Saw this at wal mart the other day
Why do we allow this shit in america? There should be a mandatory fat tax.
Saw this at wal mart the other day
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yes there should be, u disgusting fucks
Mtn Dew of course. Don't they know they can just drink water, or make bitter tea in home and take it with them?
Fucking human trash.
It actually makes me fucking mad. I have to pay for health insurance that I don't fucking use so I can fund this person's bad habits.
Is it true these type of people gets free healthcare and food cheques?
leave liberal shill
Yes! This is the shit that these people spend their money on. They take disability benefits from people who actually need it, along with whatever other welfare and shit they are on.
Probably already has been, since this is 60% country where nigger behavior is encouraged
This is why I don't fucking care about the fucking redskins either... they all, and I mean every single firewater shilling one of em, gets govt handouts in the form of food stamps (among other shit) out the fucking wazoo.
I went to visit the grand canyon, and there's a reservation there, I forget the name. Well, it was food delivery day and theven govt literally helicoptered down 2 fucking loads of just soda. Soda. Half the fucking shipment of food stamp purchased food that month was soda.
Needless to say they were all fat lazy fucks that smoked pot and swilled soda all day. They all blamed the white man for rampant diabetes in their 'nation'
Here, they are Huvasupai, or more commonly just Supai.
They are fucking roaches:
What is it with America and this degeneracy?
Is it because they never walk anywhere and never get any exercise at all?
Is it because they think that it's okay to eat 5000 calories/day? Is it because they're encouraged to do so?
or prison sentences
This shit makes me fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It shouldn't be accepted. We almost started getting rid of it until this "fat acceptance" movement started. Now people are actually PROUD to look like this.
These type of people have to be retard or something!? Or Am I missing something?
No and maybe.
If she makes under a certain wage (depending on dependents) she will get food stamps for free groceries.
Healthcare is a RIGHT and not a privillage! It's 2017 for God's sake!
I'm about to spend no ebt right now lads
Did she wear her pants?
There was a fat tax until obamacare.
What are you buying?
Is she trying to open a bottle of mnt dew?
there shouldn't be a fat tax, fat people just shouldn't be given any kind of welfare. Trump talked about ending waste, fraud, and abuse of government programs so hopefully everyone above a healthy weight will have their welfare removed.
that's her stomach hanging over her pants. nobody knows if she is wearing pants or not.
And i thought women in my country are fat. Thanks muric-user, you made me feel better
Icecream soda and frozen food
This is where our tax dollars go, to feed and house this gigantasaurus. Doesn't contribute anything to society. A glutton, a thief, and a bad example to all.
I agree there should be a fat tax. The problem is that these pieces of shit are too fat to work and are already on fat disability welfare. So I don't really see how they can pay it. If only there was some kind of mandatory camp where they can be regulated and monitored so they can concentrate on how to be better people.
There are some people who can't find clothes to fit their odd proportions when they get this fat. The money that we spend keeping these people alive is enough to fix so many more important problems. Plus they will lose weight when they have no money for food, so it's a win-win situation.
>Be me
>Health insurance meeting with company
>People spitballing ideas to make health insurance cheaper in our pool
>Idea floats that tobacco users should pay more
>I use snus
>I counter that obese people should have to pay more too
>Obese HR official asks me to leave
Fuck fat people
Why are the people in HR always fat women? Like it's a requirement for the job or something
I hate the tobacco argument. Tobacco is already expensive as shit, and government regulated, yet more people are dying from obesity than smoking. At my nearby hospital, workers are being told that they will be fired if they smell like smoke in the office, because it means they were smoking during their shift.
This was put in place by the obese guy running the floor.
The asian girl I'm dating works in HR and is prettt fat, I can confirm this is true in other countries.