It's them who say it :

Other urls found in this thread:ébirébir

>willing to risk your navy falling into German hands
>best country in the world

Pick one.


france blows

France is not white anymore.

Like Poland.

I know, is that we want Le Pen 2017.

At least we are white and straight, can you say the same about you country Muhammad?

Yes I can say "at least we are white and straight" me too, stupid polish.

wew shitskin got mad :^)

I Wonder if France will ever be France again. It's kind of depressing. There is a whole continent for african people so why does our country must be a shithole too? How could the mass not see?

Will you stop posting this thing someday? It has been debunked like 1500 times in the past months.

There are other documents showing that 35% of births are non-white.

This document is wrongly interpreted by the little arms.

Because you know, the UK is worse, Germoney is worse, Spain is just a country of shitskins, and so is south Italia.

Nordic countries are now shitholes. So France doesn't look that bad compared to our neighbors (while we actually are in a bad situation)

I agree.


>"Country : South Africa"



No.France is dead.


bien dit mon ami


>this shithole used to be European capital of culture
really made my brain move

Only because you have best neighbour. ;^)

Combien de fois est-ce que ça va être prouvé faux? Sérieusement. Ce n'est pas elle.


why only 1 pick ?

wtf is this video, this is so cringy

Only for this ?
But thank's ;)

You have never seen this video ?



Only if you manage to put Le Pen in office.

Why ?

no, why


>Because you know, the UK is worse, Germoney is worse,
Neither of us has your jus soli bullshit.
The brits voted out of the EU and we run the EU

And percentage wise you have way more of non-whites
By what criteria do you think you are not the most fucked and you are not going to be the worst if this god forsaken refugee crisis ever ends?

I am genuinely curious because I feel like we damaged you the most but if you are saying you are fine and even better than the UK then I would feel less guilty about what we are doing right now.

Just to know, because this video is so overkill

Everyone can agree on France being the best country.
Everyone can agree on French being the worst cunts.

We are the guardians of the true holy land, the defenders of the Cocagne country, the final line against every invaders in this world, we're so awful nobody will ever consider staying in France more than an 2 week vacation.

uncuck the country: France edition

post the debunk info then?

Thanks for giving us based jets France
Get well soon!

You're welcome!

How much percent ethnic white French would you be?

Like USA you mean.

we don't have any fucking high ground to stand on for this buddy
>im literally shaking

>nigger tier music at 0:47

damn it.

Oh shit...

No not really. Just as bad as the rest.

I also hope...
Or Fillon at least.

>tfw you have one of the most beautiful country in the world
>tfw you are not good, strong or intelligent enough to prevent it from doing sudoku
Feels bad man

Not so "bad" like many countries.

You will be officially called "Nouveau Afrique" by 2025.

I'm very not sure about that...

okay Ahmed

France hasn't been France since its adoption of socialism in the 19th century. As long as socialism and the French current social system aren't completely exterminated, France will never be itself ever again.


>adoption of socialism in the 19th century
PLEASE name the " french socialist leader" of the 19th century so I can mock you

>Be cuck
>try to find out if you're a cuck
>get cucked by state

Didn't the French government rule that "French" wasn't an ethnic group? Have fun with the niggers, Pierre.

I really like France desu. Grenoble was beautiful and the people there hated muslims openly

because "canadian" is ?

>rape white french pussy and the men will do nothing for being faggots
>free housing, free healthcare, free subsidies at the expense of french taxpaying cucks
It sure is great to be shitskin in France

I never said it was, although it is an option on the census and most Québécois identity as ethnically Canadian. But the French people are very much an ethnic group, every country in the world knows this except for France.

>>free housing, free healthcare, free subsidies at the expense of french taxpaying cucks
you're thinking bongland

>But the French people are very much an ethnic group
You clearly know nothing about french history. If you're gonna tell me I'm from the same ethnic group that some asshole from Marseille or some pseudo-Kraut from Strasbourg, get fucked.

At least they're white.

> Everything about ethnicity, culture, history, values, etc... are irrelevant because MUH SKIN COLOR
You're why everything is shit.

Here it is, the average socialist cuck going about "muh republic", no borders bla bla bla.
Hence why France is completely fucked. Behold, people.

pointing out how retarded are your arguments doesn't make me a cuck but does make you an idiot

Every single time Soros puts a sheckel in the shill machine #HeWillNotCuckUs



>Nordic countries are now shitholes. So France doesn't look that bad compared to our neighbors (while we actually are in a bad situation)

C'est toujours le jeu du moins pire, hey Jeanne...

Vive la france!

The best at surrendering

Je me demandais quand vous alliez arriver, Mr Westmount.
Qui est dans l'images pour aujourd'hui?


Don't talk about this, you're spanish and your country is invaded too.

It would be true but France is no longer France.

And why ?

Because burgers see France as a giant amusement park and they don't tolerate brown skins in their park. Burgers tolerate brown skins only in their home, cleaning, making dinner or taking care of their kids.

I think is true.


>That video

What ?

Nigger music, looks like a photomontage from 2000 and random pictures found on google. It is perfect


Il est moche le petit fils de Chirac.

Comme quoi, il ne faut pas grand chose pour soutenir Macron...

Hollandia is.



What did the French did to you to be so acharned ? Are you a Drahi Shill ?

I swear, one day we will come to the conclusion that immigration cannot be stopped and that African countries are unable to control their population. It will be universally accepted to invade your shithole to "manage" your population for its own good.