t. Sup Forums
t. Sup Forums
>Allahu akbar
t. Sweden
>look at europe
>w-well i don't know anything about that so i don't want to talk about it
>but wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites
>w-well i don't know anything about that so i don't want to talk about it
>but changing demographics is also changing our politics to conform to countries that push communism instead of capitalism
>w-well i don't know anything about that so i don't want to talk about it
>look at japan, they're an ethnostate and they do well financially and have no crime
>w-well i don't know anything about that so i don't want to talk about it
the whole fucking discussion
>*incorrect statement*
>"i dont believe that"
>DUDE LOOK IT UP LMAO *smug laugh*
wtf happend?
>"i don't believe that"
>*back it up*
>show fact
Youtube "celebrity" got into heated political debate with someone on a stream. Your opinion of his performance is probably directly correlated with your political leanings.
>der frlag
The dude lost. The points he was trying to argue aren't wrong, but he's shit at debate, so he just ended up looking like an idiot. The moral of the story is to stay away from debates if you aren't good at them.
linky or stinky
it's because destiny doesn't argue with facts he argues with feefees
Destiny is definitely better at debating as he kept Jon on the defensive the whole time and kept deflecting things he didn't want to answer.
But Jon held his own pretty well. Part of what made him seem foolish was his stutter but he always has a stutter. Definitely not a good trait to have in a debate.
One thing I noticed on plebbit is that every comment about Jon reads something similar to "the guy can't back up anything he says", yet for every single time I read that, nobody on there linked to studies or sources that would lend any more credibility to their way of perceiving the world. The arguments they have amount to outrage and disbelief, appealing to """common sense""", i.e. "i can't BELIEVE he thinks like this! He's so wrong! Not a shred of evidence!". But then the commenters themselves don't practice what they preach. Interesting to watch arguments like this unfold over the internet. Teaches you a lot about discourse and rhetoric
Report all shill threads. These are "forum sliding" threads to destroy Sup Forums. Be smart and report these threads, it's very easy, just click the blue button next to the "reply" link in the OP.
>fat neckbeard
>iranian/romanian descent
>muh white european legacy
fucking end me already desu
>being on the side that wants massive immigration from muslim and pro-communist countries
good goy
says a fucking pollack
You can't fucking stop me bro, im going to destroy Sup Forums
The problem is he made statements but he didn't show the other guy the proof.