Surveillance microwaves.
Surveillance microwaves
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Hey, chill out. She's just presenting you with alternative facts.
Bit conflicted cuz Kek tells me to believe those digits but not sure if ShareBlue
They actually said mucrowaves could be used as a listening device. That's what she was referring to.
But hey, omg drumpf supporters so dumb right
Would smash granny
>fbi has used toy dinosaurs to surveill suspects
>implying the agency couldn't do the same with a microwave
We know.
link to leak or it's fake news
Fuck is this thread about OP?
> what is IoT
now get the fuck out butthurt libshit
Join the line bub. She is sexy and smart...
would procreate with
>smart microwaves are a thing
>Samsung make many home appliances including smart microwaves
>Samsung confirmed hacked by CIA
Fuck off CIA, you can listen via any fucking device these days you fuck.
I put my tv dinner in and it asked me if I'd ever been to russia.
>They actually said mucrowaves could be used as a listening device. That's what she was referring to.
>But hey, omg drumpf supporters so dumb right
And it's groundhog day again. The self claimed biggest leak from wiki telling us all that this can and does happen and now no one believes it... they'll learn soon enough
Maybe it means that they really were using the microwave to listen
Link related, pic related
Might actually be true desu
>pants on head retard sez retard shit
>hurr...shuddup libruls
ya'lll trumpkins are some serious anal cancer
>microwave oven listening devices aren't real
This is actually old school tech that's been around almost a hundred years, who needs a "Smart Microwave" when the microwave itself already worked fine to listen
I laughed. Damn you.
When you actually read the full quote in context, it doesn't actually sound that stupid. But as usual the media picks out one quote and and puts a magnifying glass on it with the intention to ridicule.
The media are professional hacks and parasites.
Am I the only one that fantasized licking her ass hole?
Yes, but we get what you are saying.
>"Microwaves that turn into cameras"
What? What are there dormant fucking decepticons in all our kitchens?
>walk in
>see this
wat do?
Phones can listen to you
Alexa/Google Home can listen to you
Smart TV cans
> Why not other smart house hold appliances?
good one
Well typically microwaves are blasting radiation, so I'm not sure I'd use one for a bug. Seems like a good way to corrupt whatever data was being stored on it or disrupt any signal being sent.
Grab by the pussy.
Spys don't even need microphones to listen to you through the microwave, and they haven't for almost a hundred years.
it doesn't matter, the inside is isolated, otherwise it would corrupt it's own timer, you can put a mic anywhere as long as it's not literally inside the oven/waveguide/magnetron tube.
if you don't have a surveillance microwave you're not white
>unironically conflicted
She looks like a fucking corpse
fucking illiterate nigger fuck
But again, you don't even need a microphone. This technology of just using a resonating chamber to capture sound is really old, like, 1940s old. What she said isn't unreasonable, it hasn't even been unreasonable for more than 75 years
>media running articles about how smart TVs and pretty much anything 'smart' can be used to spy on people
>gilf makes similar comment and people roast her for it
They're stupid hypocrites user
Or smart propagandist preying on stupid voters.
has no one in the media heard of the internet of things?
I'm sure there's a "smart" microwave out there connected to the internet with a microphone
It'd be funny if tomorrow wikileaks leaked classified CIA documents about MKULTRA microwave eavesdropping
2 sec google search. I am sure there are high end appliances that are voice controlled
>he doesn't know about the Surveillance microwaves
Why do you think they spray aluminum in the air ya dingus?
fucking retarded leftist dont realize cell towers use microwave signals to transmit data
I'd like to surveil HER microwave, amirite!
its called carrier waves
works with the wires in your walls
Sorry I killed the shill thread with a real response.
credibility apparently depleted
coined the now-infamous term “alternative facts”
potential ethics violation by plugging Ivanka Trump’s fashion products.
spoke publicly that National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had “the full confidence of the president” hours before Flynn resigned.
Wiretapping via microwave eavesdropping then says she's no Inspector Gadget
Back out of the room slowly not wanting to witness the blackening
sex it
It's a legitimate thing.
Microwave bands are extremely sensitive to water (Water absorbs them and becomes warmer). So the Wifi 2.4hz bands which are close to microwave bands can be used to essentially track you in your home with ridiculous precision.
>it's a Kelly Ann Conway says something "stupid" but then normies look it up and red pill their selves episode
This is what happens when you hire people beyond their usefulness. She's obviously a brilliant campaign strategist but she's also female and clearly a kook. Kind reminds me of my mother intelligent (for a women) but believes and says the nuttiest shit. Once she one Trump should've sent her on her way until 2019 in the lead up till the 2020 election. At this rate she'll be electoral poison in his Admin
Codefag, you're missing the point, the resonating chamber listening device has been around since the 40s, these guys don't need a WiFi microwave to listen using the microwave
It's not nutty, you are just a jungle monkey
underrated post
fuck you
t. has underbite
weLL, majority of Drumf suhporters didnt graduate from college so yeah, they (you) are generally stupid
It's amazing that no matter what drivel comes out of their mouths and assholes, you will still bend over backwards to catch it like a good little bitch.
You are the actual definition of a cuck.
No wonder women won't touch you with a 10 foot pole, no one would ever want a bootlicking cocktaker like you.
I like how in their imagination nobody has guns
lol drumpf btfo.
amirite sharia blue?
Tinfoil hats are so last year. Go buy yourself a tinfoil suit.
Would fugg. I bet she has a beautiful puss. Also, doesn't the CIA use microwave radio equipment to regularly spoon people? If she misspoke I still don't care. Seriously, bet she has the bush of Aphrodite.
you just wrote an entire post using incoherent memes.
how does it feel to know that the slow degradation of america is because of barely functional NEETs like you?
wtf? I'm btfo now!!!
Crack cocaine
Surveillance Microwaves. Same shit we used in the military, different package.
Now you know. Dumbasses.
I'm sure you meant well but tinfoil only works against infrared. Also, if you plan to obstruct visibility, you wouldn't wanna wear it but rather completely cover the walls with it.
You can get a short overview here:
She's right though.
CTR eternally BTFO.
like radar
It's a CIA nigger thread, they're bugging the President and trying to deny it.
They have only limited time to flee the country, I don't know why they are wasting their time here.
KYS shill faggot
Jesus Christ. I love this fucking place.
This thread is a fucking train wreck.
You don't like documented facts, Dumpf shiil?
There is nothing new about this kind of comments from republicans.
Do you know wall street uses microwave communication tech to process the stock market?
Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice Nice realy nice realy nice realy nice realy nice
Zip fap fap fap fap fap fap fapfap
Women sure are fucking stupid.
My microwave oven made my tv antenna lose signal when it runs.
haha this ugly cunt is just trailer trash who smokes 3 packs a day.
KellyAnne posses off libtards something fierce.
God bless her and Kek bless her.
>It's amazing that no matter what drivel comes out of their mouths and assholes, you will still bend over backwards to catch it like a good little bitch.
kek that's actually pretty good imagery
> Why not other smart house hold appliances?