Darwin's Dilemma

I've been a National Socialist since I was 18, and it has profoundly altered the way I view my life and of course my political beliefs. A few years ago, I met an extremely conservative Christian girl, and we've dated for 2 years.

She is essentially everything I could have asked for in terms of looks and personality. She is a brunette, blue-eyed traditionalist who aspires to have at least 4 kids, and she loves to cook and clean.

Now here is where the problem arises:

We both decided to take the 23andme DNA test to see our genetic ancestry.

Mine came out as expected -- I am primarily German and Norwegian because my grandparents immigrated to America from those countries.

She has much longer American roots than I do, dating back to the civil war era.

Her results showed a mix of Irish, German, Italian, and French.

In addition to this, she is apparently 2% black and 4% Native American.

I was devastated when I found out, but I didn't make a big deal about it.

She expects me to propose this spring, and I was sure I wanted to marry her before I found out about her non-white DNA.

I just don't know what to do now. I know some of you aren't National Socialists, so you won't understand my concerns and will just say, "Marry her, bro."

I know I will probably never find someone like her ever again, but I don't want my offspring to have polluted DNA.

What the hell should I do?


2-4% isn't a big fucking deal user. It's more Aryan to have a loving lasting relationship with someone who will be a good mate to raise children. Keep her.

Pasta fuck off shill.

Your post is cancer

Who gives a fuck. If she looks and acts white that's good enough. It's not like 23 and me is perfectly accurate anyways.

you have to wait longer in between posting this

Adolf actually had African roots, so don't worry bruv cause on the Aryan scale she's Fuhrer enough.

how is 2% black and 4% native american even possible?

I don't know if those genetic tests are entirely flawless.

one of her grandfathers was probably a plantation owner and raped a girl. Also the french often married native girls. Don't be stupid, this is your only chance

>She is a brunette

I suggest you keep looking and find a woman who isn't part nigger

The fact that you are even considering dumping such a girl because she has one or two ancestors who were niggers that are so far removed from her genetic linage that it makes no differnce is nigger teir in in of it's self.
Besides who do you think sets up and runs those (((DNA tests))). It's about trying to convince white people that they are not really white, that they have no heritage and should race mix.
No doubt if a nigger, beaner, raghead, etc did one of those tests it would come back 100% african, 100% south american, 100% Arab, etc but a white person is always a mutt with nigger DNA.

>She is a brunette, blue-eyed traditionalist who aspires to have at least 4 kids, and she loves to cook and clean.

>she is apparently 2% black and 4% Native American
>I was devastated when I found out
If this is giving you doubts, you're not going to handle a relationship well.

You'll end up divorcing anyway, because you're a scared faggot who won't take what he wants.

Hell, you don't even know if you want this girl enough to marry her, so you go to Sup Forums for advice. Consider this as a diagnostic of how your fling will turn out.

>Socialist since I was 18

You spelled "faggot" wrong

Jews are really trying to push this nat soc = socialism meme.

It's not going to work you disgusting parasite. National Socialism =/ jewish socialism.


Dude... She wants 4 kids and wants to marry you which is something most guys would dream of and all you can think about is an arbitrary couple % of genes which means f-all as a deal breaker? Are you out of your mind. It's a good thing desu because your offspring would be relatively "fitter". It would be dumb to throw it all away and risk being single, lonely and sexless man chasing a narcissistic dream. The amount of effort to date and marry is not worth the oppurtunity cost to simply throw away

If this isn't b8, fucking kill yourself.

Jesus Christ you're retarded. 6% non-European is nothing. If you're seriously considering breaking up with a girl you were considering marriage with you're either fucking crazy or lying.

Are you serious? You really want Sup Forums to make this decision for you?

Mate, I sincerely hope you're trolling, because this is just... wow, I don't even know what to say.

Fpbp, if you need Sup Forums to tell you to give up a conservative woman just kill yourself.

this sage

You shouldn't marry her
Also, you should castrate yourself

I wasn't looking for the skitskin/reddit response. If you aren't going to take my concerns seriously, your opinions are of no value to me.

Kill yourself. Live stream your suicide. Thanks.

>100% South American
What did he mean by this?

>conservative Christian girl,
>and we've dated for 2 years.

If she is putting out before marriage she is not a conservative christian
>1 post by this id

Asking Sup Forums for decisions is like asking a depressed man if you should commit suicide.

94% European is good enough, man. If the Italian in her is over 30% then it's not worth tainting your bloodline with, but other than that I think your child will be quite white and it's no big deal.

t. National Socialist

you posted this 2 weeks ago.
sweet reddit spacing

>polluted DNA
How is it polluted? You yourself said that she is perfect and you will not find one like her again.

kill her and then yourself, live stream it

2% black is within the margin of error. Those tests are pretty notorious for cross contamination, so I wouldn't worry.

I wasn't looking for a response from non-whites and redditors. Since you are conspicuously anti-white and endeavor to mongrelize the white race, your opinions are of no value to me.

I remember the HWNDU cams. A lot of you are shitskins who have an inferiority complex. I understand, but the truth of the matter is that I am not like you. I am not a virgin loser who settles for whatever meat he can get his hands on.

National Socialists prefer quality over quantity.

If 6% matters to you in this cucked society we call the US, then you are literally retarded.


(you) should definitely kill her before she suckers someone else the way she raped (you).

If she isn't stopped immediately, she WILL go on to pollute the white race with her impure genetics, continuing to "pass" as white and shitting out an entire new generation of niggers disguised as whites.

This cannot be allowed.

Do The Right Thing, OP.

>National Socialists prefer quality
What evidence do you have that would suggest she lacks quality?

but evolution demands a diverse gentic makeup.....
YES niggers have bad genes,
YES being only a nigger is bad
but whether we know it or not maybe having that 2% nigger is actually somehow prosperous for for our genetic makeup????
shit by the time your kids are born they will be only 1%

Kill yourself. Seriously, do it.

No clue

dude, really, kys

Her non-white DNA makes her an imperfection.

Racial purity is extremely important, but desu all of us are mongrels.

Practically nobody is aryan now, we just have some with higher proportions than others.

I'd say 6% non white is acceptable. Anything over 10% would not be.

We whites must be highly selective, as eugenics can propel our race to exterminate the jewish race in relatively little time.

I do understand your wish not to destroy your lineage.
Within acceptable, in my opinion. These test are not absolute also, they sometime consider some DNA as african even if you do not have any african ancestor, because of the way they sampled their reference material.
Not worth wasting a good partner over.

Two Options you have:

>Marry, her, bro, !
You raise 4 kids, raising the birth rate, and bringing in 4 more people to further your cause, with a stable family.
Live life alone, die out, fail at your goal. Likelihood of her marrying someone less "pure": high

Conclusion: This is bait

Stop taking the bait like some whore

>mfw I'm 18% Native
>mfw my castizo grandma chose a native

The 3/5 compromise only effects people
1/10 or more black. 5% is fine mate.

Don't marry her. No need to waste your genes on human shit.

Don't fuck your kids over because "muh feels".

>amerimutts are this retarded


threadly reminder that Sup Forums is a Civic Nationalist board

maybe this 6% non-white genes make her devout christian and good mother. if she was 100% european she would be total slut.

>trusting (((23 and me)))

You know even morrakiu is 1/64th vibrant, right ?
Stop being autistic and colonize the bitch

If these are the people who browse Sup Forums, I'm getting the fuck out of here.

>I'm a socialist
Cut your balls off nigger.

>what do?

Only thing you need to do is check 'em

I find it hard to believe that a major autist like you actually found a girlfriend.

Don't reproduce.

You fucking autist, you are taking the NatSoc meme way too serious, time to kill yourself, and save her from a life-long commitment to an idiot.

jk don't marry her, she's a nigger

Have you forgotten Eva Braun's DNA was sequenced and it turns out she was a kike? If Hitler didn't mind sucking on some brown nippled Jewess titties it shouldn't bother you that your gf is 2% Chink.

Don't be so shallow OP.

You're retarded

Actually end your life.


Good job mongrelising the European race, cuck. One drop rule

>hi Sup Forums, aryan master race here. just found out my 10/10 DD small waisted GF is 2% black, what do?


what a factor. the world was created by middle eastern men. you are an ant, a plebeian, a useless spec in the history of mankind. the white race will dissapear because of garbage like you that chooses false pride over intelligence. Enjoy your white children whom will be victims of black racism and or interracial cool (your daughter will fuck black men because white people are seen as weak ).


You don't fucking deserve to breed with an attitude like that

>one black/native ancestor 5-7 generations ago is enough to disqualify her

Do you think this organically fits into our board?

Are you on any prescription medications?

>I'm going to shitcan the perfect woman because she isn't 100% European

You're a fucking retard

That's why in a foreseeable future, when Europe goes into ethnic states, you faggots would be only allowed after the DNA test

> 2% & 4%
> Biggest deal in the world

Forever die a virgin then you pathetic turdbag lol

>he's too beta (or a mongrel) to be openly racist charismatic man with a good sense of humour.
Your views don't matter as long as you can't stay by them, pussy

fuck em' all white


I know you are melancholy because your face looks like a rat and because you also lack the intellectual capacity to fathom anything which transcends your tiny brain's emotions, but it's important to remember that not everyone is situated the same way you are.

If I do decide to leave her, which is what my inclinations are at the moment, I can find a girl who meets my strict criteria. The only thing I have squandered is time.

On the flip side, you will still be a rat-face slob with no prospects and will keep jerking off to "muh anime wifu" as you pray for a robotic spouse.

A bleak future awaits you.

If that small percentage of non white DNA is enough to make you reconsider you shouldn't get married at all.

Jessica Alba has more European ancestry than she does. Lol

100% Scot here. Ditch that subhuman trash or move to Portugal

dump her and incest,your deformed pure blood retarded children will save us the chance of having to wipe your likes out of the planet ourselves

post pics OP, if the black is impossible to see,
don't worry about it. The native american really is no big deal- they are honorary aryan.
Those genetic tests can be messed up for us mixed Americans.

Nice pasta, fag.

Typical jealous non-white filth. Pure Europeans are the least inbred people on Earth. Neck yourself subhuman

2% black means that they dont know where those 2% come from and it possible that some blacks share those same 2%

Just because amerilards have no other option for nationalism doesn't mean other countries don't

Probably the stupidest question ever pondered. It doesn't mean she has Black or Native ancestors, it means she has genetic markers which are also often seen by people in those regions.

You are retarded for even considering dumping her over this. Let me tell you why.
>6% are not a big deal, having a good mother is worth more for your kids
>you shouldn't take that test this seriously in the first place
Since human DNA is 90% identical to Apes, and also correlates a lot with most life forms in general, the percentages this test gives you can only ever be estimates.
Since you do not know on what they base those estimates exactly you should take it with a grain of salt.
>polluted DNA
absolute purity isn't how life or evolution works mate. White people have a certain amount of Neanderthal DNA from interbreeding, evolution favors diversity, as it maximizes the chance of survival in unexpected circumstance.
So even though libtards abuse this statement, to a degree diversity is strength.

I'm a National Socialist by the way, and even the 3rd Reich didn't sahre your extreme sentiment of racial purity, instead the Nuremberg laws regulating marriage between jews and germans are actually trying to breed minor jewish blood (1/4) out of existance, allowing them to ONLY marry whites.

TLDR marry her faggot

You guys think it was a guy that was the nig or native in the DNA before 1900?

Lmao no if she has nonwhite DNA ithat far back its 99.9% chance one of her grandpas fucked the nig and native.

she is polluted? she has 0% scandicuck blood,kek
btw do you love her? marriage is not farming you retard

don't be stupid, don't fuck your life up for some ideals, do what you want to do and what is best for you, 2 and 4% is meaningless. If you really are a natsoc help the white race by giving your woman a lot of white children. 14

Wasn't she upset she wasn't more spic?

No.... it means that Americans are subhuman degenerates
>marriage is not farming you retard

Dump her, unless you want your only children to be part nigger.

Best post to be honest. OP is retarded as fuck.

can't believe I didn't ahve this picture anywhere, just googled it.

>shitskin woman
>white children
Pick one subhuman Spaniard. You only wrote this cause average Pablo is 2% nigger

Just remember, OP, that genetics are permanent. Make the right decision and your kids will thank you.

You shouldn't give a fuck about those low percentages, first reason being that the tests are not 100% accurate since their sampling that they use to establish heritage are not 100% accurate and the second reason being that even if she has 5% non-white DNA it will likely not have any phenotypical effect (no non white developed traits since those genes are suppressed), meaning that she and her offspring with you will look/behave no different from someone who is 100% white.

>1/4 Jews = niggers
Wrong. Hitler was One Drop Rule on nigger blood

Had he knew back in the day that Med and Jew = nigger blood, he wouldn't be so tolerant to 1/4 kikes and wouldn't even respect Italians

back to shitfront with you retard