I hope you guys look at this before you go too far.
I hope you guys look at this before you go too far
Implying he's wrong, baitposter.
wtf I hate dynamite now
Red Skull is right, but blowing yourself up is stupid. The solution? Listen to Red Skull, buit don't blow yourself up.
What belief system uses suicide bombers?
Conservative religion
I completely 100% agree with Red Skull. If you think there is literally anything wrong with his statements, you are blind and have no sense of historical momentum. This country is dying because Chris Evans-type cuckolds are busy backstabbing their countrymen and handing it over to everyone who does not deserve to be here.
Surviving the first battle, even if you lose it, means you can strike again. You can't do that if you go allahu snackbar their asses.
10/10 would bend the knee.
Heil Hydra!
The Red Skull was right up to the point he jumped the shark talking about bankers. It's a damn shame, he could have nailed the whole thing.
How does Red Skull say "despicable" ?
fuck that guy would be annoying as hell to listen to, teeth clicking together non stop, spit flying out...
Suicide bombings? Of course! Makes perfect sense. It will surely strengthen your numbers and bolster sympathy for the cause.
Like 90% of the world supports Palestinian suicide bombers
They also make sure before they blow themselves up that they have six to eight sons to follow in their footsteps though
Do you mean the religion of Islam?, because ill have you know, Islam is a religion of peace, if they actually want to kill all other religions they would have done by now just from shear number. If you consider the fact that there are other beliefs and philosophies that urge their believers to suicide bomb their enemies you'll realize that Islam is a minority in this suicide bomb tactics. Japan for example urged their pilots to crash their bomb strapped planes into allied boats, promising them divinity once they die, they call this tactic 'divine wind'. As seen from your flag, you have probably never met a Muslim man in your life, because if you do youll realize that for every 10 'radical' muslims you see, 9 are actually decent, a peitious Muslim woman, a little boy playing with his toy plane, a good Muslim father, a friendly Muslim merchant, so on and so forth. So i tell you, stop blaming all this suicide bombings on Islam they are great people once you meet a few.
>before you go too far
>from wanting to preserve the morals of the civilized world to suicide bombing in 3 panels
And they wonder why no one buys their bullshit.
The fuck? It's like the cucks jumped the shark right at the end.
Nobody but islam. Talk about intellectual honesty in media.
They had to otherwise they'd end up making Red Skull look like the good guy
that twisting at the end
fuck these cunts
>red skull makes too much sense
>fuck it throw in some white suicide bombers
The only reason why Islam did not wipe out or convert the rest of humanity yet, is that even muslims have lot of infighting, and ofc that, partially due to their shitty religion, most Islamic countries are shitholes barely capable of sustaining thir population, let alone wage a war of global conquest.
>It's okay to be an asshole to Red Skull
What gives?
What happened to gray villains, or villains with deep motivations like Magneto
SJWs need their feel-good moral superiority. Can't get that if the villain is relatable.
I mean Red Skull was created when comic books were still for 7 year old kids
Geez, i wonder from whose perspective the narrator is commenting the story
>Islam is a religion of peace, if they actually want to kill all other religions they would have done by now
what is history
>Islam is a minority in this suicide bomb tactics
>mentions Japan and only Japan
>for every 10 'radical' muslims you see, 9 are actually decent
>doesn't even realize what his retarded ass just typed out
>implying every actual Muslim country isn't radical