Did giving women the right to vote ruin America?
Did giving women the right to vote ruin America?
I had a major epiphany in a thread that got beleeted.
Do you want to know why we're losing so many women to the Left?
Because they are emotionally weak creatures who crave attention and sympathy.
What's the best hugbox? THE hugbox. The Left is perfect at turning women because women crave everything they offer.
And when a woman becomes entrenched in her hugbox, the last thing she wants to do is lose it. So when ANTIFA comes knocking, she answers the door. Without her hugbox it would be her and her alone with all her feefees and no one there to kiss her booboos.
What we do here actively alienates women, it's pure economics.
The left is selling a product that women want and the price women pay is their dignity, individual worth and intellectual integrity. They trade their brains, minds and bodies over for some affection and meaningless platitudes.
Why hasn't Sup Forums weaponized that autism? Hmmm? Why aren't we out there making an effort to undercut the Left and peddle the same tripe for half the cost?
We're strong, proud, Men of the West.
Iron Pills, Red Pills, etc etc etc etc blah blah blah. We're the natural champions of Truth, Justice, God, Country, Nationalism, Fealty, and all things truly good in this world.
So why are women flocking away from us? Because instead of offering them what they need, as stupid as what they need is, we piss in their mouths and send them packing.
Smarten up Sup Forums
We can reclaim some territory if we put some work in practicing what we preach. Be the moral center of the universe for once and stop irl shitposting with women,
Bring them back into the fold before trying to red pill them.
Screaming "kill yourself slut" is only pushing them further into the arms of the Leftie scum.
Can we discuss the pros and cons of this idea and possibly discuss a way to implement it if it passes inspection?
Without being an edge lord
No shit you niggerfaggot spic fucking racemixing jew
No, but relatedly mass media was root of all corruption
"Can't have sensible democratic govt with mass media giving fools the impression that they know more than they really do about the way things really work." -- Walter Lippmann, who then went on to join the govt because he couldn't beat it
Hell of a blog post nobody will read.
Nice digits though leaf
No, it also ruined Europe.
i dont know but i just made big cums to that picture
>no one will ever read
there are hundreds of threads a day complaining about women of the west. I think my blogpost is a seriously decent starting point on fixing that.
It's a shame that autism is often coupled with ADHD
Damn, nigga, that's a thicc ass
No, contraception/easy divorce for all, ruined America. You can literally overlay a chart of tens of negative outcomes with either the beginning of easy divorce or the crime stats 14-18 years after.
This pill. What is this pill called? This pill that can pill Sup Forums into doing something great again. To further expand our dominance over Sup Forums and the media.
>Iskra Lawrence
England take back your feminist trash please
Id get her ass hole pregnant
I have no idea what this pill is called. I haven't seen a post like this on Sup Forums
Why don't we call it the White Pill
Doves are white and doves are a symbol of peace.
Is there a statistic linking women sufferage to PC culture?
Funny how they spam that, like beauty is fact based and not opinion.
wtf I like Canada now
You that Canadian lesbian that's always posting here? Kill yourself, slut.
When will they start demanding Beauty and the Beast be changed to Beauty and the Beauty?
It was extending the franchise to people who don't own property that did us in, not the woman's vote.
Shariablue don't like this post.
Women think they want freedom to work, party, do drugs, and have promiscuous sex. Feminists have convinced them that being a housewife and mother is a prison.
In reality, working destroys the soul, and raising a family is the most fulfilling thing in the world. Money and temporary carnal pleasures leave you empty and jaded, while family and religion nurture the soul.
It's a recurring theme in film. How many times does the protagonist fuck up and alienate the love interest, and then win them back and set things right in the end?
Pretty much this. Switzerland seems to have a decent system.
Apart from a seething rage towards women, which I fully appreciate and share with you, there's no argument you can make against my post.
Not an argument.
Yeah, we're not all retards. Stop projecting. Plenty of people who posted here are married with children or in committed relationships - even with liberal women - *gasp*
Yes this is true. I'm not suggesting we go after the women who are already lost. I'm suggesting we go after the women who might be susceptible to the influence of the Left.
Sad, depressed, probably younger girls/women.
Probably youtube bloggers, emo high-school students, etc etc.
Offering them love now *will* be a buffer between them and feminism. Especially if we can build a rapport with them on a personal level, we can intervene before the fact.
We can be the hugbox they're afraid to lose.
they literally deserve to be our submissive children in society, they have thoroughly proven if left to their own devices they would breed their races away in sea of mud cocks
That didn't help, but in a system where only men can vote, they were supposed to vote on behalf of their family, including their wife.
Giving women the right to vote separates their interests from men's, which means women no longer need marriage and men. And when women no longer need men, they don't get married, which means children aren't born, which means the government needs immigrants to fund its ponzi schemes.
So what are you suggesting? Becoming the hugbox? I.e the left? We will never become a better hugbox than the left, and if the hugbox is what women want, we can't offer a better one than the left.
I doubt anyone in real life talks like they are on Sup Forums. Talking to women about politics in general is a pretty bad idea, 98% of women do not actually want to talk about politics. The best way to attract women is to attract men, women are incredibly conforming animals and will like whatever is mainstream. Women in Nazi Germany liked Nazi Germany.
If you go the marxist-femenist roots, sure.
gladly* breed their races away
um, like no sweetie
What does being married with children have anything to do with my post?
You can be married and still act like a faggot on the internet.
Impossible. The only reason hugboxes "work" is because they don't expect any responsibility. There's no point in coddling those who will undermine our movement.
People like you are what's wrong with the world
You have the attention span of a goldfish and for some reason think that's something to be smug about
I sometimes doubt that people like you can even be considered intelligent life.
not sure where he goins with that
ie been married for a decade out of highschool with a white qt zero issues but even I know that women value hugboxes over all and im only around cuz im convenient
be intellectually honest mates
I'm not talking about real life. I'm talking about exposing young women to National Socialism though passive immersion by saddling up to them online and being their friends before the corrupting influence of feminism and the Left can taint them permanently.
Instead of screaming "misogyny" like a dick sucking liberal.
"white knight" them from "degeneracy"
Like I've been saying, the best place to hunt would be youtube blogs where emo/depressed high-school grils complain about their bullshit lives.
Indoctrinate the youth, control the future
you need more experience with woman to realize how futile this plan is
I like this post.
Is there any harm in trying? I'm not suggesting we give up any of our other, more hilarious shenanigans like fucking with that bronze bull statue thing, but just in our spare time. Seeing what happens. It can't hurt to try to offer them strength instead of weakness.
Yes, but not because women are too stupid or emotional or anything the feminists would likely think if a man said so.
Before women could vote, it wasn't one vote per man, it was one vote per family. Politicians had to cater to the family, because that's who the voters represented.
After women gained the right to vote, politicians stopped appealing to families, and started appealing to the individual. This contributed to the declining strength of families, which many problems of today can be linked to, such as juvenile delinquency and the rate of teenage drug use.
I've had plenty of experience with women. I've had plenty of experience dating younger women too, and they are prime targets. The problem I've had is that I dated them instead of befriending them, so when we break up they basically turn into the opposite of whatever they were around me.
I think it's something worth trying. We have absolutely no presence on the net as far as NORPs are concerned.
The Left has Buzzfeed, Tumblr, Reddit, etc.
We have nothing.
We need to start putting a real effort into counter acting the bullshit and I think my idea is a good starting point.
Just because you can't think of it doesn't mean it isn't possible.
Best way to attract women is men? If that were fucking true Sup Forums would be loaded with women by now with the amount of sausage going on.
>le woman ruined western civilization meme
it was the jews
>a fucking LEAF who makes good points and actually discusses politics
Alright lads, time to pack it up, burn this place to the ground. There is nothing left to accomplish, nothing left to build.
When all Whites comes to realize that "neoliberals" and "neoconservatives" are just the same old Jews travelling about in different masks... pulled from the travel trunk... then they'll understand precisely who is responsible for this destruction of America.
Democracy is a fraudulent system. It is designed to make people think they have choice when the vast majority of the time the candidates are bought and paid for by Jews or other special interests with lots and lots of shekels. Democracy is a joke. The founding fathers sought to circumvent much of this democratic nonsense by creating a Republic. Those efforts have long since failed. Jews have subverted almost every major political institution in the country and replaced the Republic with a Democracy. The traitors and their masters cannot be removed by election, because they control that.
People believe what they're told Communists figured this out long ago. You can use the same tactics to indoctrinate a human as you can to train a dog.
This is why democracy is a crock of shit.
Democracy = rule-by-media
Democracy is a system where by the rich and powerful who are able to invest in a media operation lead the masses like a sculpter shaping clay
Political discussion has made me believe in totalitarian dictatorships. People are too stupid to have any political power, just look at this US election. People have access to a plethora of information but are proudly ignorant and will argue their ignorant opinions belligerently.
Sadly there majority supposedly have the same voting power as informed voters
Democracy is a fucking joke.
Upon researching various pills, I've decided that this should be called the Silver Pill, I haven't seen anyone else on Sup Forums saying anything similar and I think it's distinct enough from the redpill and ironpill to be it's own pill.
Like an inverse white knight. A white knazi. Venerate our forefathers like the Iron Pill. Keep true to the Truth like the Red Pill and White Knazi degenerate bullshit away from vulnerable females.
There's already a white pill and it ain't flattering.
You're argument is predicated on women's nature being rational or reasonable
women don't give a damn about anything in general that goes against the emotional self interest, unless a father figure has put that into them to some extent as is possible
Worst of all is your delusion there is a solution at all
What will happen is the economy globally will crash and there won't be any make work jobs and women will open their legs and fallen in line as always and society will learn little over all about the disgusting creature that is human nature
Hope you guys own silver
TLDR You can't fix them, you can only control them in a better manner after society breaks down
precisely the opposite.
I expect women to be irrational and emotional, the whole idea is to get to the root of that vulnerability and fill the emotional holes with our ideas instead of waiting to the Left to claim another victim.
You can naysay all you want. But what do you have to do between shit posting about aussies and turks and lurking HAPPENINGS threads.
What do you have to lose besides time you'd already be wasting?
It's a shame that we in our conceit, our arrogance, thought that we were above the lessons of the past.
In 1919, we (our Congress and political elites of the time) committed to damning the future of the West.
The women I'm talking about targeting are the desperate and the depressed. We are older men, and I'm talking about going after younger women.
Maybe they're degenerates with daddy complexes, maybe they're ill adjusted.
It's not something the Kikes haven't been doing for the last 75 years or anything with the Big Brother Big Sister program.
The only difference is we're not kikes and it would be over the internet.
If anyone wants sauce in the giant ass, her name is Iskra Lawrence
My ex-gf spewed feminist and sjw rhetoric like a fountain and said she didn't want children.
It only occurred to me after how malleable she really was and that I passed up a prime opportunity. She was absolutely interdependent. The guy she ended up married to is mostly conservative and they're working on a second kid. Despite her bullshit she is fanatically loyal and never would have left me if I hadn't cut the ties. She's pretty much gone fully apolitical.
My current GF has gone from having mostly degenerate, gay and black friends to shunning anyone that isn't white and well behaved.
The only 2 black friends she kept (super light, super white acting) married country white guys.
She went from not being able to call people 'stupid/retarded' or feeling the need to chastise others for it, to casually referring to people as niggers and faggots and saying she wants to have babies.
Which I suppose I'll do after I buy a home this year now that my finances are in order.
What you need to do, is have the strength of character to influence a woman.
She needs to see you a provider, protector and pillar that will never falter, never crumble.
You don't show women actual weakness.
You can show them that you empathize but you never show them weakness.
And they will fall in line with you, if not vocally, at least in action or lack thereof.
For most people, political discussion should be avoided, especially early on.
And what you do is you exhibit strength and dominance not by discussing politics with her directly, but with other men.
This displays dominance, that you don't need her opinions and she will almost certainly adopt yours in time.
It's the purple pill. Gets you prepped for redpills and detoxed of blue pills.
Think about why most women are on the left. Most women want a family, good husband etc but the fear of social ostracization from going right overrides everything for women in terms of evopsych. The left has had control of the media and education for decades in turn pushing society left and then our politicians following suit. In order to eliminate the base fear women have of social ostracization for right leaning views/traditional lifestyles we need to push the whole of society back to the right by taking back the media and education system, push for normalisation of tradition and nationalism in every area of society until the left stop autistically screeching about it because they end up alienating the majority of normal people.
what you're saying doesn't make any sense. women aren't humans like men. they're subhuman parasites who live off men and can only mimic men when they're trained properly which rarely ever happens and isn't worth doing since they're inferior.
all you wrote was go be a mangina/white knight and go save women. no you fucking idiot. i'm not saving an animal that's not worth living.
you talk about economics? well, i got good news for you. in the future women won't need to exist since they're inferior to men intellectually, physically, and emotionally. the only thing they can do right now is have a monopoly on childbirth but that won't exist in the future and they'll see a sharp decline.
so do whatever for women? nah, i'll let the market make them extinct. it's already destroying them because they're a bunch of single mother whores who hate themselves and their lives.
Yes pretty much
I understand your frustration and your anger. I share those feelings.
However, you're absolutely retarded if you think you'll be able to produce actual white offspring through a machine. You'll produce a child that might look white, but will lack every aspect that makes a person genetically white.
Unless you're relying on a white woman's ovum to be inserted to the artificial womb.
You're delusional if you think we'll be able to genetically engineer a working human ovum within your lifetime.
And you're delusional if you think that offspring would belong to the White legacy.
What I'm saying makes a lot of sense to someone not blinded by rage.
ruined the fucking globe
Anywhere you see this immigration bullshit, leftish bullshit
Why don't you just kidnap a few women and keep them in a Fritzl basement and force your seed upon them if you're intellectually and physically superior and they're not human.
If you're smart then you should be able to get away with it.
If you're strong you should be able to over power them.
That is essentially what you're saying and it's the most degenerate shit I've ever seen.
No idiot, it allowed us to tax them. Why do you think some women opposed suffrage?
This burger knows what's up. You don't autistically rage against a woman's sjw tier opinions initially. You laugh them off, ignore them and change the subject, roll your eyes or just act confused by her retardedness etc. If she has good basic qualities and likes you, you WILL be able to debate her later in your relationship and she WILL change to your side or at least drop the sjw shit and be neutral or apolitical.
because most of us, do not have time for their bullshit
We already give women too much leeway.
Want to hold their hands even more?
ya, right.
surprised nobody did this yet tbqh
Because if you don't hold her hand she'll find someone else who will.
Why do you think feminism is still a thing?
No. White women were crucial to trumps victory
The problem with a lot of the people here, is that they haven't conquered their autistic desires to talk about what is on their mind.
And what is on their mind, is socio-political bullshit day in and day out.
Seriously, don't spend all your time on Sup Forums or immersing yourself in news/media.
If this is most of your free time, you're going to be dull as fuck to 99.9% of women.
It has ruined everything, not just America.
True that. I only talk politics with close friends. Sperging out about politics on a first date or to some vague female acquaintance is never a good idea.
It's not emotional holes you fool, it's shallowness.
They are vain narcissistic materialistic hedonist
There is no pun intended no plug big enough for their holes
I spend a good chunk of time per day on Sup Forums, but women find me dull as shit because of my hobbies, trades, skills and my business.
>Run a parking lot painting company.
There should be plenty of women into pottery and gardening I would've thought m8
This is why I've repeatedly said to target vulnerable youths.
Not women who have already figured out "the game" and mastered their deceptive role.
I'm talking about young women who don't even know there is a game to play, who may be fat, or unattractive, unappealing, etc
Hell, maybe they're really cute but they have something wrong with them, maybe they have aspergers, or some other made up Jew illness.
The point is, there are a lot more ill-adjusted, scared, helpless girls in the world than there are shitty fucked up women.
We need to tap into that market
Don't worry, they probably wouldn't fuck you before they had the right to vote either
Yeah but I harvest my own clay and "garden" a one man farm's worth of food.
There's nothing pretty for a woman to insert herself into with my hobbies.
Sure, they love the four poster bed I built, and the leather-wear I handtool and all that shit.
Women don't like it because it's time consuming and I spend an hour or so a day in the winter in my workshop and I spend a week every month in the summer out hunting.
It's not accessible to them
no, see that's the thing they won't change,
Right now in history IS women's innate behavior allowed to maximize.
You're like a dumb bleach blond who has a shitty dog because you treat it like a child
You can't treat women like adult men, also most men these days,
They aren't equal by a long shot,
Stop compromising it is weakness,
Also pic related about the young degenerates
How could anyone find this fat bitch attractive? She probably smells bad under her skin folds. She has a big fucking head shaped like a soccer ball
Go to pottery classes or gardening groups or shows leafnigger, hot bitches everywhere! Are you high? Maybe its not your hobbies, maybe you are just dull.
I just take the girl out for meals, cook together, go interesting places, go see movies, allow them to take you shopping occasionally(ib4 cuck kek) and have a laugh with them and it's pretty easy desu m8
Shut the fuck up you gay little sharter.
The world*
America isn't the only country suffering, you cuck.
Maybe I am a little dull.
I don't need a pottery class though. I don't build pretty things, I build functional things.
I started forging to take iron mud from river banks and turn it into nails to build a fence around my vegetables.
No, it ruined the world
How much mud do you need to collect iron for one nail?
I wonder how his lips would feel on my shaft
No, accepting single pregnant women and not shaming them into the ground ruined America.
When I was a kid having a child out of wedlock was a scandal, now it's almost expected.
It is sickening, we should stone to death any woman having a bastard child. I realize some of you may be bastards, but it's a fact this a main reason our society is degrading not improving.
Some of them
Don't talk that way about the sugmioffs
it NOT about the game
it's about living lies
It's a LIE to let them live the delusion they are equal
This would and should be a horrific downfall.
It's about brow beating fools so they don't wreck society
I don't compromise I am wrong or I am right there is no in between those concepts
Women don't care if it is they only care if it suits them.
Helpless won't do, because of pussy beggars who will fuck everything up.
All our doing is speaking in platitudes an fantasizing out of a desperation I do not possess
It's not enough to take in women, they must accept in their souls they are born to be in second place, and are in reality the luckier ones for it, and would do well to learn appreciation.
It's like African niggers you must be their masters never their equals for their own good.
to anyone else reading pic related buy silver and bitcoin now
>I don't need a pottery class though. I don't build pretty things, I build functional things.
Shit you really are dull...
You are not going there to learn new things of course you don't fucking need it... you go there to find a cumrag to fuck!
>women flocking away from us?
You must not get around much, there are tons of sexy white women who voted for Trump and hate leftists
The women your talking about are the pink haired, nigger fucking loons that I would sooner curb stomp than accept.
The sludge is pretty iron rich, but I don't use it anymore.
Iron ore is pretty cheap and I make enough money to buy a few pounds a month.
But maybe 1oz of sludge to make a 12mm bead of crude iron which could be smelted with charcoal to make roughly 8mm of steel.
Maybe 2 or 3 nails per oz.
Why would I want to participate in the degradation of my society. I'm dating a girl from my church.