Are women inherently left-wing Sup Forums?

Are women inherently left-wing Sup Forums?

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Not necessarily.

But when the left supports abortion and equal pay while the right opposes these things, a woman would have to be fanatically conservative to vote for the right.

You are so wrong, sweetie.

No, but there are issues for women that are negatively effected by right-wing social conservatives(access to birth control, women's rights, etc.) so they trend towards left-wing.

That's why you saw a lot of white women voting for Trump-too many problems from clinton campaign

what does anime feet smell like?


They're heavily influenced by the media which is unbelievably left wing.

Are feet degenerate?

Right-wing means survival of the fittest, and in modern times it's adopted the idea of giving people a more equal starting point.

Left wing is about equality all the way through, meaning you need a massive government presence to ensure those struggling are taken care of with the resources garnered by other people.

Which sounds more like what a woman has depended on for all of time?

People are inherently left wing.
It's right wingers that are the freaks.

where's your infographs and evidence

Women are inherently for whatever will ensure that they can live comfortably, and reproduce without having to fear for poverty or death.

The status quo is leftist, so they support that.

Young men inherently support upset and change, since chaos is an opportunity for personal advancement and gain.


Right wing girl here, no they are not.

Sup Forums full of degenerates comfired


Then why have people been conservative throughout almost all of recorded history?

transe verpiss dich

women are inherently emotional and selfish which makes them easy targets for leftwing trickery

>people inherently love to have the fruits of their labor seized by the government to support an ever growing percentage of the population who wastes their free time on consuming media instead of developing skills.

Yeah people are inherently naive and idealistic too but you grow out of it when presented with adversity and facts.

post feet

Uzuki-chan is cute.

source on pic senpai, i need it for a friend

wow rude

Sorry I'm not a slut, my bf would get mad...

>Right wing
>In Germany
I'd say carry a gun to protect you from the rapists your government imported next to you, but they don't allow you to have one.

>bf knowing you posted your feet on a chinese cartoon board

No, but the average woman has a more 'follower' type of mentality than the average man and tends to follow whatever is mainstream in society and in the Western World, that's leftism.

Women are inherently emotional, more susceptible to mob mentality, and more self centered. So yes, they are inherently left wing.

Monogamy was a male construction, not a female one, keep in mind.

Nice meme.

Fuck no... you need to get out more.
>there are plenty of women who will look you dead in the face and say they belong in the kitchen tending to their children

you know, i always wondered what right wing girls tits with current time stamps look like...

Foot fetishists are the most obnoxious fetishists of them all and somehow manage to be the creepiest. They are the only people who will attempt to throw their fetish into normal conversation as if fetishes are something dudes like to sit around and talk about with their bros.

I can post feet if you want

No, women are whatever society says is the way to be.

I am Sikh and the women in my family are VERY conservative. Why? Because our community and temples teach them to be. When I see à "sikh" girl dressed like a slut, I know she has not had the same conditions that I have and fell in with white bitches that taught her that it's okay to treat sex like it's any other human activity.

Your community has been poisoned by leftism, that celebrates endless sex with even abortions.

Control what your community teaches, you will control your women.

That's a relative term.

Shhhh, it's an anonymous board... shhhhhh

Nope thanks for the cute feet though. My sister only became left wing after years of indoctrination in college

>american women
thread ruined
you have weird friends

If men are doing their job, yes, women feel secure and think all these silly laws and rules and borders don't make sense, like children.


wew, looks like she was sprayed with shit

women are more compassionate than men
more compassionate people are more left leaning

Do you need to be a Sikh to marry a Sikh? Just curious

I am not. When I graduated high school 4 years ago I was extremely liberal.
After working in retail I could not care less about the treatment of any brown foreigners in the US or abroad. They are almost all unbearable, and I do not want them here.

when will you faggots stop pushing your gay agenda?

>equal pay
The right is about contractual liberty, if women need government to interfere in contractual relationships, then they are inherently left-wing.


Women are socialists by nature.

Men aquire ressources they consume. Take care of kids / elderly / puppy's.

Men are capitalists by nature:

Take risks and try to get to the top of the food chain.

If you can't fend for yourself or produce for the group you are a liability

This is why men vote more right wing while women vote more left wing

Of corse this is generally speaking, there are right wing women and left wing men

Yes. Women vote with their feelings rather than with logic.

Females are inherently dependent. Leftists are inherently dependent.

Post more!

>dem titties
honey, you know the drill.

Nice quads.

I would only marry à sikh, but our religion does not require it. It's kind of open in that regard.

However, most sikh women are not very interested in white guys, because they think most white guys just wanna get laid.

>Trap detected

More likely to be, they lack testosterone which means they're less comfortable taking risks, that means they tend to want the safety net of socialism where everyone else pays for them when they eventually fuck it up.

You are one fat fuck, aren't you?

>implying that this "compassion" is not just virtue signaling
retarded ppl are more left leaning

Paguette plz...

No. Only when the men leading society are spineless beta cucklords.

Men shape society, and women are shaped by society. When they have no strong leadership they go rogue and work against the interest of the society instead of protecting it.

Women should be the strongest asset to our communities but the absolute state of men has ruined them. They are followers. And they have no-one to follow.

Kek we have rare hotties. Won't post because currently BTFO'd


Women care more about maintaining the harmony of a group, making nobody mad than actual rational thought.

Men are smarter than women. Intelligence is a right-wing trait


Feet are redpilled!

No, but racemixing is.

>not armpits

D-do you have more of those memes? God damn hilarious.

Don't kid yourself, Karl-Heinz.

>being this much of a pleb

gays are inherently right wing

>he likes the pits

>men are from mars and women are from venus lol ^^ xD
shut the fuck up

>he doesn't

hey nice laptop. I think i have the same one


The left is the only group that doesn't ty to legislate women back into being barefoot, pregnant, and constantly scared of being beaten sensless so yeah, women tend to be left wing.

shaved pits are for pedos you sicko

>he prefers the armpitpussy over the feetpussy

expect a call very soon

best wan panch

Should I take it?

Nah just depends on where they live for the most part. Women are the biggest sufferers of herd mentality

No. Trump won among white women, despite the "Trump hates women" rhetoric from the entire media.

Is that not the french lady le pen?

how can you not love them?

Did he build a "communist paradise" in the experiment?

I have a foot fetish and the guys you describe annoy me as someone who keeps it in the bedroom.

> Laci Green will never shrink me and treat me as a mere boytoy
OP why must you remind me

If people ask me what mt fetishes are I say I have a foot fetish. Other than that I keep it quiet

its just smellz

>as if fetishes are something dudes like to sit around and talk about with their bros
virgin confirmed, also friendless

He is right about how fucking creepy some foot fetishists are.

No they're emotionally retarded and can be manipulated by liars playing their emotions.

No, they are inherently humanists though.

How are foot fetishists any different to boob fetishists or are fetishists? And talking about your fetish is a pretty normal


they're the flatchest fetishists of polite fetishes

>Are women inherently left-wing Sup Forums?

Somewhat, but not as much as Sup Forums likes to think.

Because women have much higher estrogen than men do it means their emotions are much stronger and thus they are more susceptable to the emotional manipulation that the left often employs. Other than that most women tend to follow the status quo or what a strong passionate well spoken leader tells them. This is not because women are inherantly less intelligent than men, its just that estrogen is a hell of a drug.

Men also fall for manipulation easily, but because of their higher testosterone levels and therefore sex drive, the manipulaton is sexual in nature. Because politics is very rarely ever sexual men dont run into very many problems.

But if a well spoken blonde bombshell with DD breasts and a nice ass ever ran for office you can guarantee most of her supporters would be men, regardless if she was left or right wing.

Nigga you think im gonna walk around and talk about my loli fetish? No that stays between me and my 15 year old girlfriend

Do you just spam the same crap on both boards all day or what op?

nah but he stole my image
but Sup Forums is just foot fetishists so what do you expect

And just happened to give the exact same file name? You lie, spammer.

it's not the same file name though, leaf

ment to

Women's soles are sexual!