Explain how exactly cutting healthcare is good for the middle/lower class.
Explain how exactly cutting healthcare is good for the middle/lower class
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you don't have to pay a shitton in taxes for fat faggots who are too lazy to stop stuffing their faces all day?
Because if you're in your fifties or sixties, you're more likely to get sick, therefore you should pay more.
If you're young, you should pay less because you're healthy. Plus, the old are waaay richer than the young so they can pay more.
It's not, but apparently Clapistanis dread le evil super socialism and hate their own people.
socialism only works if half your country aren't obese lazy niggers
Funny how about half your population has household incomes of $55.000 and less down to the
so in short
3D chess. If this passes, there is no way around Phase 2 and 3.
>Germany doesn't know how a pyramid works.
>the middle/lower class
>deserving to live
The old are richer than the young. That's a fact. The old are more likely to get sick than the young. That's a fact. As shown in this graph, the old are getting richer and the young aren't. That's a fact.
Why shouldn't Trumpcare target them?
If you understand the Pareto principal, where 80% of all business comes from 20% of all customers it makes more sense. 20% of insurance customers make up 80% of hospital visits because they are fat, sick, old, whatever. In order to pay for this, the insurance company has to subsidize it by charging healthy people for something they don't really need. Its a scam of course.
Posting from the richest country, and being this fucking idiotic.
Tell me how are those taxes on the rich working in Brazil, Venezuela, Sweden, France. Etc....
this is the argument that libtards are pushing now "people will get 4000$ instead of 50 000 in medical care!!!!!" yeah that was the whole point, where do they think that 46 000 came from in the first place? it came from the taxpayers' pockets and they decided that they don't want to pay for other's shit anymore
this whole argument is just fucking retarded
"you know what kenny, you're a fat fucking slob and smoke all day so we don't want to pay for your medical care anymore"
thus jimmy, jolyne, ed and betty can save up 5000 more as they intended it, BUT KENNY LOSES MONEY THINK OF HIM YOU IDIOTS!!!!!!!
>Posting from the richest country, and being this fucking idiotic.
>The old are more likely to get sick than the young.
I'd think twice about that with your obesity problems.
congrats all the former bernie supporters who defend trump... you're getting what you deserve
Its already dead. If they did nothing it would fail within the year anyway. Obamacare is unsustainable and could never work.
>I can buy across state lines and not through a regional network in the state
>Creates competition which results in lower prices for better care
>Allows people to go to the doctor more often which can result in healthier people and a better economy
>Government wont mandate you to get it with the fear of getting penalized.
I don't see how this is bad.
Its pretty simple. Government should stay the fuck away from everything. They destroy everything they touch.
Obama care reduced my family's coverage and raised the bill by 250%
I want that shit GONE
Also this.
>this whole argument is just fucking retarded
You mean the whole "let's spend $54 billion more on military" instead of on our own people's health?
Hasn't Trump said he hates the current Ryancare bill?
I know that you're agreeing with me but it's hard to tell what you're saying.
You must living somewhere with socialized medicine. You seem angry.
Again, the group who would be paying the most for Trumpcare is also the most obese.
very few people in the middleclass are on Obongocare
The 15 million LOST their good private policies and/or were forced on to Obongocare
You mean the military that you rely on because yours is so shit, Kraut?
>nigger thinks poor people can create jobs
>nigger thinks it's ok to take from other people because he is shit at life
>it's ok to take other people's wealth just so you could personally benefit
Remind me how free healthcare isn't theft if you're eliciting an unpopular tax to take from the rich expressly to give to the poor?
Same logic says that if a robber breaks into my house to steal my phone and shit to pawn off for medical supplies, no crime was committed and that's totally moral
that's rich coming from a g*rman, come and talk when you haven't caused two world wars
I can't wait until my healthcare gets "cut" so I can go back to the days before niggercare when my health insurance cost 1/3 of what it does now.
He has said for others to start working together on a goal instead of bitching and whining
You mean that military that subsidises your entire country's actual military might?
Fat people dont get that old.
My taxes don't go up because I already have health insurance through a Christian medical bills sharing program. As long as I don't get STDs or need to pay for abortions I pay like 150 dollars a month and all my expensive are covered. Get rekt fedorafags
>Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
no, he wants to jam it though to prove he keeps his word, no matter how shitty the bill is.
>very few people in the middleclass are on Obongocare
Nice try, but I said middle/lower class, not middle class. Specifically, I'm talking about all the white people from poor communities that went out and voted for Trump. Explain how Trump's new healthcare bill will benefit those people.
well yeah it's annoying when you try to save up every penny and then you get fucked in the ass by taxes because some gypsy whore shits out 8 kids that she beats in the head with a hammer to receive more "medical care" in gibsmedats
if it's a system based on trust in other humans not being dicks and try to exploit it then it's a shit system
Explain how a mandatory catch-all public policy you must pay for is better than choosing the products you want?
Also, 2 tier healthcare is the best possible solution but no country has the balls to try it.
Both sectors keep each other honest while competing.
You are a nigger. This bill wont let you buy across state lines. This bill still penilazes people that go more than a few months without insurance. You have to pay a higher premium 30% more for a year when you get insurance again. This bill is better than what we have but stop being a nigger.
colorado is the healthiest state? anyone got colorado girl pics? wanna see if true
they'll save up money because they don't have to pay for boogie's bruised ass? are you actually retarded?
By encouraging them to stop being lazy cunts and make something of themselves.
Why do you rejoice in others suffering?
I bet you call yourself a Christian too.
>This bill wont let you buy across state lines.
In it's current form it doesn't, but that's the goal.
We still have amendments and negotiations to contend with.
>more niggers die
Pick one.
>If we don't worship rich people and give them tax cuts then they won't give us jobs!
That was the plan. Bongocare implodes, Hillary forces through single payer to fill the void, and now the Democrats control your access to medicine.
Nice argument.
>he isn't part of a Christian medical bills sharing community like medishare
>he actually thinks forcing people to pay for abortions is ethical
>he hasn't accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and personal savior
>he's going to pay for expensive healthcare his whole life and then go to hell
These headlines are sounding more like threats
so was yours
>if you're a christian you should just FUCKING DIE LIKE JESUS LOL
did you honestly think anyone would take you seriously?
>they'll save up money
How? The Paul Ryan plan will make their healthcare more expensive. They'll have less money to save.
Where in the Bible does it say you can glean immense pleasure from the suffering of your brothers?
they die off and all that is left are rich and smart people
>doesn't know what compound interest is.
>doesn't take advantage of compound interest.
>complains about unfair life because is dumbass
You need to go.
So you're not a Christian, it all makes sense now. Carry on, I will pray for you friend.
you're clinically retarded mate, why in the hell do you think a person needs medical care 24/7 constantly in his life? the last time I went to a doctor was like 10 years ago, and even now I'd rather go to a private doctor than a state hospital, because those places are shit anyways
It's gonna benefit the rich.
Warning others of the path to damnation they are on is an act of immense love. I pray that you find God user. And seriously, medishare is a great program but they won't pay for degeneracy like STDs or abortions
>thinks the DoD is just the military
>now the media suddenly cares about poor white people
They can fuck off, they aren't fooling anyone
ah so you're a christian and take everything in the bible literally is that right? when was the last time you stoned a gay man to death? because that's what the bible says, so come on show your faith and stone some faggots and women who commit adultery, they deserve stoning too according to the bible
>trickle down strawman
no rational person has ever suggested cutting taxes only at the top and using the money of the poor to give welfare to the rich would help the economy.
Also supply side tax cuts reduce unemployment every time theyre implemented. Keep it up though, cause after all who spends your money more efficiently than the government, right?
>he is without sin shall cast the first stone
youre joking right?
>Life is unfair
>I should pay for obese boomers, that's much more fair
If I was rich and over 28 than Obamacare would hurt me.
Because currently everyone who is middle class is paying more for healthcare just so poor people can get it for free. Why would someone want a 100% increase in their premiums?
"'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
Leviticus 20:13
don't start cherrypicking now, if you take the bible literally you HAVE TO KILL GAY PEOPLE
>Why would someone want to help those less fortunate?
Why wouldn't they?
I'm less fortunate, gimme your money then
>strawman because economics is hard
>doesn't even disagree with me
It's not even poor people, it's just fat old fucks that are probably richer than you or me.
>defending sodomites
Get that shit out of here. This is a Christian board.
>why in the hell do you think a person needs medical care 24/7 constantly in his life?
I'm not in favor of a single-payer system if that's what you're asking. But I do think that everybody should have health insurance, and based on Trump's campaign rhetoric, Donald Trump also believes this. This is a direct quote from the man himself:
>“We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” - Donald J. Trump
if youre a jew
Christians follow the teachings of Christ. Once again, He who is without sin, cast the first stone
pic related
>its another "trump pointed x person for this so that means that x is going to do the worst things they ever considered doing"
calm down retard
you guys panic about stuff like this every single day
You just implied I was poor because I don't use compound interest. I'm not using a "straw man", I'm just asking, if boomers are the ones getting sick and fat, why shouldn't they pay more?
well then other christians will cherrypick and not apply the part about helping others
a personal health insurance? fine I can put up with that, but when you ramp social care up to funding other's self destructive habits then that's garbage and that's the main difference here
nope, don't start cherrypicking, you're supposed to take everything literally
well when was the last time you killed a gay person as your christian duty? remember if you don't kill faggots and adulterers then you're not a real christian
Youre a fucking moron.
Literally speaking, Jesus formed a new covenant with man and his word was law. When he says "dont murder people for frivolous shit" its not a suggestion, its the literal word of God you fucking dunce.
Sweden and France are doing better than us in many ways, contrary to what propaganda says.
Why make it about race?
Epic meme XD
what did he mean by this?
Murder is literally against the Ten Commandments in multiple ways. Killing gays is a sentence to hell for all extremity.
The Bible is clearly saying that god will fuck up sodomites. No where does it command men to murder other men.
>le I le said le nigger le edgy lololol XDDDDF
Surely worshiping rich people will work THIS time though...
>middle class
Because the middle class is paying for niggers to have insurance, and they're unable to afford it themselves. Hell im not even middle class and I can't afford to pay for insurance, that's the price of being a white male in current year I guess.
>Because currently everyone who is middle class is paying more for healthcare just so poor people can get it for free.
Repealing Obamacare will not lower your taxes by any noticeable percentage. The people who will benefit most will people people who already make more than $250,000 per year.
>Republicans' new health-care bill is a mass transfer of income that cuts taxes for the wealthiest Americans while cutting federal benefits for the middle and working class. Just two provisions in the Republican plan would allow the richest households to pay an average of nearly $200,000 less under the GOP plan, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.
>Wealthy Americans — especially those households with incomes above $200,000 — would be better off under the bill primarily because they would no longer pay two major taxes levied as part of the Affordable Care Act. One is 0.9 percent on taxpayers earning more than $200,000 in wages and salaries a year, or $250,000 for married couples. Those households must also pay a surcharge of 3.8 percent on income from several kinds of investments. Together, these taxes are projected to raise $346 billion over the next decade, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
By that logic there shouldn't be public military, police, courts, or infrastructure.
you mean words that some people wrote down 30 years after jesus' death? yep the word of god that's right
do you have zero clue about law? law says that murder is a crime but under certain circumstances killing someone is permitted by law see self defense and armed guards, same thing in the bible, you're not supposed to kill, except for circumstances when you should, like with gay people
if you preach christianity then preach christianity, not some hippy leftist christianity(lite) version to jew people into fucking themselves
Its also a universally recognized fact that as it is right now the new healthcare bill is a fucking dumpster fire.
fuck off kike
Hello, once proper middle class white citizen now barely hanging on and borderline poor thanks to the policies enacted by the ACA here.
First off, my health is not in perfect condition but, I've always got along without health care because I don't do retard degenerate shit like fuck everything that moves, I don't smoke, the food I eat is home cooked the majority of the time and maybe only 3 - 5 times at the most in a year I might have a little fast food. I know it's kind of shocking to some (mostly on the left) but, your body tends to treat you better when you aren't constantly doing degenerate shit.
But enough of the lecture, how to ACA effect me negatively as a low income earner? First off, what the hell did people think was going to happen when one of the ACA policies was employers have to pay for their full time employees' health insurance but, not for their part time employees. Haha goodbye, full time job, it was good while it lasted. I hope you and I can somehow make things work out, new part time jobs.
Since the ACA went into effect I had followed the thing about having a health care plan so I didn't get fined. Then last year around February or March a combination of being misinformed on the penalty for not being on a health care plan, not being able to afford the monthly fees for something I wasn't using on top of paying rent, electricity, other bills, and groceries caused me to ignore the whole ordeal with my health care.
Then I did my taxes last month. As it turns out my refund was going to be $1,700 more than what I'm actually going to get because I stopped paying for my unused health care plan. Money I could have used for fixing recent problems with my car and treating myself to a new & better external hard drive. Instead, I'm going to need to borrow money from a friend or two to get those car problems and goodbye, treat. So the ACA policies fucked me & many other working class Americans over regardless of following it's policies or not.
That's not a meme.
Germany only spends 1.2% of its GDP for NATO and hasn't met its 2% obligation while the U.S and even GREECE, the country those krauts cuck meets their obligation.