Here is the SJW bitch who ambushed Spicer at the Apple store, called he and Trump fascists, and then posted their conversation on Twitter.
Sounds like she has her own business in the DC area. Sup Forums should take an interest.
Here is the SJW bitch who ambushed Spicer at the Apple store, called he and Trump fascists, and then posted their conversation on Twitter.
Sounds like she has her own business in the DC area. Sup Forums should take an interest.
Other urls found in this thread:
i bet she would gargle on my pen0r
Funny how Pajeetesses here are conservative af (and racist too) but go all SJW when in Burgerland...
It seems they split 50/50 in the US. They are either extremely conservative, like Bobby Jindal in Louisiana, or they are antifa SJWs.
When you say conservative af and racist with it does that amount to anything more that hating the paks?
She is fucking awful. Her twitter feed is almost as ugly as she is
>being a social justice cuck
>being a faggot that buys "shiny toys for idiots" from Apple
There are no heroes in this story.
I don't think having Apple products makes Spicer a faggot. And even if it did, that level of faggotry doesn't hold a candle to a public SJW ambush.
Denounce her to the police for harassment!
She should close her account and her business and fully realize how worthless she is.
Not much the police can do if she didn't physically assault him or threaten to assault him.
Kek.. she must've been upset with all of our "frog" memes.
Is she not brave goy?
Just looking at her picture makes me rage. She only exists because of police and laws.
Typical cowardly SJW tactics...haha...but her equally idiotic friends will applaud her; all without a single cogent argument.
There are plenty of a ways she could self police her own shitty existence...
>Poos in charge of not being petulant SJWs
Apparently, this is the same cunt that blocked Betsy Devos from entering the DC middle school a few weeks ago.
Can someone Photoshop her face green? Her @twitter Nick says. @shreec. It would only be logical to do this and send it to her.
Nothing pisses me off more than some indian cunts running at the mouth.
They are pretty much guests in our nation and they run around acting like they own the place.