When did you realize that Arab Muslims are victims of the globalist agenda as much as White Christians?
Islamo-Christian alliance when?
When did you realize that Arab Muslims are victims of the globalist agenda as much as White Christians?
Islamo-Christian alliance when?
the issue is that white christians get the short end of the stick, while migrant muslims get welfare checks
White Christians don't get bombed from the sky relentlessly
if we didn't bomb them they'd bomb themselves (and us)
Islam and Christianity are both interpretations of Judaism.
When I found out that the only way the Muslims and Jews/Christians can defend their Cults is by using the Cult books as a defense.
Why did religions keep basing themselves in foundations of other religions? Was it to try and grab converts who were familiar with the same religious characters?
>grab converts who were familiar with the same religious characters?
Pretty much.
Also notice how most churches were built on sacred pagan grounds.
Finally, someone with some sense.
These morons are fighting over religions that have suppressed scientific inquiry in their origin countries.
Wow, so deep.
How long did it take you to figure that one out?
Are you aware that European paganism is an interpretation of Eurasian paganism?
>muh conflict thesis
that's bullshit though
muh not a prophet
sexual relationships with female children
advocates for violence
islamists are contemporary barbarians
>Eurasian paganism
Still better than some monotheistic sand religion.
I suspect a lot of this is exaggerated by (certain people)
>foreign religion is a foreign religion
>but one foreign religion is better than another foreign religion because I don't like the other foreign religion
>I like the foreign religion that my ancestors adopted except for the foreign religion of my ancestors for the last 1-2 millennia
Then again, how many people spoke the language of two different scriptures back then?
Then offer me proof of great Jewish and Muslim advances, that are not from America, Britain or any other world power.
Monotheism is totalitarian.
Paganism is not.
Also Eurasian is not foreign.
Middle-Eastern is.
I have no idea, really.
I take it that they were not complete morons,
and found someone who could translate,
and then get to reinterpreting.
>flash drives
>the first CPU
>robotic guidance system for spine surgery
Nothing wrong with that faggot
>middle eastern is foreign and Eurasian is not
Middle eastern IS Eurasian, you absolute retard
The Albert Pike WWIII stuff.
The false flags.
The "Clean Break" policy Netanyahu wrote in the 1990s.
It all adds up to "fight, goyim!"
No, they get bombed in metro stations and buses and trains, massacred at concerts, ran over with trucks on Christmas day, blown away at marathons, beheaded in full street, get their daughters, wives and mothers raped by the thousands per year.
Now, how about stop swallowing cocks for a hobby and kys?
>Nothing wrong with that
Christianity caused the Thirty Years War for absolutely nothing.
Eurasian is all an encompassing term.
The Middle East is a specific region.
So you like saudi arabia, and all that theocratic totalitarian countries?
>all an
an all*
All of this was provoked by literal decades of endless, unjustified bombing, subversion, and invasion of Muslim nations.
Don't get me wrong, I am not sympathizing with terrorists, and I don't agree with mass migration in any shape or form, but we are no saints ourselves, and I believe we have a common enemy with the Muslims in the form of the global elite.
I wouldn't like it for me, but it seems to work for them.
People are different. Different forms of government are suitable for them.
>30 years war
Nigger I can name dozens of atrocities committed by both pagans and Christians throughout history so pointing out one does absolutely no justice for your argument
And my point was that no matter if it is Eurasian or not it is all foreign religion. You're just picking and choosing according to what you like as if it's a wardrobe.
I can respect them for what they are; societies in which order and dogma is kept. Unlike the pussified nations of the modern West at least those societies have some testicular fortitude and don't allow mass decay and degeneration to fester.
Islamic revolution ruined middle east(it was shit but not like today)
>30 years war
Was committed by Christians, against Christians.
Same with Islam, both Shia and Sunni are killing each other for minor differences.
Again, Eurasian is all-encompassing.
The Middle Easterners have their religion,
The Slavs have theirs, same for Balts, Nords, Germanics.
Monotheism must be brought in by sword, or it doesn't work.
It's only purpose is to have control, power over others.
I won't even make a clever joke or add some reaction pic because this is so obvious.
Christians don't go around raping, or pimping out muslims, Achmed. Nice try though. Pimping and pandering, is a life sentence over here, by the way, so be warned, scum.
The Middle East was a backwater shithole then and still is now.
The only difference is that before Islam it had amounted to nothing more than a tent dwelling region rife with scarcity. The civilizations of old had long since evaporated.
At least Jizzlam brought a stronger unifying presence that allowed them to build something more than a dirt bowl filled with camels and scant architecture outside of the ancient structures that served no purpose other than standing there to signify civilization obsoletion.
This board really does hate anything which goes the slightest bit outside of its narrative. Complete echobox.
>allowed them to build something more than a dirt bowl
That would be oil, not Islam.
So what you are trying to say is that spiritual globalism is acceptable?
This is a slippery slope.
Go search "iran in 70s,60s" and "Iran now"
>Christians don't go around raping
Not anymore.
It used to.
Islam still does.
>its only purpose
Your oversimplification is high school tier faggotry. Try thinking outside the TV for your opinions on social matters.
>The Middle Easterners have their religion, The Slavs have theirs, same for Balts, Nords, Germanics.
Do you think these religions simply sprang from the earth in which these people inhabit[ed]? Much the same as civilization, people, crops, animals, etc., these things spread from place to place. Your precious paganism did not arise somewhere in the Germanic urheimat. It arose somewhere else...... foreign.
>Dude, let's combine two religions that are completely different, lmao.
Who said anything about combining? You're not a native speaker so I'll give you a pass, but that's not what 'alliance' means.
Oil is only the modern commodity that has allowed them to be on fiscal par with the rest of the globe. They were always a dirt hole and will always be a dirt hole. Islam had its glory day in that region and is long gone much like the ancient civilizations of yore.
>spiritual globalism
Not in the slightest. Where do you get that idea?
>Your oversimplification is high school tier faggotry. Try thinking outside the TV for your opinions on social matters.
Enlighten me, then. What is it for?
>Do you think these religions simply sprang from the earth in which these people inhabit[ed]?
No. Probably not.
But those religions were not forced upon them,
in the same way that Christianity was.
Why? Iran in the 60s was a tantamount vassal state for the West. They were still mudslime then just as they are now. What is your point?
>Dude, bad grammar.
So please tell me, what does christianity and islam have in common except Jesus, Ahmed?
>spiritual globalism
>Not in the slightest. Where do you get that idea?
Forcing all under one rule is globalism.
Well aren't people converting from Muslim traits due to the stigma surrounding it
As global IQ rises the things of old are not needed
Anyone with an IQ of over 80 knows that Muslim tenets don't make rational sense and it's followings have caused nothing but ruin while on the opposite end Christianity has increased virtue and don't have strict guidelines that must be followed to a tee
Mayan Death Gods have more virtue then Arab Muslims honestly but they never cried oppression
They just got slaughtered as all who choose to stay in the past eventually do
>Chimp posting Canadian
>Deer posting German
What the fuck is next.
Both are Abrahamic. Thats it.
>can't see hijabs
Back then they had 'freedom'
Talked with a muslim refugee here in the country. Said that the jew is the enemy of us and all the muslims is aware of it. It's funny that they can say this stuff without getting into trouble.
>We need to unite under sandnigger-creeds
>what is it for?
Are you seriously asking me to explain the point of religion in societies? How about I explain to you too what the point of laws and classes are in societies.
>But those religions were not forced upon them in the same way that Christianity was.
Of course they were. When the Celts spread into Western Europe do you think they allowed the native populations to retain their customs and traditions? No. They either destroyed those people or interbred with them and forced them to adhere to the new order in the land. The same with the Romans, the Germanic tribes, and any other group in the West and the world.
What about muslim violence in Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia etc.?
Fucking topkek!
Indeed goyim, Saudia Arabia is your greatest ally
btw , islamic revolution was backed by leftist organisations
>Are you seriously asking me to explain the point of religion in societies?
No, just monotheism.
Pagans fought wars, yes.
But never for ideological reasons.
Wars happened for revenge, resources, land and what not.
Monotheistic religions are just a political tool
Yes. But the Burger over here thinks otherwise.
>implying unifying a people under a common banner of war for resources, revenge, and land isn't ideological
>"Oh look. they worship a different god from ours. BEHEAD THEM!"
Said no pagan ever.
>christian arrives
>pagans kill him
christians are annoying as hell
Do you 2 masturbate to Marx or Varg? Your boiling down of MUH MONOTHEISTIC religions into a formula in which they can only exist as a tool to be used by the upper strata is mental foolery at best. Do you think that there was some secret council in the past who drummed up some codified law and order in hopes that the masses would then glam on to it and then they could steer it in their preferred direction for all the rest of time?
You guys sound worse than David Icke.
Right. Because you know for a fact that no pagans ever killed or sacrificed anyone or anything for their gods ever in the history of the world. Because you know, only Christians did that.......
You still havent explained how monotheism is good.
And again, paganism was never forced, unlike Christianity was, and Islam still is.
JIDF and MIDF shills will both be purged. Judeo-Islamic regimes will be toppled. Christendom will return.
marx is a kike
I'm not a commie
he makes good points , but hes anarcho primitive
Pagans killed other whites for possessions. Snowniggers have always been trash.
I just found this. It's called the "No true Scotsman fallacy" and it really reminds me of how terrorists "Not real Muslims".
Brotip OP. There's nothing good ever to come out of either of the two religions.
Yes, sacrifices were made during wars.
But those wars were mostly defensive.
Pagans never went on crusades to force others to believe the same god that they did.
>implying crusades weren't for gold and lands
Pagans didn't kill for religion (i mean war ,only self defence)
Christcucks and Mudslimes are both tools of the Jew, used to divide and conquer the world.
I'm still waiting.
What is monotheism for?
Never said monotheism was any better than paganism. I just said that paganism is equally as guilty of any "bad things" as Christianity. And yes paganism was forced. When you subdue another people and force them into either death, slavery, or forced intermarriage with your tribe you are in fact FORCING them. What do you think the Angles, Saxons, Britons, Gauls, Gaels, Iberians, Etruscans, Romans, Greeks, Balts, Slavs, etc., etc., etc., we're doing to one another? Letting the others live peacefully?
Its their own fault they didn't defend themselves from vikings
but your point don't deny my point
Both anti-bank, which is anti-jew and thus good, but unfortunately Islam is communism. Can't tolerate that.
Those were raids for resources.
Not ideological reasons, and forced conversions.
>implying Islam was just minding its own business prior to the last 30years.
>muh christcuck
Snowniggers' favorite word, even though all pagans were wiped in out or converted. LARPagans are the Leftist trash offspring from the 1960s hippy flower children. Same filth, but instead of muh eastern mysticism, it's LARPagan muh troo roots
Vikings: Barbarians in a time of barbarism.
Niggers: Barbarians in a time of modernity.
>Islamo-Christian alliance when?
Never, hopefully. Muslims/islamic countries are literally the reason globalism is a problem. If every country had cultural values equivalent to those of Sweden, France, Germany, Britain etc there wouldn't be a problem in progressively shredding the borders. But given the state of the world and it's peoples (Islam in particular), fuck that.
>they only killed for material gain
So they were jewish? Learn something new everyday.
So whats the alternative? A world full of cat ladies and rainbow gender virgins? Your ideology can't be anything you want because other people have to live with you.
>forced intermarriage with your tribe
Is not the same as forcing EVERYONE to convert.
Jews are parasites , common enemy for both pagans and christians
they infiltrate and gain power and never attack directly
muslims are stupid
>they only killed for material gain
Needs and wants are not the same.
Things were scarce back then.
There was not enough food and supplies for everyone.
Some of our ancestors were pagans and some were Christians. I'm not going disavow any of them simply because I prefer one religion over another. An attack on Christianity is an attack on our history and heritage. Mudslimes and kikes will use this to their advantage. If we let go of our past and our history someone else will fill the void. Mudslimes in Europe and nonwhite Spics in the USA. Both groups are preferable to international Jewry over White Christians.
>they dindu nuffin
>they was just lookin out for theyselves
>times wuz tuff an shieet
Snowniggers are identical to niggers.