one of them niggers really knows how to tie a noose, another, not so much.
>he didn't rob the store
>he was actually dealing drugs and behaving violently
wow, amazing, incredible
paying anything over 300 for a zone is pants on head retarded. Sounds like you got nigger trapping nicks and dimes out your way blowing your prices thru the roof. Refuse to buy anything but weight my man. Don't be a literal buster.
Hold up, what about this footage?
Oh so he was a drug pusher.. that's makes it even better you FUCKING NIGGER.
How is it that so many people still haven't caught on to the "Sup Forums BTFO" joke
> 'gentle giant' narrative btfo time and time again
He was shot for charging towards a cop
6 gorrilion percent innocent. Time to go block traffic.
>drug dealer
>not deserving to get shot
>more dindus will get shot in the riots over this video
A bag of weed (or any drugs) is always worth what the junkie is willing to pay.
free market economics is easy
holy shit btfo
lurk moar, nothing ever changes here
Because idiots call it Sup Forums or Sup Forums all the time, it was funny like 2 years ago when normies were doing it, the joke that Sup Forums and Sup Forums are different is lost to everyone now.
It wasn't really that funny to begin with.
Darren Wilson never claimed Michael Brown reached for his gun EVER!!!!
Wilson claimed that he thought Brown had a gun and was rushing at him(Wilson).
I never claimed Michael Brown was shot in the back.
they are doing the exact same thing they did with the zimmerman case. How is this not illegal, they are obviously trying to incite niggers to riot.
it doesnt matter how irrelevent or accurate it is to them. CNN obviously misses the zimmerman days.
No one has ever made the claim that Brown was shot while he was struggling with Wilson
Everyone misses the ZimZam days.
you're an idiot
Can't flim flam the zim zam
You MUST be a troll. No one could possibly be this wrong except on purpose.
>store owner hires useless nigs to run the till
>useless nigs decide to exchange the store owners goods for drugs, rather than money
>store owner claims he was robbed
He was, it's just that the people running the till were accomplices. This doesn't change anything.
nice try shlomo
>state facts
>get accused of being a troll
It is obvious who is the real troll.
saw the re-rendered video and its fucking nothing
>trying to incite niggers to riot
CNN are some really stupid CIA niggers, they should have released this in the summer.
>ISIS flag id
No, you're the Jew.
>Darren Wilson never claimed Michael Brown reached for his gun EVER!!!!
That's literally exactly what Wilson said in his testimony and the evidence supported his account. You're either trolling, 12 years old, or genuinely retarded. Or all three
7.5/10, not bad. You had me for a second.
Everyone tries to flimflam the bigman, but zim zam just keeps holding his jim jam knowing it ain't no shim sham.
Wada lada bim bam ba lama dam.
decent post
Looks like a different store. Clerk is not the same guy as in the other video too. Seems like this is just evidence he was a small time drug dealer too.
Wew too bad the us has laws against double jeopardy
So not only did he sell drugs at this store he comes back to rob it as well
>Deserved to get shot
There already was a riot last night.
I haven't looked into this silly bullshit in quite a awhile. But isn't this a different video completely?
ie we now have
>video footage of Brown being a fucking drug dealer
>different video footage of Brown LIFTING THE FUCKING STORE OWNER off the ground by his neck
Then him getting shot after? Doesn't this just make brown look like an even shittier person?
Whats the point
Didn't he get shot because he grabbed the cops gun and charged him?
Because he dindu nuffin
>Globalist getting blacks to chimp out under a Trump presidency
Christmas came early this year