You have 30 minutes to think of a question for SS at today's Press Briefing

You have 30 minutes to think of a question for SS at today's Press Briefing.


Best girl?

Does Trump know Kung Fu?

can the American people have access to the bin Laden death pic plox?

where is you spine?

Did the CIA spoof the Trump/Russian connections for President Obama?

Why is killary and staff allowed to run free and laugh at the world?
Why is the united states the biggest terrorist nation the world has ever seen?
I could go on and on.
He just wouldnt answer any of them.

When does the main event begin?

are you going to keep letting retards spread lies about your administration/trump, and let them continuously fear monger? if no, what's the plan?

Char or Amuro?

Would you press charges against that fucking poo shit who harassed you in the apple store?

When will Trump arm wrestle Putin?

will obama be deported soon ?

When will the deep state take out your tax-cheating, sexual assaulting boss?

Ask him if he has a green MAGA hat.

have any democrats reached out to help out or negotiate part 3 of AHCA?

When can we expect COG and the opening of FEMA camps.

Which is going to win in the interstellar space within the next 10 billion years, gravity or entropy?

Where are the gundams, Sean?

You know that Apple is for fags, right?

Ask about the deep state And how long it will take to dismantle. Ask about two thirds of the budget going towards debt interest and welfare. And what Trump plans to do about that.

>You don't have the right to interrupt me.


When will you stop sweating?

if i gave you a large sum of money could you get ivanka to fart in a jar for me