Daily reminder that Pinochet did nothing wrong.
Daily reminder that Pinochet did nothing wrong
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>implying he did something wrong
Daily reminder that commies aren't human
>Implying i could ever think otherwise.
He were a true hero.
amen, love Pinochet and his nazi pals in the US state department
Who is he and why I keep seeing him recently?
Pinochet is good but Hitler is bad, remember goyim
Being the CIA's fucktoy for a start.
>Soros jewed him out of the power
>20 years later the country is full of commies and immigrants.
Just fuck my shit up.
Oh, Pinochet, let us praise you like a real hero.
>tortured women by putting rats in their vaginas
OG Thot patrol
Alberto Fujimori is another south american hero you all should know.
does the current military have the balls to make Chile great again?
start up the rotors for this commie
el peruANO
No, coup d'tats happen in extreme cases when a country is about to go to shit.
All that is left for us, is to be slowly cucked to death.
t. scared commie
nahh he's a degenerate chink and deserve to die in prison
Bullshit. The issues mentioned happened early in his time as president. in the later years (early 80s to the 90s) he instituted social reforms to help people find work and have access to medicine, reversing these statistics [1] (which had first started to worsen under the previous regime btw) Today Chile has a longer life expectancy than America [2], the lowest murder rates in the region [3], and the second lowest poverty rate [4]. On top of that Chile is now a republic thanks to Pinochet peacefully resigning. Neck yourself.
[1] hoover.org
[2] worldlifeexpectancy.com
[3] intellectualtakeout.org
fuck off to ontario faggot
What's Sup Forumss stance on PerĂ³n?
I would fuck eva peron
he was much like Franco so he most likely did very much wrong too.
You wouldn't be saying the same if you actually live the mess he created
>a sellout to the Rockefellers
Good goy
>inb4 muh helicopter
>These LEAF's used to laugh about it. They thought it was a joke. They are not laguhing anymore. Soon they will realize the gravity of the situation.