Are all conservashits so fucking dumb?
Are all conservashits so fucking dumb?
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Thanks for giving me a preview of what I'm going to see on Facebook later.
Is this fake news or fucking real?
Is there any person who can be this stupid....?
>Is there any person who can be this stupid....?
>Is this fake news
First day online or something?
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the first and only factor of that. If you can't achieve these things in your real life, then you are of little benefit to other whites, and you are absolutely wasting your time here.
Always remember: We live in first world countries, and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. Spend your time wisely and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
>place mic/camera on microwave
>can now spy using microwave
gee, what a concept
Laugh it up retard, but if it has a camera and/or microphone built in, you would be saying... "No shit it is spying on you! Do you think spy movies are completely made up?"
I don't think she is actually stupid, just so completely devoid of any sort of moral compass that she has zero qualms with lying pathologically in order to maintain her current job and favor with the "president".
But ofc the evidence is all circumstantial, right?
There's certainly more evidence of this than the russia links, right?
Is she referring to signal wavelength that's subtle and hard to detect or a home appliance?
Cuckservatism is good if you want to avoid any progress.
P.s. slava ukraine
You just can't resist defending The Don and his ensemble of dumbfucked clowns.
Bush II made it okay for our president and staff to be retarded.
You can just say made up bullshit, hating liberals is the only important thing
Well, various organizations there, that have bugged phones, paintings, mattresses, furniture in general, plants, cats, fake dog-shit, jewelry, books, .. you name it.
David Brock
Microwave Pizza
Do you think she fellates your president to prove her loyalty?
that isnt wrong tho, many devices can be hidden in a microwave, and any "smart" tech enabled microwave would have spying shit for sure.
Kellyanne was always a dumb bimbo. She just got lucky with the campaign and then took credit
>implying the CIA hasn't been sneaking bugs into all sorts of electronics
Trump needs to drop this bitch ASAP.
The nips pioneered putting cameras and microphones in everything you mongo cunt
she is one of the good ol stupid redneck conservative that was the mainstream before. idk why she is part of trumps team.
ITSECfag here. If you had an exploitable Internet connected microwave I could definitely leverage it to spy on you. It's called pivoting.
Decent shill memes
>implying there is anything besides assertions that they were used on Donald Trump
I mean there are certainly assertions that he's a Russian plant as well, but you need more than circumstantial evidence before you can claim either of these things as true.
There have been hotels, that got bugged pretty much every room. Some even had a permanent room for the spying-staff.
>all these shills in this thread
can any of you prove her wrong? yeah exactly, just what I thought
Can you turn on your microwave with your phone or PC?
if yes then it can be used to spy on you
if no then it can not
luddite retards...
We know it's possible, but is there actual evidence? And if FISA did authorize surveillance on him or his organization, without Obama directly telling them to do so, what evidence did they see that made them feel it was necessary (which the judge agreed with)?
well, she said "could"
meanwhile the media said "Russia hacked the election" and "Trump is Putin's puppet" without any speculative verb or evidence to support their claim
they don't get to cry about evidence when they report twitter headlines and Sup Forums posts as fact
they are the tabloid media, so they can report like it
Fake News obviously - its from that Russian owned piece of shit the Independent; the only Russian piece of shit trying to influence the US elections.
>FISA wiretap
Pick 1
At least she didn't say her tv was spying on her, that would have been fucking crazy.
this, obviously. shouldn't be surprised most of you idiots don't know this.
>can you prove Donald Trump isn't a russian plant? Didn't think so kiddo
no more than you can prove her right lel
All anyone here has are assertions, and some circumstantial evidence. Nothing along the lines of a FISA order, or even if Trump had IoT microwaves (which would lend credence to the idea that he was spied on by microwaves lel)
I'm pretty sure the ground zero for this shit is the server (that was a fake set up by Evan mcmuffin)
The RulesEdit
1.“Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.
2.“Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.
3.“Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
4.“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
5.“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
6.“A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
7.“A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.
8.“Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
9.“The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.
10."The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
but that's fucking true.
>implying that anything with a speaker can't record sound
>implying that the CIA is uncreative and respects the sanctity of the American kitchen
11.“If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
12.“The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.
13.“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
Do you even know what "fake news" actually is? Or are you throwing that word around simply cause it's popular?
you mean three consecutive FISA requests, which were turned down until the last one left donald trumps name out of it?
yes, there is more evidence for the scenario that barack obama ordered trump to be spied on and that they bugged his microwave than there is for the russians... convincing people to vote for trump.
Obama filed 2 FISA warrants that got denied and the FISA court has a 0.03% rejection rate
Sure, please see the Vault 7 leaks from Wikileaks, and note that the CIA (and whomever now possesses their tools) can and do spy on all of us.
A president is a prime target for it, dipshit. Plus, there hasnt been a resounding no for Obama ordering a tap, beyond legalese.
Now prove the Russian allegations.
>It is not clear whether the intercepted communications had anything to do with Mr. Trump’s campaign, or Mr. Trump himself
I read the story too fuckwit, the wiretaps they refer to were on Russian officials which Trump's officials happened to be talking to.
That =/= a Presidential candidate being wiretapped.
Feel free to read it if you're at all interested in going beyond the memes.
suburban and rural folk.
Why does this bitch say stupid shit regularly, and why is Trump so reluctant to cut her. She was necessary during the campaign now it seems like she is just dead weight.
So let me guess, her point was that an electronic bug only needs access to electricity to work indefinitely and could therefore be connected to something as simple as a microwave.
I have TV, 2 pc:s, printer, 2 phones and god knows what else connected all the time. It would be piece of cake for someone who knows how, to arrange surveillance. Not worried though, since I'm publicly more evil than when home, so that's that.
i've bugged a microwave
what are you suggesting?
It's not even stupid.
Knowing Trump Towers they probably have Smart Microwaves.
Which come with Microphone included.
People have already hacked Smart Toasters to get into peoples computers. Smart Technology is not well secured and gets exploited every day.
Either fake news or taken out of context.
She could have meant that the microwave was bugged, but you know how media is.
Feeling left out op?
Ben Rhodes is a failed fiction author who decided to create fictions for the White House to sell their Iran deal instead.
Going off that
Any of these can be hacked.
she is not conservative, she is hired to diffuse situations. she is paid to be dumb, and because of her being employed rather than elected she does not have to care about her reputation.
>Wikileaks reveal that CIA can use any "smart" device for espionage
>normies ignore it
>Conway suggests a microwave oven was used for espionage
>"hurhurhur how can anyone be so stupid" t. normies
That's great, now we need to find out what evidence they had for the surveillance and if it still included actually spying on Trump somehow. It would be very interesting to see since the POTUS doesn't have the power to formally order a wiretap of a US Citizen, that's up to the Justice Dept/FBI.
>see the Vault 7 leaks from Wikileaks
what is circumstantial evidence, which is exactly the same sort of evidence that Trump is a plant in the form of Flynn's resignation, Sessions' recusal, and this bizarre interview with Carter page
As I said, there is about as much evidence for Trump's claim as the assertion that he's a plant, that is: it's all circumstantial.
Literally who cares if it's true or not as long as it helps advance the goal of arresting Obama, executing him for high treason and dumping his body in the Potomac River
People saying this could be and you can't prove it's not true should step back for a moment and ask the more serious question; why the fuck would someone tap a microwave? Have you ever made serious plans around a microwave? Do you tell your microwave your secrets?
This is all a pathetic distraction from a diseased mind.
Still need a warrant when it involves americans
>TV spies on you
>Phone spies on you
>Computer spies on you
>Smart Fridges could be spying on you (they use software known to be compromised)
>Smart thermostat definitely spying on you
Is it that far fetched your microwave could spy on you
>Needs a warrant
Through the FISA courts which aren't required to disclose proceedings and authorize 99% of requested warrants? It's a rubber stamp.
Wasn't there a user that broke down how to use a microwave to ping someone physical location within a house hold a couple days ago?
Regardless she might be thinking of range-r radar which is a some what new tech that allows the law enforcement to use microwaves to detect motion through walls.
key word formally. the potus doesn't formally have the authority to funnel millions of taxpayer dollars to la raza, either, but ol barry got er done.
not if you're initially spying on Russians and evidence turns up involving Americans.
If you want to investigate the Americans following this discovery then yes you do (iirc)
Flynn literally dindu nuffin (except lie to pence), session recused himself because if he were to investigate the trump campaign for anything he'd be investigating himself which is dodgy as and I ain't watching that video
>Detailed analysis of hundreds of spying tools targeting specific architectures like smart TVs
>Only circumstantial evidence of spying
Shut your mouth. I don't want to see any Russian flag anywhere in Sup Forums
then there should be evidence of it, like the la raza findings. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and all that.
do you think that might have something to do with the strength of the evidence regularly being brought by intel figures? They probably aren't going to waste their time unless they really think something is up tbqh.
Given the autistic, desperate, defensive response to this alleged comment she made - I'm inclined to believe her. The deep state and criminal underclass always reveal themselves in this way. They showed their hand when they went on the defensive with "Pizzagate", and inadvertently broadcasted it to millions of unaware people because they were so scared of not having control of the narrative.
> Are all conservashits so fucking dumb?
No she's one of the smart ones
there IS evidence. the FISA proceedings. that is evidence. trump making the accusation is also evidence. the recent CIA leaks contain evidence that this kind of behavior is not abnormal.
you have plenty of evidence. and it is not an extraordinary claim, it is an ordinary and unsurprising claim.
>let me talk to you for a minute in the kitchen
I'm no one, and several people have pulled me aside to discuss sensitive shit in the kitchen. You could bug the stove, the microwave, the panel on the fridge. Spy cams can be the size of the tip of your pen, and microphone wires are even smaller.
if it is a "smart microwave" with internet (if those exist, I know there are smart fridges) then he really could judging by recent cia leaks
To summarize it for you, the guy basically revises his lie about once a minute for twenty minutes, it's surreal af.
And what was it he lied to Pence about again? Oh right, what he discussed with the Russians. And yes, yes it would be dodgy. But the funny thing is neither figure did anything about it until the media freaked tf out at them.
What's weirder is Trump actually knew Flynn lied to Pence for two weeks (according to McGahn) before the media flipped and forced the resignation, and Pence had to find out about the lie in the Washington Post (according to Pence's spokesman)
>evidence people have power to do blank = definitive evidence people have done blank
day of rake when
She was talking about using microwaves to look through walls. Something we've been able to do for over a decade.
Putting cameras/mics in benign objects is old school CIA.
Microwave makes a GREAT candidate for a spy cam because the LCD panel for the display is transparent, and you can hide a camera behind it, and it already has a 5V power supply for the control board.
I know this, because I used to work for a PI who investigated abusive babysitters and he used to do this.
> microwaves that turn into cameras
Thank you America.
This is almost funny enough to distract me from Brexit ruining my country.
In this day and age you don't even need to do that, half the appliances have cameras or microphones built into them and are connected to the internet
Was the video any good?
>the FISA proceedings.
Did they actually get a FISA warrant to monitor Trump then or not?
> trump making the accusation is also evidence
"because Trump says it, it is therefore true"
It's also hilarious that he made the claim and only after starts the investigation.
>the recent CIA leaks contain evidence that this kind of behavior is not abnormal.
they contain evidence of their capabilities, not evidence of them spying on a presidential candidate. Talk about a leap of logic ffs
>it is not an extraordinary claim
Just unprecedented (or unpresidented?) is all lel
she wasn't talking about ``microwave ovens'. she was talking about actual microwave radar. they're like X-ray cameras except they can operate with only one pole. they're probably not healthy.
no doubt a joke taken out of context
>fuck off
"microwaves that turn into cameras"
Pretty positive she's referring to web connected microwaves m80 via unpatched exploits/zero days
No, im calling out the Indy/Russian owend piece of shit for its many fake articles.
Kenya dig it?
Obama wire tapped Trump. This is just facebook sludge for the feminists liberal cunts to consume so whenever anyone brings up the wire tapping they splurt out "through a microwave!?!" while they spit out their mcrib all over their honda accord.
>read extract about emerging surveillance technology referring to mircowave radar
>Take away: Obama's spying on Trump with Mircowaves turned into camera!
I'm not defending her but the argument that a microwave cannot be 'bugged" is just as ridiculous.
fear the toaster men, fear them or they will eat you
hans I have some bad news for you about loose women
proofs of your first claim?
>inb4 they have the ability to do so, thus they must have done so
you realize the red states are almost the fattest fucking places in the world right?