CNN war on cops

CNN is demanding that cops stop shooting to kill because it is racist.

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Yup. I'm sure that's exactly what that article is saying, retard

Jesus Christ I swear they need to start teaching terminal ballistics in school so we don't have to hear that question every other week.

>Yup. I'm sure that's exactly what that article is saying, retard
I'm willing to bet your life that it does.

Why do cucks that have never shot a gun assume that everyone is capable of pulling off leg shots at 200 yards while under pressure with a handgun?

except when the cops are enforcing against people CNN don't like. Kill those people.

The officers priority should be public safety first, making sure everyone around him returns safely to their families. His safety is second.

If you want to be a cop just to knock some skulls you shouldnt be one

if all you are trying to do is get home safe to your family and think its just like any other job you are part of the problem

cucks are educated and brought up on hollywood

the mooveeess say so and jews would never lie

because most of these fucks will become that ar15 PTSD journalist the moment they touch a gun. Let alone realize a long gun is much more stable and easier to pull off limb shots.

>paralyze someone innocent
>get lawsuit
>kill someone
>"he was a criminal"

>The officers priority should be public safety first,

Wrong, the officers only priority is to enforce the law.

And youre mainlining FOOP propaganda

"Shoot to kill" is actually a good thing because it requires the shooting to be a last resort option, instead of casually shooting you for non-violent resisting arrest or disobeying cop orders

If the public isnt safe whats the point of the law faggot?

If you can't shoot the gun out of an attacker's hand mid-draw you have no business being a cop. Gun-kata should be elementary

>trained to aim for center mass as to not miss as much
>happens to be where all the organs are
>happens to drop people quickly


also if you kill them the city will have a way easier time fighting the law suite!

A downed perp can still shoot back

If guns had no recoil, they could.

>His safety is second
Doesn't work that way.
That would prioritize the rights of others over his, and that wouldn't be consistent with constitutional law. Risk of personal safety and right to life is a voluntary act and not one that can be contractually bound.

The police have legal obligation to risk their lives to save the lives of others. See Warren v. D.C.

>If guns had no recoil, they could.

They don't, they shoot to stop


anchor shots, baby.

dey shuda jus trayned to hittem inda leg o sumthin

If you don't commit crime, you won't get shot

lefty can't into simple logic?

>1 post by this ID

Sage and move on

Fuck the media, what I really love are police officers, laws, regulations, restrictions, and things like that. Fuck the media for trying to control us. NOW WHO'S WITH ME?

Incorrect. A cop's duty is to remove people that are a threat to others.

Not aiming for center mass is incredibly reckless and a policy requiring limb shots would result in many bystander and police officer deaths


*caves in an 78 year old ladies head*


A cop's duty is to enforce the law.

They play too much fucking video games like Mass Effect.

They don't shoot to kill, they shoot to stop. There's a much lower chance of stopping a dangerous suspect if you aim for the arms or legs.

also this

it's almost like shooting to incapacitate is both difficult and dangerous when you're dealing with a criminal

The law isn't about "safety" you dumb cunt. It's about keeping societal and economic order. Those are not synonymous with safety. Safety is a secondary byproduct of the public willingly abiding by the law. It's you and your neighbors that provide safety to each other. Not law enforcement.

Police are municipal janitors that process the failures in your community that have to be removed because they inconvenience that society. Like an older brother that breaks up a fight between siblings. The courts act as the parents in that they decide the severity of the consequences for those screw ups, in accordance with the laws as agreed upon by the household(society).

i could give a shit less about what some Jew in a robe says; nothing but politics
it shouldn't be and cops would gain a hell of a lot of respect if they actually served the community rather than leeching tax dollars for ridiculous entitlements and shooting anytime someone gets loud with them.

>using fucking Mass Effect as an example
Next you will tell me that gamers learn bad driving from Bioshock.

im saying this relationship is wrong.. do you understand?

>The police have NO legal obligation to risk their lives

Fucking typo

>you're a cop
>see someone with a gun about to shoot you
>don't shoot to kill
>the guy goes down
>starts shooting back because you didn't kill him

jesus christ utter destruction

They do shoot to kill though. They are trained to mag-dump.

Basically these. Innocent or not, they actually pay out less in lawsuits when they kill the person.

CNN advocating a drone strike against assange but wonders why thieving niggers have to get shot

>shooting anytime someone gets loud with them.
Violence, from verbal threats to deadly force and everything in between, only occurs between 1-2% of all police/public interactions.

why don't people stop resisting arrest?

Because when you shoot, you shoot because your life or someone else's life is in immediate danger.
Thus, you shoot to end the immediate threat.
A wounding shot might not do that, and could get you major issues in court. Same deal with warning shots.

I mean if you think about it, if Bioshock was the only source you had to learn driving, then yeah.

Someone should make a compilation with cops having their guard/gun down. It would be interesting to see the left's reaction to the amount that have been gunned down.

cuz niggers die by cops more often

and they want to save the big black cocks

>Tree falls on lumberjack
oh shit dangerous job unlucky fella
>fisherman drowns
oh shit dangerous job unlucky fella
>cop gets killed

But it wouldn't give you ideas about driving.
It wouldn't even give you a concept of driving, aside from sitting in the seat of an automatic capsule.

>we must allow criminal scum to victimize as many people as they choose for as long as they choose

Fuck CNN.
Fuck the entire left.
And fuck Christfags that don't believe in giving those who seek to harm you the sword.

>trusting FOOP statistics


>this is wrong
That's not a compelling argument.

Why is it wrong? Why should anyone besides me be responsible for or legally bound to ensuring my safety? And by what standard that is objective would my safety be measured?

Safety is not something that can or should be gauranteed. I am the only one with incentive to ensure my safety anyway.

It's a tragedy in all three instances, you autist.

No one goes to work expecting to die.

Exactly. You'd be shit at driving.

I know the point you were making, I'm just taking it a bit further and interpreting your post in a silly way. You can ignore me. I know what you were saying to that other guy about Mass Effect.

>trusting some faggot spouting cop watch talking points with zero data to back it up
We get it retard, that cop who busted you for possession was like, a total asshole and stuff.

>Tree falls on lumberjack
Okay, what can we learn from this to prevent it from happening again?
>fisherman drowns
Okay, what can we learn from this to prevent it from happening again?
>cop gets caught off guard and killed by a dindu
Okay, what can we learn from this to prevent it from happening again?

better question

why cant niggers stop resisting arrest

why cant niggers stop attacking cops

why cant niggers stop nigging out

the answer is niggers, and there is a final solution for it.

Police don't shoot to kill, they shoot to stop.

Unfortunately what stops a person is usually the same thing that kills them.

>intentional homicide
Gee I wonder. No one takes notice when cops die in car accidents.

Thanks, senpai.

I haven't expected someone to talk like a human being on here. We have all become too paranoid about shitposting.

I remember when this place was full of honest opinions and restored my faith in humanity. Now you have to be as guarded on Sup Forums as anywhere else.

one is also fucking murder you tremendous faggot

They are taught to shoot to neutralize the threat. Meaning if the guy still has a gun in his hand and is not dropping it, he is still a threat. So you are half right.

is that seriously a robocop movie? i've only seen the first one but that was years ago

Incorrect. The only requirement is that an officer must enforce the law. "To Serve and Protect" is considered a slogan not a mandate to enforce safety. For precedent see the NYC Train Butcher in which a psycho murdered a bunch of women in a car. A Marine saw the man stabbing everyone and attacked him trying to overpower him which resulted in him with over a dozen stabwounds. A transit cop in the car with the Marine fled the car and locked the Marine, psycho and stabbed women all in the car and watched from a window. The Marine's family sued and was thrown out because the court determined that the officer was not responsible for the well being of the passengers and only needed to uphold the law.

>cop shoots man
>cop think threat is neutralized
>man on ground shoots and kills cop
There is plenty of video evidence of what can happen when you let your guard down.

Demands end with!

Questions end with?

Learn the difference.

no one give a lumberjack a state funeral and pension faggot
>We get it retard, that cop who busted you for possession was like, a total asshole and stuff.
we get it daddy was cop, never around but still a great father! You know because he was out saving the world!
>Okay, what can we learn from this to prevent it from happening again?

burn all the trees race war now

Why do police shoot to kill? Because shooting to wound or subdue isn't a thing. It can happen that way but it's never on purpose and it never will be. They are only supposed to shoot when they believe their lives are in danger and if someone is putting their life in danger it is wrong to tell them to not use the best defense possible.

Even if they could pull off perfect leg shots every time, that would in no way remove the danger of being shot. The femoral artery is a massive blood vessel which runs down the leg, and damaging it will cause heavy bleeding requiring immediate professional medical attention within several minutes. It is honestly just as dangerous as shooting at the chest.

Of course, liberals dont want cops to have guns at all, so their ignorance of human biology doesn't much matter here.

don't break the law = police will not shoot you

>no one give a lumberjack a state funeral and pension faggot
It's almost as if they don't work for the state...

How about you put forth an actual argument and stop just screeing like someone who got arrested for a crime someone else noticed?

>not a hint of politics here; completely evenhanded

judges are in the pockets of the police unions

>cnn's ratings are so bad they have to scrounge for views on Sup Forums

>no one gives a lumberjack pension
You sure about that?

>why don't they just shoot them in the foot like in muh games

Yeah it really can be anger inducing to post here sometimes. I've seen people call me a shill for asking an honest question. People are so paranoid about the shills that they start jumping at shadows. The shills are annoying but people are just so paranoid about them they can't sort an obvious shitpost meant to bait for (You)'s from an honest question.

I can't wait for the shitposting funds to run out so we can go back to posting about politics and news instead of "Sup Forums BTFO!!!!!!!" and "wow thid is powerful" and all the other obvious shitposting threads that the mods never delete.

im not playing your jewish word games faggot.

cops need to be better educated and trained.

>why do you need guns, the police will protect you
>also all cops are racist trigger happy bastards with no interest in upholding the law
I genuinely don't understand how you can have both viewpoints

>judges are in the pockets of the police unions

>state pension

Looks like a parody of the scene where he shoots a guy in the dick.

thats a superfesh tan donny

Lumberjacks being hit by trees isn't just some shit that happens, retard. Nine times out of ten people in dangerous jobs lose their lives because they're shirking basic safety measures.

>6 black teens drown because they can't swim but went into a river anyways
what a tragedy!

>I don't have any actual arguments
Gotcha, you're just going to blather about how the cops like, totally keep you down man!

>one is a state employee
>one isn't

Yeah like why can't the cops just shoot the guns out of the bad guy's hands?

>lumber jack dies
lol shitty non cop subhuman doesnt know how to safly do his job
>cop dies
OMG this hero did everything the right way never made a mistake ITS SO UNFAIR!@!!!

>war in cops

Police are not some institution of purity. The police force is hardly home to police, and is full of criminals, trash thugs, and dirt bags and that means their victims are the populace.

>projecting faggot
That is exactly what you shill faggots say here daily about how cops are /yourguys/ and are "right-wing" and "conservative" and "redpilled" who hate "liberals"

What will Sup Forums project next?

>not investing in handguns skill
>not activating VATS when unsure

Cops on the street need to get their shit together and stop assassinating young Basketball-Americans. If I've learned anything from my 3000+ hours of training in realistic shooter simulations such as Call of Duty, it's that bullets reach their target instantly and it's easier to hit the legs when they're moving.

Who the fuck even trains cops these days? It's 20 fucking 17.

>I made a retarded comparison and will keep doubling down when it's pointed out how retarded it is
Come on man, step your game up. You can't be this retarded.

Your only argument is that bullshit court case that i disagree with. Whats the point bootlicker?

They cheer, because law enforcement is the white mans tool to oppress the minorities.

Okay, either you have some kind of brain damage where you can only speak in ridiculous strawman arguments or you're baiting.

One is a homicide, one is not.

How do you not understand this?

>being this new

Man, this stuff goes in cycles. Used to be whenever there was a happening, Sup Forums would get raided by gore and worse to forum slide and make users Alt+F4.

From time to time, the spammers adapt and we get barraged by garbage. You should have seen this place after captcha failed but before recaptcha, it was like 90% ads.

tl;dr this too shall pass

Why do niggers kill cops?