Such a powerful article from my Uni
>Professor Jessica Stern was granted permission to interview Radovan Karadžić, the Bosnian Serb warlord convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity,
Such a powerful article from my Uni
>Professor Jessica Stern was granted permission to interview Radovan Karadžić, the Bosnian Serb warlord convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity,
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying karadzic was a terrorist
>Radovan Karadžić
This is the guy who keeps drinking water in that remove kebab video right?
>Stern tells her students to think like a terrorist.
>she was raped at 14 at gunpoint
It's worth the read guys
Holy shit I think so
Serbs are almost as bad as kebabs
gtfo Ivo, and stop sucking NATO coock u are ruining croats, our balkan brothers.
Buddy, I'm not talking about Bosnian moderate muslims, only the afghan, syrian ect. extremists
Ivo i am Serb, lol. We should be purging kebabs from Bosnia and re-baptizing these traitorous fucks.
The kebab-remover-general is no terrorist
He is a good man! Globalists hate him for taking up arms against the Shitskins!
looks like David Lynch joined a militia.
It's too late for that. Btw, why doesn't serbia take Republika Srpska, leaves Kosovo alone, Croatia takes Hercegovina and we leave muslim Bosnia to rott?
I wonder if he finally got enough water from drinking that cup so many times
>>“I think what he really wanted to do was to show he could dominate me,” says Stern
Smash the patriarchy
>>Looking at him, Stern told Karadžić she was game for energy healing.
He got up from the table and stood behind her. He instructed her to hold her hands in her lap, palms up. “‘Focus on the center of your palms,’” she recalls him saying. “‘Think about God, and if you don’t believe in God, focus on someone you really love.’”
>>she tried to focus on the energy flowing through her palms. “There are 8,000 dead boys and men in the room with me,” she says. It occurred to her, in passing, that Karadžić could probably strangle her if he wanted to.
>>She approached their final interviews with “this grandiose fantasy that I was going to be the one to get this war criminal to apologize,” she says
>>“He says, ‘I would not do anything differently. The Bosnian Muslims wanted to establish an Islamist state—a jihadi state—in the middle of Europe. I was forced to defend my people.’” Bosnian Serbs’ fears of an Islamist state were “not totally made up,” she says.
Isnt Bosnia like 90% muslim tho?
I told you it was good
It's not, Serbs, Croats and muslims live there like 3 seperate nations. Bosnia is a fake country made to destabilise Europe
Is that Father Ted on a Greek Lizard cammo?
>He’s totally opposed to globalization, like most terrorist groups we study
>She’s not suggesting Trump could be the next Karadžić. But she does believe the lessons learned in many hours at that wooden table in The Hague have become timely.
>“In some ways, this is an early version of what’s happening now all over the world, including in the United States,” she says. “We see whites fearing that their privileged position as the majority is endangered in the same way Bosnian Serbs feared demographic shifts would result in their loss of majority status. We see leaders emerging who are able to capitalize on those fears to consolidate their own power. In the case of Karadžić, his campaign to restore the greatness of Serbia—to make Serbia great again—led to mass violence. So I think it’s a very important story for us to contemplate today.”
(((8000 dead boys)))
>implying the based lion Radovan was a terrorist
Keep shilling kikes
You sound smart
>Have opportunity to interview a key historical figure
>Interject your bullshit feminist fantasies into the interview
Jesus Christ what a lost opportunity to learn from a primary source.
We see Jews fearing that their privileges position as the majority in Israel is endangered
>Stern Gang, also called Stern Group or Lehi, formally Loḥamei Ḥerut Yisraʾel (Hebrew: “Fighters for the Freedom of Israel”), Zionist extremist organization in Palestine, founded in 1940 by Avraham Stern (1907–42) after a split in the right-wing underground movement Irgun Zvai Leumi.
They shot teenage boys and grown men alike because it was the only to be sure they had neutralised the ability of the Srebrenica fortress to rape and pillage local Serb villages. A warcrime (of vengeance) certainly but not genocide.
Oy vey goyim shut ur disgusting mouth they were women old and children like refugees you see today they were not mujahideens that massacred Serbs in Srebrenica 5 months before on orthodox Christmas...
Oh, so NOW you agree with us?
25 fucking years later, only NOW you see what our fight was all about?
Eat shit, all of you. You deserve every truck of peace that flattens your virgin sister in the town square and every shrapnel in your moms scull from every terror attack that occurs, at your own fucking turf.
My father went to fight twice in the same fucking decade against that filth, fought good, fought like a maniac, but both times he had to dodge the yankie/nato/jew bombs that wanted the muslims to win.
Now you get to see what it was all about.
Fuck all of you.
The second that the mudslimes in comunist eutroshit union start looking for a gun, they will buy one from me. and then some.
Fuck, ill even smuggle islamic volunteers from them, my 'neighbors'. All for you. Just so that you can see the same shit that happened my people, happen to you, only on a larger scale, only more bloody.
Its not the deaths and blood and sulfur smell that people hate about the last war, it was the fact that we were ALONE all alone on the entire planet. Not one speck of life on it.
It was us vs evil + the zombie world. And the zombie world won.
Now the world gets to have its portion of shit.
Bon apetite.
bosnia has two separate teritories 49% of Bosnia is serb part called Republika Srpska. Other 51% is called Federation of Bosnia and is shared by muslims and Croats. Muslims make around 45% of population, Serbs 35%, Croats 15%
you aren't talking to the world leaders of 25 years ago by the way
Sorry lad. There's not much real news when the only thing reporting on events 1,000 miles away is (((CNN))).
These days, as with the Syrian conflict, the truth is out in the wild immediately.
You have anger issues, both of my parents were in war
>That Karadžić could elicit, even in her, a feeling of wanting an A—of wanting his approval—told her something about how he had been able to persuade masses of Serbs to believe what he was telling them: that Bosnian Muslims constituted a threat.
Yeah, Karadzic convinced Serbs that muslims were a threat, not beheadings and mass settlement by wahhabis from middle east in order to create islamist state.
On behalf of the decent people left in Texas, and I guess in the rest of America, im sorry. No one stateside has heard the truth about anything for the last 100+ years. To most of the people here content to live their lives you're just a figure of some far off land that doesn't really exist, at least not in their minds; its not real to them. Meanwhile, the powers that be pull the strings and kill good white men in white countries, what a fucking joke. You tried to tell us the truth, as did the people of rhodesia and every other decent country as we bomb them to assist their enemies. Dont hate the rest of the world, I know you blame us but we can hardly be said to be the source of your misery. The people of the United States would never have allowed the peoples of the western world to be so tormented and dis-possesed by useful idiot turd-worlders had they have known the truth. Thus, such truth is kept from them as the bought and payed for traitors of our respective governments play out their inhuman agenda. Such truth may have actually given rise to the neo-crusades retards like Obama brow beat white westerners with incessantly.
Sorry. We didn't know.
Nisu ljudi krivi, njihovi mediji su bili 100% americka propaganda. Ljudi su ucili u skolama da je Slobodan Milosevic polivao demonstrante benzinom i zapaljivao ih. Isprani mozgovi.
25 years ago most of these faggots weren't even alive, let alone able to have any logical, rational opinion on this type of subject.
>Americans trying to understand anyone other than other Americans
Fucking cancer, I'm amazed that bitch didn't compare Karadžić to some fucking school shooter lol.
We know now that you guys didnt know, and no wonder you didnt know since all the news were showing these lobbyist cockroaches.
shirley cloyes (arguing for giving the terrorist group KLA the weapons)
DioGuardi, the albanian lobbyist gathering political points from albanian diaspora in US
you just went full cuck
>We see whites fearing that their privileged position as the majority is endangered in the same way Bosnian Serbs feared demographic shifts would result in their loss of majority status.
We weren't the majority, tho?
We were a minority. Muslims were a plurality.
I'll go through the article now, call it out on bullshit and so on.
>I'll go through the article now, call it out on bullshit and so on.
looking forward to it
On the contrary, revelations into dirty dealings reveals a frightening picture of us interventionism overseas. The real cuck is the general american public. If we accept that america is supposedly a country run of the people by the people for the people at least perception wise, then there are consequences for that perception. Specifically, when the government promotes policies that are antithetical to the will and well being of the american people and those abroad. How is it cuckey' to draw a distinction between the horrible shitty people in our government and the average american Joe trying to live his life. People around the world suffer because of Americans complacency and half brained retarded normie-ness. We pursue policies that kill half the rest of the world, then the victims of said policies see that american could give less of a shit or actively cheer on the forces destroying them out of a misguided and misled sense of patriotism and worldliness. I refuse to believe that America is the source of all evil in the world, but its hard to miss when we seriously fuck up the wrong people. Even actions of america military can quickly turn up a blurred image of morality when it comes to supporting sides. Patton after WW2 quickly realized we fought the wrong people when it came to saving the ZOG machine from the machinations of its own doing. How many brother wars do we have to fight against our own until you realize that the wrong people are suffering because of OUR policies. Like it or not, we vote for this bullshit, we are somewhat culpable even if that culpability is slipping under a tyranny of a mono party political shadow government. They deserve an apology quite frankly... To acknowledge otherwise is cucking to the wills of people like Obama and Clinton. Unless you're some shitskin or kike and dont understand that.
Misdirection of maternal instincts. Dumb hoe.
Sick synth
you sir are a gentleman and a scholar. well said!
>He is also a liar and a charismatic master manipulator.
Top kek.
Based on what?
>During his 13 years as a fugitive war criminal in Belgrade, he had transformed himself into a New Age guru
IIRC he was just an "alternative medicine doctor", not a guru.
>simultaneously justify and deny his role in overseeing a campaign of crimes against humanity—serial rape, torture, death camps, ethnic cleansing, murder
Serial rape was invented by some BBC/CNN/whatever network journalist. The "50k rape victims" is her meme, and the actual number was around a few thousand according to some official statistics.
What instances of torture were there for them to be significant? I genuinely don't remember even the ICTY bringing up torture in their cases, except in a few anecdotal cases.
Death camps never existed. There were improvised prisons that were declared "concentration camps" by the media but that's it, and even in some instances those were closed down by the government because they were illegally founded to imprison Muslims (some were founded because there were simply no prisons).
Ethnic cleansing is a meme and never happened, and to see it you just need to see the ethnic map today. Crimes happened, even massacres, but those were almost always condemned by Karadzic and the army.
Murder happens in war, duh.
>Karadzic making her do the alternative stuff
Kek, she's feeling the Serb magic.
"restore the greatness of Serbia—to make Serbia great again—led to mass violence"
it led to mass violence because serbs wanted land which belonged (and still does) to other sovereign nations
there is a line between wanting to restore own nation's "greatness" through reversing economic policies which ultimately brought economic collapse and commiting war crimes and other attrocities against usually unarmed civilians, losing from inferior, poorly armed army and crying because they lost 25 years after the war
But Karadžić wasn't a terrorist.
>losing from inferior, poorly armed army and crying because they lost 25 years after the war
you were by no means inferior
you created from that war (especially vukovar) a myth like we did from kosovo battle
it's not a myth, but a fact that the croatian army in first half of the war of independence fought with hunting rifles and old uniforms of eastern germany, which were very heavy when soaked with rain. yugoslav national army, which was ranked in top 5 armies in europe was so competent that it lost to a fucking hunting rifle.
>inb4 we could've marched into Zagreb, only if we wanted
My late father was in the war, he told me once that they were briefed about the ZNG fighters lightly armed militia.
If only it was so.
He barely got out of Bjelovar with his head, and what he saw was soldiers with gear way better than what JNA had. I recall he mentioned their radios being state of the art for that time. So no, u were not, by any definition, inferior.
*being lightly armed militia.
Also, I'm not making excuses, we lost the war fair and square, but stop mythologizing as if you won the battle of Thermopylae.
ne rusi mu sneska druze, pusti ga nek zivi u svojim fantazijama
Što si guzopovrijeđen, kao da je nama Hrvatima bitno jesmo li imali inferiornu opremu ili ne, ono što je nama bitno je da smo vas naguzili
tebe pucaju neki zesci tripovi decko, slavite vi pobedu koliko hocete nego samo kazem da stvarate mit od tog rata
Inbred + cult indoctrination + violent ideology + middle east =
>Why Terrorists Kill
>mi smo dobili rat
>tebe pucaju neki zesci tripovi
kek, pa dobro brate
svetski smo im ga smestili
stari mi je pričao kako su na početku rata morali švercat oružje u kontejnerima iz argentine i rumunjske i to je uglavnom (99%) bilo lovačko oružje i streljivo, nikakve granate ni slične pizdarije
Yes that's him he gained alot of weight though
>how he had been able to persuade masses of Serbs to believe what he was telling them: that Bosnian Muslims constituted a threat.
He never did that, tho.
Muslims even served freely and openly in the army. They even had their own units, there were so many of them.
>claiming he was not responsible for the killings at Srebrenica and had never read the war directives issued in his name
That's true, a group of officers connected to various secret services all around the place organized it. Some commanders knew what was happening, but didn't react because the perpetrators of the Srebrenica massacre had connections among the Yugoslav intelligence.
>The Bosnian Muslims wanted to establish an Islamist state—a jihadi state—in the middle of Europe.
Their leader, Alija Izetbegovic, was a known Islamist that supported a pan-islamic state with a Pakistan-style democratic Islamist system even before the war. His book, the Islamic Declaration, was a famous dissident work during the communist regime.
Al-Qaeda fought on the Muslim side, and there were various Islamist volunteer groups within the Muslim army. Some Islamists settled in Bosnia after the war, in some villages they even have separate schools that hold classes according to Sharia and Arabic school systems.
Google Gornja Maoča for an example.
>loss of majority status
Already addressed that.
>In the case of Karadžić, his campaign to restore the greatness of Serbia—to make Serbia great again—led to mass violence.
He didn't start anything?!
The Muslims and Croats voted for independence of Bosnia, and then Serbs declared their independence from Bosnia.
Not to mention he never ran on anything even remotely like "greatness of Serbia". His program was simply "protect the rights of Serbs as a constituent nation within Bosnia". And he also never had anything to do with Serbia. Just the Serb part of Bosnia.
>inviting a poo over for Thanksgiving
Karadžić was voted in fair and square.
ne razumem zasto se uopste okidas na ono sta pricam?
to "u pocetku" je mozda trajalo godinu-dve od pocetka rata, vecinom istog ste bili dobro naoruzani
This article never did go into the war and Karadzic at all, she just compared him to Trump because of some thought she had. poor read/10
Koji si ti retard hahahah, koju poruku uopće pokušavaš prenijeti tu?
>found guilty of the murder of 8.000 muslims
>found guilty
Someone give this guy a medal.
ko da je bitno kakvu poruku zelim preneti na anonimnoj mongolskoj slikodasci :^)
ajde prestani se vise blamirati keve ti
Moguce, moguce, ja ti kazem sto sam cuo iz ustiju coveka kojem sam verovao, al' ono svako ima svoju stranu price.
>"make Serbia great again"
Normally, this shoehorned Trump reference would make me mad, but it doesn't. I agree 100%. Remove kebab. Make Serbia great again.
Father Ted Crilly
ha jebiga buraz, rekao bi ti više sreće drugi put ali ako gledamo da ste spušili svuda di ste išli (istini za volju, ne sve od istih faktora), ništa od toga
Ajde ajde, pozdravi mi ekipu na /ex-yu/ lol
Serbs in Bosnia praise him as a first President of their """republic""", the man who stood against islamisation and saviour of serbs west of Drina.
But in this article, she refers to him just as a "warlord", like it is some kind of Somalia-tier shit. Just shows how rest of the world sees them
Should this be (((Stern))) perhaps?
>da ste spušili svuda di ste išli
prestadoh da citam
U realize your country expires in about 10 years right?
I hear you're a racist now, father.
top kek
it's funny 'cause it's true
u redu
Why hasn't anyone posted this yet?
Just look at (((her))).
praise kek. I am afraid of the future, but I think that civil war might be the only option to stop further invasion of Europe.
kad cemo delit bosnu
pozdrav s /ex-yu/-a pederi
>He’s totally opposed to globalization, like most terrorist groups we study
really fires up my neurons
Ratko Mladic and Karadzic should be released immediately.
Didn't Bin Laden have a Bosnian passport?
>47 years into yugoslavia and chill and he gives you this look
>re-baptizing balkan muzzies
Fine, but you're taking all of them. Croatia has enough problems already.
Probably the same poster that was making fun of Ethiopia garbage landslide yesterday.
I must have missed that one.