What would it take to (((Trigger))) a full out holy war?
What would it take to (((Trigger))) a full out holy war?
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A second coming. Fake it with holograms and CGI.
But the west world wouldn't get fooled by some holograms?
Why not? They almost got fooled by Hillary and she's a reptilian wearing a human skin suit.
A suitcase nuke going off in the middle of St Peters square in Vatican City during the Pope speech on Easter with ISIS claiming responsibility.
After that, muzzies will get BTFO by the millions ...
Nothing, people are pussies
Christ returns and is murdered by a Muslim.
Maybe if ISIS nuked Rome
>the fall of western secular society through uncontrolled muslim imigration
>a rise of ultra religious christian groups who take control of the country
>unification of the west under one religion
>outward aggression against the ones who led to the destruction of the west in the first place (literally the day of the rope as /pol imagines it)
>retaking of the holy land and glassing of muslim countries
won't happen
But Jesus designated them and jews hate him now, are you saying he was also IN ON IT ?
>Jesus was jewish himself
Makes you think,doesnt it.
>won't happen
Why not?
Christians are already targeted by ISIS, they bombed lots of churches in the middle east, and Islam showed it's true self when refugees started flooding Europe, and no one is doing anything about it.
Because i say so.
> What would it take to (((Trigger))) a full out holy war?
At this point - nothing, i fear.
We need at least a decade to build up a counter culture that outright rejects all of the lefts premises.
We have enough theoretical writing by now, even if the seminal work a movement can rally behind has not yet emerged.
The next focus should be media.
We need a right wing "Easy Rider".
>deus vult xD
>based templars xD
Fucking LARPing faggots, the Mongols slaughtered the Muslims and brought them to their knees. The Crusaders won like once or twice.
>the fall of western secular society through uncontrolled muslim imigration
if the imigration happens fast enough so that the economy/society collapses, then there might be still enough people left to topple the relative muslim minority; if the imigration happens to slowly to let that happen, and the economy/society doesn't collapse spectacularly in a short time, then no one will act until muslims are a majority after 2-3 reproduction cycles; then it's too late
>a rise of ultra religious christian groups who take control of the country
maybe still possible in america with a relative big portion of ultra religious christians left, but europe would just split into too much other fractions with a purely religious group having bad chances at coming out on top
>unification of the west under one religion
again, internal dispute even between the different interpretations of christianity, let alone other more dividing factors, makes this unlikely
>outward aggression against the ones who led to the destruction of the west in the first place (literally the day of the rope as /pol imagines it)
maybe in some countries, but to make this effectively, you'd really need the complete collapse of all western countries at the same time, otherwise another country would just intervene in a (profitable) conflict. Before you swedes could kill all muslims, if your country collapsed, germany would intervene for example
on the other hand, if all of the west collapsed at the same time, china (or whomever) would just stomp us as soon as possible
>retaking of the holy land and glassing of muslim countries
atleast one muslim country would start using nukes when faced with complete destruction, therefore we won't dare touch them
agree with pretty much all you said
>atleast one muslim country would start using nukes
does any muslim country have systems to deliver them as far as europe?
My persoal current larp fantasy:
> Turkey pivots towards russia, leaves NATO
> suddenly the strategic importance of the Bosporus can not be ignored any more
> make Constantinople great again
> Putin lays low because direct confrontation with the west is not worth it
> reverse-crimea.jpg
>does any muslim country have systems to deliver them as far as europe?
good question. I really have no idea how good those paki nukes are, but i guess they would just threaten russia or china with mass bombing if they were to perish, basically blackmailing them into protection (of course at the risk of triggering preemtive strikes from those countries, but if they are lost anyway it's a risk worth taking)
plus: altough not official, i truly believe the saudis have 1-2 nukes somewhere they could deliver to europe; they're just too rich/influential and crazy enough not to have them
Jihad nuke
The Mongols also raped and destroyed Christian templars
The Mongols could've taken Rome easier than my sister takes black dick
one bullet.
All you need is the pope to call for it. Everyone else will make it happen.
At this point, only places like Sup Forums can make this happen. (((They))) have done a fantastic job of keeping people in the dark and loving the sin they commit. What needs to happen is mass-redpilling the likes of which Hitler did.
Either we need a new Hitler, or more exposure.
This will happen, or we will all fail. There will be no in between. The Truth cannot be hid.
convert the muslim barbarians
Why are crusaders so romanticized on Sup Forums?
They were nigger-tier
> leaf ...
Cucking for cucktianity is precisely what got us into this mess of allowing pedophile occultist jews control our politicians.
Deleting science
>Protip: you can't
>Brotip 1: all organized religions a shit
>Brotip 2: culture, not race or religion
Somebody destroys the cube in the name of God