He really was your /guy/ pol.
He really was your /guy/ pol
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what is he, sounds Muslim to me
hes hungarian/iranian
Jontron = Iranian - not even white
The full debate is on twitch tv starting at this time stamp
How did Steven become such a cuck? Didn't he used to be libertarian?
I heard Jon got rekt
Is it true?
Redditors are asking for his head. That means he is right about everything.
Jon had common sense on his side, he just isn't very good at conveying his point since he doesn't really debate people.
"""Destiny""" was not allowing Jon to use examples from other countries when discussing the USA because "we r onli talkin bout USA at the moment!" as if to imply what goes on outside the USA in terms of immigration has no bearing on what might happen to the USA.
Hungary is the most redpilled country in the EU (Probably even kicked Rotschild banks from the country, not accepting rapefugees)
Iran is the most redpilled country in the world (ever notice how zionists can't shut up about bombing Iran?)
That being said Jafari is neither a citizen of Hungary or Iran, he's a citizen of Zionist states of America
Jon's last name is literally Aryan
Wow, what a sleazy cunt. Literally who is this destiny faggot?
some now-irrelevant SC2 streamer
>last name
middle name and its not sourced on wikipedia
You do understand that race has nothing to do with redpill anyway
Understanding that different people have different intellectual capability is a part of the redpill, however you can be a redpilled fucking Australian aboriginal while understanding your inferiority
Him being white or nonwhite doesn't matter
IN FACT the only thing that matters is if he'll redpill masses or act as a retard and make "nazis" less appealable to masses
Time will show
The Destiny guy was saying it doesn't matter if whites go extinct.
Is he Jewish
>your favorite Youtuber is secretly fully redpilled
Best timeline.
He could have made some better arguments. The whole "voter ID is racist" narrative is easy to counter.
He is full cuck mode SJW. His debating tactics are Jewish. His voice, it's annoying as fuck. Partial Jewish DNA probable. Full Jewish DNA unlikely. His mind has been Jewed for sure though.
>Redditors are asking for his head. That means he is right about everything.
I think he's actually playing liberals though
It's a common tactic to invite a retard (or a paid actor) to defend the positions of your enemy so that you sound more rational.
Not that I'm complaining
>voter ID laws are discrimination
Holy fucking shit I knew this guy was a retard from when he "Debated" (if you can even call it that) lauren but holy fucking shit he is a gigantic retard.
>favorite youtuber
I hope nobody enjoys Pewdipie or Jontron unironically
Yes, they might do a good thing for the world, but they're impossible to watch if you're over the age of 14, they're nothing more than possible propaganda sources, their video quality is still sophomoric
>when the main argument against voter ID laws is that blacks don't have the means or resources to acquire one
>its the voter ID laws that are racist and not myself
That's all Jon had to say to that.
When he brings up points about voter ID laws, Sup Forums just says "I disagree" rather than countering them. And when Jon gets wrecked on stream, Sup Forums just says "he doesn't debate so it doesn't count", rather than conceding.
Oberstgruppenführer JonTron
People who are against voter ID laws say that the people don't have the means to get one.
Not to mention that having laws in place to assure that the person voting is an actual citizen makes sense and should have been in place from the start. The only reason I can see it not being law from the start is because when this nation was founded it was sort of hard to know who came here and helped found and settle America, and it was just never mandated even after the Nationality Act. That and IDs are a very new thing, relatively speaking.
>show a fact
>nu uh for bullshit reasons it's discrimination
Is this guy a jew ?
who gives a shit. Take this e-celeb faggot shit to Sup Forums
Destiny is the biggest cuck in the world. His "destiny" should be the oven, period.
Why would you say that it matters though?
If everyone's skin color just suddenly changed to brown, would anything bad happen?
It was pretty clear he's only just been venturing into redpilled waters and he hasn't fully substantiated and supported his arguments/beliefs enough, but he can see the truth in them.
What happened with the fat fucker? I don't remember Sup Forums ever loving this arab turd. But then again shills tried the same move with Milo when his scandal came out.
Is it? As a German I initially thought the same, because here everyone just has as ID on him all the time.
But apparently the situation in the US isn't the same and people have to jump through a bunch of hoops to be able to vote with those kinds of laws in place.
Do you think race is just skin colour?
He was talking about white people. I just assumed white people are people with white skin. Am I wrong in that? Are there differing definitions?
Do you think the only difference between people who are white and people who aren't white is their skin colour?
Yes, by definition. Unless I'm wrong in that the definition of white people is that they have a white skin color. That's why I was asking.
I love the vid where Destiny reviews Molyneux's Trump Muslim ban video
>What pisses me off is that he's so arrogant and so SMUG about it
he repeated the part where Stef's smugness pissed him off like 4 times, delicious tears
why aren't white people allowed to have their own countries
Do you think all white people are the same?
No, but the differences between whites and non-whites are greater than the difference between white groups.
Other than skin color? Not in general, no.
Lol. I knew Sup Forums people were retarded, but I didn't think I could see it first hand so quickly.
If black skinned people were facing extinction and white people had the opportunity to stop it, and even some black people were voicing their opinion about not wanting to go extinct but white people didn't do anything and continued to breed with them, whites would never hear the end of it.
I wasn't aware only white people had photo IDs
Iranian is pretty close to white.
Both Iranians and Indians come from one group and then that group comes from the same group as Europeans a while back (but not as far as other races)
Presumably if you go further back we then join with arabs
I have no idea where Asians come from, I can't find that info
>these are real, living, breathing human beings
Who is this SJW faggot with the gay as faggoty voice? I hope his boyfriend gives him AIDS and he dies
>No, but the differences between whites and non-whites are greater than the difference between white groups.
>Thinks that is wrong
>Calls someone else idiot
I lol'd
That's why "alt-lite'' doesn't work. You can't defend those views without embracing your nation and race as superior. Without that you're just conflicted retard on mental gymnastics.
Actual stormfags are at least consistent in their views.
Lol. Well I guess you got the moral high ground now. I mean using a completely irrational hyperbole.
The only country that matters to Destiny is the United States, dawg. And America is for everyone. Check your white privilege.
st8^ up lollin at you racists.
Okay, in addition to having their skin color changed to brown, every person in the world now has their skeletal structure or whatever changed too.
Would anything bad happen?
I subbed to jon after this
he needs our support
>he fell for it
What's wrong with being a racist?
Jonathan "His middle name is literally Aryan" Jafari.
In a purely abstract sense the only difference between two hypothetical white and non-white human beings is skin colour, but in reality there are differences between groups in things like ability to think abstractly, impulse control, reasoning, empathy, problem solving, etc.
Obviously there are outliers like dumb whites and genius level non-whites, but generally whites do better in the traits which are conducive to civilization, so any white nation that opens its borders will inevitably experience decline.
holds the world back from progress
Yes. Brown people have low IQs and can't maintain civilizations. Earth would be a slaughterhouse.
Hey Jon
You are doing the work of a patriot.
What is progress?
He lost 50,000 subscribers, this wasn't a publicity thing
This has damaged his reputation in the mainstream forever
if the intelligence stays the same
why progress is good ?
>so quickly
It's subjective. I guess my progress would be the betterment of humanity (standard of living for everyone) and yours would be remaining in power. Or would you say that whites being in power is best for everyone?
It's also damaging the mainstream through attrition. How many more will they lose to our side?
He lost 1% of his subs big fucking deal.
They were all Jews anyway.
I don't know where this extinction thing is coming from, but I don't see anything bad with not having either of those skin colors. What does it matter?
Again, if suddenly everybody's skin color changed to brown, white people would be 'extinct'. Why would anything bad happening follow from that?
>why progress is good ?
jfc,. lol. i can't believe you Sup Forums people
Except you know... That's not true.
>pol isn't racist guys
>Or would you say that whites being in power is best for everyone?
I would say that, but that isn't necessarily the goal. The goal is to make things better for white people.
fucking got em. please ignore the reddit so that we may persevere the echo champer
Except you know... it is.
Ya, i figured as much. Because all non-whites are pre-genetically disposed to being inferior, mirite?
I knew Jon was a disgusting racist ever since I learned that he was friends with Psychic "holocaust joke every podcast" Pebbles
Well, I want humanity to be able to achieve space travel. That's not going to happen with Africans and Middle Easterns holding us back.
>literal science denying cuckolds
I think that races being totally separated would better than for everyone,which is not the case
still didn't explain
Well if everyone just stopped speaking turkish and just forgot about turkey and its culture ever existing, turk people would be effectively extinct. Would it be bad, ahmed?
It would be bad because I like being white. Is that a crime? Soon enough it actually will be...
Ya you better hop on the Chinese and Indian band wagon if you want to get to space. Because whites are too busy defrauding the public of money to make that a priority.
asians and ashkenazi jew are better than whites
You have to go to city council/department of motor vehicles, fill out a form, present proof of citizenship and pay a small fee. The fee can be waived if you are unable to pay, so it is not even cost prohibitive. You also need this to legally collect welfare in many states, so the poor already have one
Can we put the Asians in power please?
>You must be at least this tall to have a valid argument
Progress is subjective. To even argue it's not good is literally retarded.
>expecting China to make a working space elevator when their usual elevators are total death traps
I am not god but it's slowly the case
>I know certain demographics commit more crime than others, I know they consistently score lower on IQ tests,I know their countries are always shitholes, I know they participate in terrorism and female genital mutilation and all other sorts of nasty stuff but but we are all just ONE HUMAN race ok?? Now talk to my bull Tyrone while I wash his laundry.,