University bans weight scales from its gym

I don't know what's real any more

>The paper quotes one student as saying, "Scales are very triggering" for people with eating disorders.

>The scale was removed two weeks ago "in keeping with current fitness and social trends," Marshall explained in his email.

How do they expect to make good weight loss goals or understand if their workout works if they cant use a scale? What kind of fucking shit is this? A scale offends fat people cause it reminds them of them being fat so we should ban it.. We cant have people with hurt feelings!

Whoever keeps catering to people so that they wont feel bad should be shot in the head along with their family. Everyone has life struggles, deal with it, dont start banning objects that reminds you of why you are a piece of shit.

this guy gets it.

There's a reason China purged the Universities during the revolution.

To get rid of liberal filth.

>my university is on Sup Forums


Correction, removing the scale removes the reality that there is empirical evidence that someone is a fat piece of shit.

I'm not really sure if I should sympathize or laugh. But since you're a LEAF, I'll laugh.

>Weight lifting equipments were removed due to patriarchy.


Canada does not have an Obesity problem it has an EMPIRICAL problem #NotMyWeight

"If you need a number to focus on in regard to reaching certain fitness goals we suggest using girth measurements. You can start by recording measurements in multiple areas, for example your torso, hips, chest, legs and arms. You would then revisit these measurements after a few weeks to keep tabs on your progress."
Girth measurements, kek

I hate fat people

It's only going to get worse.

>if you lose weight, you get fat!

Once we stop enabling these psychotics they have nothing

>Whoever keeps catering to people so that they wont feel bad

Is it wrong to think a lot of them are like those defeated parents who let their kids walk all over them? They'll let them have/do anything so they can go back to having more cheap wine and quiet.

Oops, I almost forgot...



this country is a nightmare that i cant wake up from :^)

As someone with an average american body I support this because it could discourage fat people from dropping a few pounds.
Pic realted, my average body

Why the fuck is the problem the scale, and not the fucking adult human being who is "triggered" aka made momentarily uncomfortable by the mere presence of an inanimate object used for measurement?

Holy fuck these people need to be genocided.

not average bitch do a push up holy shit


What is real? Americans are stupid. Convert to Hinduism and save yourself.

This was in


Silly nip

>being able to measure improvement is triggering
>being able to go to a building to improve health is triggering

Better start removing gyms now

It's about a Canadian university you stupid cocksniffing tampon.

No one gives a shit. You are all the same christcucks

No one gives a shit. You are all the same christcucks

hahaha holy fuck thank God I live in Poland
fucking hell this is just insane, literally crazy

You can quote more than one person per post you know.

I know desu

Good. Universities shouldn't be wasting money on scales which only irresponsible fatties will ever use anyway. They can pay for their own scales if they need them so much. End scale welfare.

The leafs should go the way with Japan, end socialized healthcare for the fatties that have a high BMI