When did you realize Terry Davis is the most redpilled man alive?
>built the third temple
>is extremely wary of CIA niggers and their subversion tactics
>knows the big companies cant be trusted
>knows bill gates has nigger cattle
>his dog's name is dog
>his bird's name is bird
>extremely smart and talented programmer
When did you realize Terry Davis is the most redpilled man alive?
also, he killed a CIA nigger with his car in '99
he also compares his mother walking down stairs as having painful orgasms
>>his bird's name is bird
Bump and quick rundown on Terry via Terry
can anyone Sup Forums tell me if this guy actually a savant tier programmer or just an entertaining schizo?
he's a genius
He's a genius.
Didn't he kill his bird awhile ago? Kek
he's a genius
In all seriousness. If you watch him for awhile it is quite sad. His mental illness is quite debilitating.
Holy shit is this fucking real?
you'd be insane too if god spoke through you.
>that was dumb because they're niggers
Look by yourself ,he does streams too.
Pic related
He's a tragic hero. When we all stand together at the end of time Terry will say it was all worth it. I say this without irony and I fully expect absolutely no one will understand it.
Here he is explaining some aspects of TempleOS
He is definitely a genius first and then whatever else you want to say second
Needed link. Whoever edited the video did great
Terry has always been on Sup Forums, glorious bastard.
Is there anybody else closer to being the manifestation of a living meme than this guy? Holy shit I just subscribed to his YouTube channel.
he's a legit programming genius
wrote his own assembly language, comiler, and OS from scratch.
He did something it would take a company like microsoft to do by himself
He had a very successful career before going schizo too
I think he's a top example of the white Christian genius we have sitting on the sidelines
Can we pls meme Terry into being IT head for the Trump administration?? Pls
This, he is an amazing programmer , if he wasn't schizo he could have had an amazing career. What a shame.
"The Holocaust?: Wanted to compress the jews" HAHAHAHAHA.
Terry is based af.
He isn't schizo, he's just been targeted for decadees by spooks who want to misuse his genius
>Windows, Linux and VMware (because of mounted drives) must support RedSea file
system so I can get rid of 2,000 lines of redundant, blemished code -- FAT32 and
ISO9660. God's temple must be perfect. Redundant code for multiple file
systems is imperfect.
>It's fucking Algebra, nigger.
That isn't hard to do though.
Here come the MIT and CIA niggers now to shit on him that this thread got some traction
Like clockwork,
He also won't ever support any type of outbound/inbound connection, free from CIA niggers.
>amazing career
You mean being milked by Jeegle or MicroPoo? That sounds retarded. Going schyzo was definitely the right choice.
>mfw Brazilian/Mexican Dune Army
Where's your custom ASM, compiler, and novel OS built to God's specifications that serves as God's temple on earth?
He obviously has some mental issues, maybe it isn't schizo who knows.
Last stream he talked about how he hilled his bird last week, and he is now obsessed with that physics girl supporting him.
He also writes in HolyC, his own prophetic dialect of C. He's legit great though.
By getting more people by his side, im sure he could do more with likeminded people around him, i despise microshaft and jew inside.
>likeminded people
I don't think anyone has a mind quite like Terry's.
Well physics girl was activelly helping him last time i checked.
Terry was redpilled and taking out CIA niggers while everyone else was having fun with their dreamcasts 9/9/1999
He'd just be another unknown code monkey doing unappreciated genius work for schlomo. It's better this way. TempleOS is like cyber outsider art.
That last "UHUHUHU" was almost JoeysWorldTour. And yeah that's true, does he live from welfare? He must have some money because he paid 3000$ to an artist for all the artwork, then he fired him because he only drew penises.
God's list of words that He spews back at Terry is so neat. It reminds me in a way of "reverse speech" which Jeff Rense likes a lot to show the congruity or incongruity of a person's intentional speech with what their subconscious says by listening in reverse. Some of the TempleOS hymns are also quite beautiful and on Youtube as well
All Sup Forumstards and trap lovers head to 2:10 and get the truth.
Poster child of mkultra
In case none of you know, Terry was one of the very excited interns who wanted to join the CIA back in the 80s. They had actually used him as a test subject, then when they were finished they did not bring him on. Its why he hates them so much now and does everything he can to take jabs at them.
So fucking real
I was watching early last week to see if he talked about Vault 7 (didnt see) but he redpilled me on soccer being homo as fuck and showed the Bible verse proving it. God not imperssed by the legs of a man
>danny got me high on gas fumes and we sucked each other dicks
Bump all Terry threads for max exposure
One of the few /ourguys/ who is 100% reliable
He can't be bought or threatened. He makes people Like Gavin Mcdildo look pathetic. Here is some rare Terry wisdom on ties and the nature of your slavery:
My other thought was about the neck tie. One boss at Ticketmaster used to
joke he saw no point starting the day tieing a noose around his neck. Was
there some shrewd psychology involved in the invention of the tie? What
subconscious message is passed when a professional presents himself to a
nonprofessional? If a tie resembles a noose... is it a promise on the part
of the professional that he is willing to pledge his life by his work? Or,
would a nonprofessional be motivated to fight or submit if he sized-up a
professional bodily for vulnerabilities to expliot in a physical conflict?
Should an engineer make a similar pledge--put a big button on his shoulder
wired to his heart saying press to deliver a lethal shock to my heart. (If
you can!)
Knights used to wear shields. A tie represents an anti-shield. The notion of
letting your guard down is a Christian notion... should I think of ways to
spread symbolic psychological notions of letting guards down all over in
Indian level programming genius?
Get back to your shitting street, pajeet.
I'm not sure working for a fraction of the wage of others is a sign of genius.
That is a fascinating insight. Thanks for sharing. I really need to start reading and watching more from this man.
Fuck off you horrible Paki. Terry is God.
The dumb nigger cattle always arrives
Your jealousy is an answer in itself
kill yourself dumb street shitter
Unwittingly, you flagrantly display the very manner of your slavery. Your first post was a boast about the ability of your peers and your response was yet more posturing. Of course I foresaw not only that you'd respond but the manner in which you would engage your detractors. How blind you are.
Let me then illuminate you to the nature of your condition. You see, the very rich and clever of the world always crave more wealth. One of the easiest ways to procure that wealth is through dispossessing others of theirs. In the modern world this takes the form of wage reductions. There are several mechanisms employed to this end but for now I'll focus on the one relevant to people like you. Now one way to lower wages and pocket the difference is to take one set of workers and replace them with another in such a way as to pay this new group less. This new group is you. Now this new group must be stupid, downright naive really. Because in order to convince them to work for less they must be willing to accept something else in place of actual pay. Something that will give them a smile on their faces and allow them to happily receive half the pay. That thing is pride. The pride you so ridiculously display.
So you see my dearest little street shitting subhuman nigger cattle, the big wigs and executives heap upon you praise, cheap ludicrous praise instead of actual money. They stage photo ops and write articles about how great you are so you smile and brag while working for pennies. And while they do this they make eyebrows at each other and wink knowingly at how foolish you are. At how all that value you exchange for praise goes right into their pockets. You're the ultimate fool and everybody but you knows it.
Pakistan is CIA central
Hahaha. Spot on.
>knows bill gates has nigger cattle
what? is this to do with Bill Gates trying to spread his meds to Africa or some shit?
I do the same thing with my pets
It is a sign of autism?
No, user. If you use Windows you are the nigger cattle.
>Bill gates and the illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle
you're the cattle
POO IN LOO you parotting puppet, playboy scum on top
>>knows bill gates has nigger cattle
What does it mean?
From my understanding he single handedly created the OS airlines used with air traffic control for about two decades before it was too obsolete
That and ticketmater's ordering system were his big normie accomplishments, but his collaboration with God will be the lasting testament