Let's welcome our new friends by posting the reddest pills we have.
Red Pill Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
where is point 1 though 5 and 7,8?
Fundamental red pill: Blacks are just 15% of the population but commit the majority of crimes
Earth has a hollow interior
wait what ? are you unironically claiming earth is at any other shape other than flat ?
black males are 7% of population but over 45% of murders
Flat Earth is disinfo for hollow earth. youtu.be/BxyfiBGCwhQ
Shameful bump
Reminder Sup Forums is being shilled with bullshit do try to discredit its credibility
The final redpill of all time is that Jewish girls are qt3.14s and love white men, not the endogamous hook nosed beasts the (((media))) wants you to think they are.
Gay male here
I'm ready to hand out any redpills you need about gays
Trump or at least his son have visited Sup Forums
Electric Universe Theory is compatible with hollow earth. It also solves the fallacies of Einstein's theory. youtu.be/nxXodtJ5UQY
kek, so much projection in OPs pic its hilarious.
Obama used a foreign spy agency (British-GCHQ) to spy on a political opponent (candidate Trump)
Judge Napolitano interview on Fox Business Channel today
Anders Breivik's kill list
Newfags get in here
Oldfags post any red pills you have
regressives are racist against white people
regressives are sexist against men
feminism is a tool of cultural marxism that prioritizes abortion above women
>he was shot twice in his spaghetti
The Day Israel Attacked America
Bahrain: Shouting in the dark
Tegenlicht - The Israeli Lobby (AIPAC)
The Muslim Brotherhood In The USA
911 War by Deception (Mossad and Saudi connection to 9/11)
FINAL JUDGEMENT lecture (Mossad connection to JFK Conspiracy)
David Cole in Auschwitz (your right ear will enjoy it)
David Cole and Mark Weber on the Montel Williams Show
Jim Condit Jr. - The Zionist-Masonic Infiltration of the Vatican Church
Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness
The Dispossession of Europeans & Pathological Altruism
Nick Griffin & Jack Sen - The Battle for the Future of Europe
Hour 1 youtube.com
Hour 2 youtube.com
shame u on u leaf, what a disgusting pic
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the first and only factor of that. If you can't achieve these things in your real life, then you are of little benefit to other whites, and you are absolutely wasting your time here.
Always remember: We live in first world countries, and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. Spend your time wisely and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life
Fuck it
If I find any race of girl that can handle these red pills, I'll be happy. The world has too few of them left.
Breivik saved your country, you ungrateful little cocksucker
It's true but it's kind of a black and white view. You don't take the socio-economic marginalization into account.
Spicy curry makes your ring sting.
Assimilate or gtfo.
do gays suffer from fecal incontinence because of a destroyed anal sfincter?
Eating tuna increases your ejaculates viscosity.
Newfags, ignore idiots like these. They should lay off the "red" pills and start taking their actual meds.
is that yall quaeda?
That's fake you faggots just made it up
what's yr angle snowjew?
Fuck off Shill
i bet you did your research about those dead Norwegian before you put some slander text on them. that blond girl at the bottom
>political muslim
such a good job there, hope satan punish you well for this
niggers and lawyers
So tests are racist and trying to keep the black man down?
kk i'll hate on the blacks from now on, is hating jews and muslims also required?
Breivik saved us from a lot of liberal cancer, please come back when you're more unwilling to give our country away to strangers.
jesus, you really think killing a few makes a difference?
white ex-cuck on niggers
I mean, it's not against the law to disclose who you voted, but the ballot itself is to be kept anonymous. CNN's bias doesn't have to apply here
Fuck you, but thanks.
>smartest blacks commit more crime than the poorest whites
>i had to do like five captchas for this post
what's the matter jamal?
redpill too big to swallow?
Thats another discussion. i disagree with that too, But do you accept the picture? do you believe its accurate?, because that's my problem here. its false information, so that brevik might seem more reasonable.
you think its okay to lie a little for a greater cause huh?
t. nigger
>Not jamal.
I knew and understood the first pill, but the second pill drives it home that the problem is huge, not just for the US but the world. Why in the fuck did we feed them?
Fucking hell I'm tired of hearing that bullshit enabling excuse
How much fucking handicap does a nigger need before they stop being criminals?
Oh right they will NEVER stop being niggers
Very fucking few will turn out to be good ones and escape their nigger culture to assimilate into modern society
beats me.
libshits say it's because we showed them how to get shiney stones out of the ground
>competition is the problem!
>when all of these giant multinational conglomerates can easily purchase all the necessary land and resources to make a monopoly out of dudeweedlmao
Why don't you, like, set yourself on fire, man?
The truth is objective to the view of the beholder, like how light sis tje same yet many colors depending on how you look at it.
All in all. Most people are dumb , putrid and smelly monkeys. No matter the skin color .
Interesting stuff about the mental illness. I'm right-wing, but I struggle with anxiety and ADHD, and depression secondary to both of those. It's a strange situation I find myself in. I have a conservative mindset, but can't get over the mental retardation. I think this fuels it to an extent. All I hear around me is that none of this stuff is real and I just need to man up, yet no matter how hard I try I can't. Maybe I should join the ranks of leftist crybabies.
I was just thinking of good ol' Teddy K yesterday when I read the AP headline that the New York teaching licensure exam was racist because it had the unintended consequence of weeding out minorities because they couldn't pass it. Just another example proving Teddy K was right-on about the mentally defective left. It's not about equality of opportunity, it's about "equality" of result. Which is a ridiculous notion...
>its false information
So? What retard would actually believe what is standing there without doing research?
No not really but its still good for our country.
Sex and Culture by J.D Unwin
>The whole of human history does not contain a single instance of a group becoming civilized unless it has been absolutely monogamous, nor is there any example of a group retaining its culture after it has adopted less rigorous customs.[3]
>According to Unwin, after a nation becomes prosperous it becomes increasingly liberal with regard to sexual morality and as a result loses its cohesion, its impetus and its purpose. The effect, says the author, is irrevocable:
Tl;dr: Monogamy is necessary for civilization. Without it, people won't bother manning the walls, let alone conquering new lands.
Ivan visits the shitskins
>So? What retard would actually believe what is standing there without doing research?
Still i do hate people that make "research" mistakes or propagate lies on purpose. same as shill threads.
>Let's welcome our new friends by posting the reddest pills we have.
>want to convince others to share your views
>let's start with a 800-word quote from a domestic terrorist
If I ever doubt my leftist political beliefs, I'll just come to Sup Forums to remind myself how stupid righties are.
You have no idea what kind of cow shit you just stepped in newfag.
Wait, wut????
If you're claiming roe-vs-wade reduced violence among minorities, why are you showing per-capita homicides?
"retarded degrees" includes "health professions"?
Like doctors and nurses?
Why DO republitards hate health care?
>Trump or at least his son have visited Sup Forums
I'm not sure if you're praising Trump, or Sup Forums, but either way it's not really the accolade you think it is.
There used to be a lot more women getting computer science degrees. In the upper 30% back in the early 80s. I wonder why it plummeted so much.
>implying any of that is untrue
His "respect" for American Jews is clearly stereotype-based, but he's also a shill for Israel.
Women's ((((liberation))))
>can read the word retarded but not mostly
> 800-word quote
I forgot you can only digest info via memes
> a domestic terrorist
so what? At least he is making an argument. Your leftist friends just do the terrorism bit then run away from explaining your ideas.
"PR" has killed politics. This user is judging the METHOD of expressing and talking about points. That is party politics and marketing. They a have ignored CONTENT.
Ted made an analysis of the techno-industrial society (as it was) and its future that is pretty accurate.