>"There's a lot of aspects of this whole relationship with Russia and Vladimir Putin that requires further scrutiny. And so far, I don't think the American people have gotten all the answers," McCain said. "I think there's a lot more shoes to drop from this centipede."
McCain predicts further revelations about Trump's ties to Russia
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McStrokeface just needs to die already
There's dozens of pictures of McCain meeting in person with ISIS, but Trump talking to foreign leaders in capitalist societies is evil?
>Republicans actually nominated this faggot to be President.
>when obama was in office liberals mocked him
>when trump was in office, they looked at like a savior
It's hilarious that liberals are so scared that they've resorted to backing literal neocons.
He's only saying this because the gooks forced him to eat centipedes while he was a POW. He's a shitty pilot who can't get over all the bugs he ate.
I only respect the opinion of former military personnel who were not captured by the enemy.
Liberals mostly thought he was just the same guy as George Bush, and that he would die because of his heart condition.
We mocked Sarah Palin.
>Yfw McCain will never just stick to making chips
yup we still need a RINO purge, and McCain is the original RINO
I dont care about the treasonous ramblings of a cuckold conservative
Aunt Bessie's are top-tier though
Mccain begged russians for money when running for president, just ask the russian diplomat Vitaly Churkin.
I don't give a fuck about Russia. The Cold War is over gramps. Our enemies are already within our gates and they are not Russian. They are more diverse than that.
>Not eating Micro Chips
Sort yrself out ;^)
He is the same as bush you stupid nigger, and you faggots are listening to him now too. Kys you deluded faggot.
>Muh Russians
Seriously, what kind of idiots fall for this nonsense? I am friends with some libtards on facebook and even they don't bother sharing links or ranting about some Trump connection to Russia.
I hope they are right too, thank you based Russia for helping save us from bill clintons wife, lookin forward to being good friends with you in the future!
So what did he reveal so far?
Give me facts.
Why isnt this treated like the birther movement 8 years ago, it's clear they only talk about this to undermine his presidency
When will this warmongering piece of Paki poo finally die?
Arizona, wtf is wrong with you?
Soros funded the McCain’s Reform Institute, a nonpartisan 501c3 organization focused on promoting accountability and transparency in government, while the senator was still with the organization.
The Huffington Post article also referenced two Talking Points Memo reports: One indicated that Soros gave the Reform Institute $150,000; another said Soros’ Open Society Institute in 2002 gave $300,000 in grants to groups defending McCain’s campaign finance law against legal challenges to it.
Really hope McCain doesn't make it through 2017.
pissgate, great track record so far
They have squeezed so much bullshit out of this non-story that it is beyond dry
there was almost nothing to begin with and they've been trying since July
McCain clowning through shitty interviews daily, pushing the MUH RUSSIA narrative... Why is McCain still relevant for anyone with even half a brain? Same goes for his homo butt buddy Graham. I just don't get it.
>Why is McCain still relevant
one would imagine it's damage control from McCain's perspective. at this stage, he comes across as someone with rather a lot to lose.
This dude was literally prank called by russians. And spilled all the fucking beans about his sneaky corrupt stank ass
What do you expect from a maverick? You can't control 'em.
He's quite senile these days, it's rather worrisome.
>microwave chips
Some Arizona user needs to kill this old neocon traitorous bastard.
>Sul in a nutshell
Pedo McCain
Roast him
What a shitbag McCain is.
What's McCain's endgame?
follow the money
>yup we still need a RINO purge, and McCain is the original RINO
any moment now, been waiting for 30+ years
he wants revenge because he was a shitty pilot and got wrecked by superior russian super men
he knows more than you
McCain gives me the willys. Something about that guy that aint right. How many jets did he crash in Navy? Should have been one and done, but connected, so...
Americans are like wind blows. Now suddenly all liberals are against Russia and even republicans became liberals. Listen to Joe Rogan, video named Vault 7, literally few seconds of Wikileaks, rest is about Russia hacking and Putin being bad. Nobody reports Vault7 it's like people in USA don't even care when their money gets stolen or CIA killing some random people. Liberty, liberal, where's the liberty in that?
Mccocksucker is a lying traitor
Soros' puppets.
McCain and Lindsey Graham are literally Mossad shills. They just repeat talking points and do whatever Mossad tells them to.
>complain about Russia
>fund Zionist wars
>Israel greatest ally
>open borders
>etc. etc.
It just shows how broken the US system is that this neocon cuck is somehow still in Washington.
Why is McCain such a nasty little bitch?
Songbird McCain just keeps on singing.
>Mccocksucker is a lying traitor
That's why his nickname was "Songbird." His commander wanted to charge him with treason, but Nixon gave all POWs pardons.
In the meantime, turns out Hillary's campaign advisers also met with "Russians", and a Russian ambassador visited Obama 22 times.
Must be the vast alt-right Kremlin right-wing conspiracy at work.
>Soros funded the McCain’s Reform Institute
See, there is NO difference between these two parties.
They both drink from the same cup.
Both parties and the MSM hate Trump, and that's why I voted Trump.
This dude would shrink up and pass if someone was not giving him attention.
Can you imagine being this jealous and butt hurt about a guy accomplishing something you couldn't because you look like a fucking hobbit and didn't resonate with voters.
Shut the fuck up John.