Is he gonna be okay?

Is he gonna be okay?

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Why is he so unhappy?
The logical and rational man ought not to be drug down by the bleak happenings of the world, for he has the truth!

Molyneux got btfo so fucking hard in that debate. I have no idea how you guys can even stomach watching him anymore. He's a retard.

Why don't you want us to watch him Shareblue?

Or is it Stef doing this for more viewers?

Can you shill faggots at least post link to video you are discussing?

>video of the screencap
>video of his autistic meltdown

What debate?

second video He just came off like a petty maniac and didn't actually try to debate.

Thanks. The 2nd video is ancient news. The guy didn't make his point very well and got shut down, not very surprising.

"Atleast I have the reason and arguments" Stefan said, as Jamal, the Khalif of Americas personal executor, was about to sever his head.

cmon cia you can do better shoops than that

that second video, wow. he's a petty, pedantic bully

Or he just schooled the guy on how to actually do some basic preparation for a debate.

Ever since moly hinted at the Jew, shills have been trying to discredit him.

fuck off shill

hes a textbook narcissist

I think he was having a bad day... I mean, I hope that's what happened.

Kinda makes sense, his whole online life revolves around debating people and being analytical, so maybe if he gets too tired and irritable his aggression manifests as being a turbo-autismo.

>Fritzocaust victim
>no faith in our Lord Jesus Christ


Yes he's as full of himself as someone can be. That's why it's difficult to keep watching even his good videos.

>gets payed to shill


Fritz was totally correct, too.

He hinted at (((them))) and a few videos later he is acting like a petulant childish bully getting flustered because a 21 year old kid told him he thinks he can convince people better.

Doesn't this strike you as odd?

I'm not one of those guys who screams (((conspiracy))) at everything that happens, but I really think there's something more going on here than meets the eye.

I've been watching Stefan for a long time, and he was so out of character in that video. It was like a poorly-acted parody of himself.

He totally hinted at (((them))) in a big way.

I think Stefan has been growing up a lot and undergoing a total transformation over the past 2 years especially.

What debate? I haven't been keeping up with recent habbenins because engineering school is assraping me

He went full on angry in one of his latest vids.
He's the same age as me, and I sometimes get angry at 'the system'.

But the chap seems to be very upset. I just do what I can to be a good bloke; treat my wife and kids well, be a provider- proper home cooked food, a nice comfy home, support my wife in her work; she's an intensive care nurse. Not the easiest of jobs.
I own and run two shops; a general shop for groceries, and a hardware rental shop; machinery like rotavators and tractor attachments for farmers and gardeners. pic. I want to invest in a combine harvester, but can't afford it.

I employ six staff. And share profits. I pay the staff £10 per hour which is well above minimum wage. I make sure they have a pension plan, proper contract, insurance, paid holidays, and ask for their guidance in writing my company's policies and procedures.
I have to comform to legislation - health and safety at work, food hygiene, and loads of regulations. But that's OK. I go above the regulations in terms of standards. My standards are better.
I love my work. It provides for myself and family. It also provides for my co-workers who I employ.

Stefan should calm down a bit. Sure, the world is a bad place- war. famine, crime, poverty, homelessness, disease etc.
But amid the dirt, there is beauty. And so much to learn.

Without them, I wouldn't be able to run a business.

wrong pic

I know I'm roasting in a shill bread, but I will reply anyway...

Fritz's point was basically: "Be nice, you will reach a larger audience that way." He is of course not wrong. He is maybe a bit naive though.

The world isn't really filled with rainbows and fluffy bunnies. I would much rather take a bitter truth than some sugar-coated half-truth. If that means sometimes stomping on people's feelings, then so be it.

not an argument :-D

Someone suggested that it might be better to treat people with respect in a debate if you wish to convert him and he chimped out on the poor kid THE INCONCEIVABLE ACT THAT MOLYMEME MIGHT BE WRONG!

Principle of charity

>oy if I moight see you in the alley late at noight, I moight stick you, I moight

it's over

>Principle of charity
still not an argument