Go out

>go out
>50% of people i see have brown eyes
>day ruined

Tfw green eyes but black jewy hair

I know right...

>go outside
>see 2 people with brown eyes
>day ruined

>Still going outside

Kill you're are self my man

> be me
> darkbrown hair
> black curly beard
> brown eyes
> questioning my whiteness every single day

>go out
>day ruined

I suppose if you live in a hellhole you have to focus on irrelevant shit to keep your mind off the fact that you live in a hellhole and will probably grow old and die in that same hellhole.

so why exactly do serbs and croats and all the other 57 kinds of special in that neck of the woods hate each other? oh yeah, to take their minds off the fact that they are serbs and croats and the 57 other kinds of special that make the region a hellhole.


>not Anglo Brown Eyes Brown hair masterrace
Feel bad for you desu

>go outside
>see brown eyes
>literally keep walking

Grow the fuck up.

You're pathetic


>go outside
>see people
>day ruined

Go outside
Surrounded by niggers and spics
Day ruined

There's literally nothing inherently good about having white skin.

I knew this board was autistic but this is shill level right here

Pretty much this

>Go outside
>See a paki
>day ruined

Brown hair, blue eyes master race

>Don't go outside
>day ruined


>go outside
>see males below 6'2"
>day ruined

>Stay at home
>Watch anime
>Cry until I fall sleep on bed

>Go outside
>see retarded blonde person with yellow eyebrows and cold blue eyes
>remember i am a dark eyed alpha slayer which most women prefer
>laugh at blonde nord cucks and fuck their women

>Go out
>See a eastern european shit getting welfare
>Day ruined

>go to Tesco
>see 6 gorillion slavs working there
>'Excuse me where are the meal deals?'
>They all stare at you in utter bewilderment and scramble to get their leader
>By the time they get her you've fucked off and found them yourself
>tfw this actually happened to me

I like serbs and slovens.

Everyone else should be removed.

No joke this is my morning, I play a game to see how long it is until I see some fat hijabi with her 8 kids (including little girls wearing hijabs).
My record is 7 minutes into my 18 minute bus journey, fucking hate living in London

let's just have britpol piss off and go form our own community in West Country admitting only anglo-germanics to our ranks

sound swell or what?


who might that be?

pls, redbull me

Why can't we stop squabbling about minor things like this and defend whites in general before we start segregating by eye colour

Agreed, we can't let ((((((them)))))) divide us

>Go outside
>See a slav shit standing on the corner with shitty track suit drinking beer
>day ruined


>step outside
>see blond hair blue eyed aryan masterrace qt
>she turns her head
>her other eye is brown (mutt)
>day ruined

Yeh but no weebs or nerd virgins allowed

So i guess that means you cant come

>go out
>70% of people i see are blacks or arabs
>day ruined

>20% Irish
>6% slav
>5% Native American

I know that feel

do you have any more webms like that?

93% euro and most of that is from northern europe nonetheless, you're definitely white.


> Go on 23andme
> See this
> Life ruined

t-thanks user

>go out
>50% of people i see are brown
>country ruined

Looks like your on ramstein airbase.

Afrikaner myself

>go out
>50% of people are hazel-eyed
>day ruined

Nah just in nordrheinwestfalen

which company is that?

It is 23andme, just a slightly older interface

>paying to give your DNA to the Jews so they can sell it for even more shekels

fuck you I'll unlock the sharingan one day, you just wait there faggot

I've always wondered about this. What would anyone do with it though? The only thing I'd worry about would be law enforcement.

>go out
>hear more people talking turkish, polish, arabic or whatever other subhuman langauge than german
>feel like kms

>go out
>see fake blondes
>day ruined

>Divide and Conquer: The Thread

>For those who boast of their "purity," you have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents and so on. Go back 500 years or so and you have a million ancestors. A few more generations and everyone who ever trod the lands of Europe is your ancestor, including Huns, Mongols and Moors. There are no 100% pure Aryans as per 10,000 years ago. But we still do exist as a distinct and unique biological entity. The cultures and civilizations we create are beyond comparison. The beauty of our women, blondes, brunettes, redheads, green-eyed, blue-eyed, brown-eyed, is the desire of all men and the envy of all women. So, we do not want to be derailed by gossip or speculation on who may be 1/16th Indian or have some Italian, Spanish or Portuguese blood. We are not going to debate over whether the collective remaining White gene pool is 95% or 97% pure Aryan.

>Surely it would be a tragedy if the various divisions of our race lose their distinctive traits and beauty. And after we have secured the existence of our people and a future for ALL our children, hopefully we can take steps to preserve this diversity. But for now, we are going to accept the facts and circumstances as they exist. We are going to work together for the holy cause and we will not tolerate provocateurs, divisions or dissension. If someone looks White, acts White, fights White, then until their actions prove otherwise, they are our Folk. On the other hand, regardless of pedigree or appearance, those who oppose, criticize, hinder or fail to support our cause are no friends of ours.

>David Lane

>go out
>standing on platform at the train station
>guy comes up to me
>asks me what colour eyes i have
>he look closer at my eyes before staying "whoa, wow"
>i pretend to be nonchalant but inside i'm smug af

I love being white

I never knew David Lane was so intelligent and articulate. I only knew that he coined the 14 words. I'll have to research some of his writing

Data is extremely valuable. Probably the most valuable resource in the right hands. They don't sell your personal DNA. They sell the metadata. X country has Y amount of descendants from Z country.

Marketing, product placements, what to sell here, what not to sell there.


>go out
>day ruined

>go outside
>accidentally make eye contact with a qt3.14
>face gets deep red and I apologize
>day ruined
I live in hell

Lane was woke as fuck, he basically described Sup Forums at one point.

>There is no reason for the rank and file supporters of a resistance movement to have their true identity known to either friend or foe. As Bob Miles pointed out when he wrote of the fifth era of the Invisible Empire, "There is a need for a few public spokesmen. The rest of the Invisible Empire must be like the fog." In an occupied country a wise man does not paint a target on his chest and tell the tyrant, "Here I am."

how do you manage to be fucking hot even when vomiting ?

>wake up
>still alive and well
>day ruined

>wake up
>look in the mirror
>see brown eyes
>day ruined

>go out
>see shitskins
>move to a place without shitskins
>they all have blue eyes
>theyre still trash but at least theyre not aesthetically distasteful

its an imperfect world

My nigga

t. Shit-eyed freak

>tfw brown hair but blue eyes

Based Croat