>hey user
>stop littering and please recycle
wat do?
Hey user
Other urls found in this thread:
punch her in the gabber and steal the weed nugget
>she still hasn't switched to dabs
bitch why u look like casper
you're under arrest for illegal possession
because flowers are pretty and they smell lovely and the smoke tastes better
That's a big bud
Well, if she's Swedish, the answer is clear, wrestle her down on the ground, pull down her panties and rape her.
arrest for possession
this girl is ugly as fuck
When did Elijah Wood start taking hormones
I want to become a heroin addict with her.
You guys are so autistic and then you wonder why white girls fuck black men. They don't save images of a tramp and repost them every day and hour, and make memes of her. They talk to her instead of clogging up Sup Forums with virgin oneitis trash. Neck yourselves already.
actually, for short hair that's erratically styled, her face is pretty qt
Yeah sure lets smoke dat shit.
how are there so many pics of her
Hey faggots, I'm smoking hash in Oregon.
Try getting me arrested here. Oh you can't? Awww
Recycling is a Jewish invention that leads to the working class wasting time on absolutely pointless pursuits while the globalists are flying provate jets and destroying the manufacturing in the West
I'd rather you to be free to do whatever you want on your own property, senpai.
For you
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd DENIED!
Saged for libwhore spammers
Go away, Frodo.
flavor of the day, etc.
That's a big bud
Anyone who intentionally or casually litters should get heavily fined, to be desu honest, honestly.
you stop. and recycle.
are you fucking retarded or what?
You are under arrest for a felony of holding a contraband drug, you will be executed for disobedience to the state
Look at her eyes.
There's nothing behind them. All the years she spent smoking weed, drinking herself stupid, shame-walking home and then claiming she was raped have taken their toll.
She is dead inside. Even if she was capable of loving you she'd still glitch out one day and kill your pets and destroy your possessions.
Like my doggo?
Watch it you literal nazis
If you ripped off that bong, would you get high?
she has nice color eyes.
Who is this weed frodo?
Oh heres my new album.
>assume this is satire
>check flag
the white guilt is strong in this one.
This is why we keep losing women to the Left.
August is an emo kid who got a bunch of sympathy and affection from the libtards and went along with the group because if she didn't she'd lose her hugbox.
You're not helping.
Ahhhhhhhh the "power of pussy" compels this lad
>You are weak young jedi
Nah. This is a girl who will take a walk with you and talk about about anything. She's outgoing and interested in attending outdoor events.