Should Euthanasia be legal on request under certain circumstances, or just in general? Or is it dangerous to allow such, and should it not be legally allowed?
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slippery slope should not be a phallacy since that is one steep extra greased slope ya got there
There are people currently raising children with under developed brains due to Zika infection.
Some pains are so utterly fuckacted that living with them can be considered worse than death.
>Even so
Bible clearly states you should avoid killing yourself (*)
The second you start putting arbitrary conditions where its ok to kill for the sake of it, you enter a never ending slippery slope of where eventually its ok to kill your children just because timmy is a little shit.
Yes but it should be at least a months long process that requires approval from doctors and/or psychologists.
That's not what euthanasia means you mong. It's about suicide not murder.
Why should I be worried about youth in Asia?
No, that's akin to saying that age of consent laws lead to a slippery slope where sex is never legal at any age or pedophilia eventually becomes accepted, we don't just lose our sense of logic because of it.
except that once you normalize a certain type of murder people will try to normalize the others
thats what happened with homosexuality, now we got libtards trying to make pedophilia ok
Suicide is not murder no matter how many unrelated slippery slopes you throw at it.
it is , by its very definition, murder of ones self.
If you don't legalize euthanasia people who are going to kill themselves anyway are going to do it, sometimes they'll fuck up and end up as brain damaged vegetables that traumatize their families even more.
Nobody is going to start murdering toddlers just because adults with unbearabe physical or psychological pail get to lawfully terminate their own lives.
furthermore deliberate death should never be normalized under any conditions, as it just depreciates the value of human life.
who cares about dealing with any problems when you can just kill yourself right?
not to mention the effect this would have on families if the person being killed did not inform them before hand and just did it anyways
"sorry mrs, johnson, we killed your son since he passed all our regulations and we wanted his sheckles"
> Being this pedantically autistic
> Even implying that "murdering" oneself is at all comparable to murdering somebody else
Fine then, we'll use the word homicide instead, which is completely different from suicide.
>If you don't legalize euthanasia people who are going to kill themselves anyway are going to do it
such a weak ass argument
"lol why make it a law if people are just going to break it?"
if you want to die then kill yourself
dont force a doctor to kill you
> Fail to kill yourself using amateur methods or even a gunshot which isn't as guaranteed as you think
> Ends up becoming vegetable and hurting family and friends even more, needing to be on state assisted healthcare to live
The whole reason it's a thing is because it's supervised and done well and professionally so that it's guaranteed and doesn't fuck you up further. Would you tell terminally ill cancer sufferers or hospice patients to go kill themselves?
Okay. Why have we as a civilization decided that people should not be allowed to kill themselves?
It hurts their families?
Their pain is probably temporary?
It would encourage people who would otherwise have happy productive lives to kill themselves on a whim?
If we offer a legal course of life termination to people who are suicidal and give them and their families extensive couseling it would almost certainly reduce total suicides.
What is your stance on capital punishment for murderers by the way?
doctors aren't executioners
there are plenty of ways to guarantee suicide is successful
Veterinarians euthanize all the time. If a doctor would rather not euthanize a patient s/he could simply refer the patient to a doctor or other health service organization that would
wouldn't that make some doctors serial murderers? just because someone agrees to die you're still killing them
So you would force someone who had been a law-abiding citizen their whole life to become a criminal if they decided they needed to terminate their own life?
>it just depreciates the value of human life
Being a human and being alive is literally the least of the least and the commonest of the commonest of denominators among humanity. "Depreciation" is just plain honesty in this case.
Depending on the law, it would not be murder if there is consent.
people should be encouraged out of murdering themselves--because life is sacred & good
murder is illegal--that doesn't stop anyone from doing it, but that also doesn't mean murder shouldn't be illegal
suicide is murdering yourself--that doesn't stop anyone from doing it, but it also doesn't mean murdering yourself shouldn't be illegal
it doesn't matter to them anyways they'll be dead
That's ridiculous.
You keep using that retarded strawman where people eventually murder other people instead of themselves. That is not what this is about and you know it.
Would you encourage terminally ill patients with diseases or conditions that make them suffer immense pain continue to live with their pain, which is arguably worse than death?
I'm not talking about a process where you go in, check some boxes and sign then get your head cut off.
Euthanasia should be a process where you have to go through multiple consultations over the course of several months and be approved for it if doctors decide you legitimately don't have medical solutions to your problems.
There are no laws against suicide in the United States.
What about their families?
You want them to have no choice but to a) see grandma become a criminal because she swallows three extra morphine pills or b) see grandma suffer in agony for a six months?
What was that about a slippery/greasy penis?
Yes there are. Not federally but most of the states classify attempted suicide as a criminal act.
because she's dead her criminal status doesn't matter
she doesn't become a criminal she becomes dead
Fucking tards, its simple if you believe in freedom you believe that euthanasia should be an option. Atleast for those with terminal illness. If you don't believe in freedom like most of Sup Forums then you shouldn't support euthanasia, probably because muh bible or teh jooos!
So.. if you rape a child right before you shoot yourself it's cool because you're not a criminal given that you're dead and all right?
Hasn't been the case for decades. At best it's a common law crime in a handful of states.
it's not alright to rape a child in the first place
but it's not like you can do anything about it if he kills himself
>You keep using that retarded strawman where people eventually murder other people instead of themselves. That is not what this is about and you know it.
so what is to stop a doctor, who is immoral, from streamlineing a euthanasia so that he can collect on the insurance?
I think it should be legal in general. It's kinda retarded that I get to enjoy several rights but I'm denied ending myself. I don't want treatment for "depression", I just want to die painlessly.
People need to understand that some of us were never meant to live but thanks to religious zealotry we're obliged to live.
you aren't denied ending yourself you're denied forcing other people to do it for you
There's nothing morally wrong about streamlining relief from suffering and the doctor wouldn't be a beneficiary unless the patient so willed it from the outset.
abortion is wrong because life beginning at the moment of conception is sacred & good
the fact that women have or would abort children with hangers on their own does not make it okay to abort children in healthcare facilities through dismemberment or lethal serum
euthanasia is wrong because life is sacred & good until the moment of natural death
the fact that people blow their brains out with a gun does not mean that people should be given suicide pills in healthcare facilities
state-run healtcare will refuse costly healthcare while telling those patients they will pay for suicide drugs
abortion and euthanasia aren't wrong because they are illegal or should be illegal--they are wrong because morally and ethically life is sacred & good.
but what if the doctor knew that the patient could be made to change their mind with counsoling, but instead chose to go through with the euthanasia so he could more quickly collect on the insurance.
>the doctor wouldn't be a beneficiary unless the patient so willed it from the outset.
this is so utterly wrong, the procedure would cost money like any other procedure. and the doctor would collect on the insurance.
Feels good being the first European country (Together with Belgium and Luxembourg) to legalize euthanasia.
state run healthcare encourages euthanasia
See: Stephanie Packer
Then give me the fucking drugs to end myself. Where can I get drugs to end it? I can't. I'll be stopped and thrown into a looney bin. I don't want to participate in this sick society. I don't want any of this bullcrap. Just let me out of this sick twisted dream.
If euthanasia was legal I'd do it
>i can't
yes you can
>Then give me the fucking drugs to end myself
just go get some yourself
if a druggie can find heroin so can you
and aren't drugs decriminalized in portugal?
or you could even order a tank of helium and do it that way
What do you know about this poster. Why does he talk about the penis?
That's implying your religious bullshit is true, which it probably isn't. You believe things because the bible says theaw things are true, but why should you believe the bible? Because the bible says so. Its just circular logic.
> abortion is wrong because life beginning at the moment of conception is sacred & good
There's nothing wrong with abortion at all, at least up until a certain point, it's a clump of cells with no ability to even experience sensory perception for a while, there's literally nothing wrong with terminating that.
> euthanasia is wrong because life is sacred & good until the moment of natural death
Tell that to people with horrible and debilitating conditions which give them near-continuous horrible pain and who'd rather just end it.
> state-run healtcare will refuse costly healthcare while telling those patients they will pay for suicide drugs
Firstly that's doubtful, secondly just transition to or use a private system then, and thirdly just make it illegal to administer or do so without the patient's consent.
Ah, I misunderstood what you meant by "insurance". Regardless, I don't believe a doctor could seriously expect to make terribly much more money from expediting euthanasia—the concrete procedure itself should be relatively inexpensive, and once the needle is in it's finished. Better to be wined and dined by the various mental health services providers in exchange for favourable referrals, no?
If im dying from terminal cancer i want a better faster way out. The only people who oppose it are the medical corporations who can prolong life and suffering to extract money. Fuck them and fuck you.
Look at how doctors oppose letting adults that want to never have kids put up obstacles for tubal ligation or vasectomies. Because a quick fix at 18 means they wont get thousands from kids being borne. Fuck you and fuck those corporations.
By drugs I didn't mean hard drugs. I meant drugs specifically for this kind of thing. Like in the US where they give (or used to give) lethal shots where the person would go to sleep painlessly. I want to die just like when I'm falling asleep.
Doesn't work. I'd get caught. Also companies found out people were offing themselves with helium and they started mixing oxygen with it.
>Should Euthanasia be legal on request under certain circumstances, or just in general?
Abortion is already legal. It's prevented 50 million black babies from being born since 1970. Rejoice.
euthanasia would be incredibly expensive for many reasons
A.) it would require an operating room, its not cheap to book those and the hospital fees will also be expensive
b.) there would be a fair amount on consultation and probably visits to the psychiatrist before they would go through with it.
c.) the combinations of drugs to ensure that you would not feel pain would also be incredibly expensive, and all of this would either be out of pocket or by insurance.
They already have it in Switzerland and Holland. It isn't too expensive there, so i think your argument is bs user desu
I like your post. Fuck 'em! I agree. If I'm dying of a terminal cancer why is it "more right" to make me suffer in agony till I die. The only morons who would disagree are those with childs mind. A childs mind does not yet realize we are all going to die so the believe in miracles a santa.
who gives a fuck about legality if you're trying to die? just kill yourself.
jfc why is /pol so full of retards
Suicide is the ultimate form of cowardice, so if you want to die just do it yourself
fucking pussies.
"Life is good" is a prinicple that isn't necessarily religious
If Life isn't good--genocide/abortion/euthanasia isn't bad
I don't believe what the Bible says simply because the Bible says it.
For example...
Jesus existed
Jesus says he's God
Jesus' body cannot be found by Christians or non-Christians after His crucifixion
Jesus appeared after His body wasn't found to both Christians and non-Christians
I believe Jesus when He says He's God.
not all life is good you moron, if someone is suffering then his life isn't good. besides, you also said that life is sacred, which is most certainly a religious principle
if life is sacred, shitty life is sacreligious
A is peanuts compared to other operations and you'd have to take up C with the drug companies producing them. B is exactly what I was saying—that's where the greatest potential profit lies, not the procedure itself. People aren't exactly crowding at the gates to be euthanised.
>being too stupid to kill yourself
its a hard knock life
ITT: Sup Forums being against euthanasia and abortion, but for eugenics and sterilization
Life begins at the moment of conception. Life at the moment of conception is Life and nothing other than uniquely human Life.
I tell people who are suffering that Life is sacred & good, I don't hand them a gun or suicide pills
I tell people who are suffering--"Life is sacred & good" and I also don't tell them "kill yourself" or provide formal/material means to kill themselves
state-run healthcare will deny costly treatment while enouraging and paying for less costly suicide pills
see: stephanie packer
>Sup Forums is one person
some user once wrote that this is the case because, if someone breaks into a house to save someone who appears to be dying unintentionally they will not get procecuted for breaking in to the house, as they did so to stop "a criminal act"
I have no idea if there is any truth to that at all, but i wouldnt be surprised if america had to make retarded as fuck laws like that to avoid getting sued by suicide-failers
>I believe Jesus when He says He's God.
And uh... which passage is that again?
I'll wait.
You have no evidence for that. No evidence whatsoever that life starts at conception. No one will buy your shit if you don't give them a reason. And I'm talking about your belief that life starts with conception, so don't go on a rant about life or some other shit.
My grandmother passed because of Cancer and at the end she was in a lot of pain. I for one am in favor but only when you know that you are otherwise prolonging the inevitable. So yes, but only in the worst cases.
>I want to die just like when I'm falling asleep
thats exactly what heroin will do
the stuff they'd give you in a hospital would basically be the same thing, they'd give you legal heroin
desu it just sounds like you're lazy and you're feeling sorry for yourself
I know how you feel... you might think I'm messing with you but you should seriously take a cold shower
it'll be painful but you'll feel fucking amazing after
if you can't even force yourself to do that and step outside of your comfort zone even a little then you're literally just a lazy fuck blaming society for your own laziness
writing "Life" with a capital L doesn't make it any more "sacred & good"
it just makes you look like a religious bigot
If you think euthanasia doesn't happen in hospitals every day you are wrong. Lots of people with horrible terminal diseases are given large doses of benzos and narcotics to "relieve their pain and discomfort" and they coincidentally pass away a few minutes later from natural causes.
I think it should be legalized..
Who the fuck wants to go through life with severe mental illness? or retardation? or being a vegetable? life becomes torture, especially if you have the capacity to realize what youre missing out on when it comes to your 'normal' person.
If I had you a gun and you shoot yourself, does that make me a muederer?
>the stuff they'd give you in a hospital would basically be the same thing, they'd give you legal heroin
>legal heroin
Do you thikn I can barge into an hospital, ask for heroin to kill myself and the doctor/pharmacist would allow it? And that heroin is sold in pharmacies? Is that what you're saying?
I know it does, hospitals are full of serial murdering nurses.
no but if you shot me in the head if I asked it would make you a murderer
no... I'm saying morphine is basically just heroin
just take a cold shower
You could be on the hook for enabling suicide, depending on where you live.
Read up: Ancient evidence from non-Christian sources-Tacitus, Pliny The Younger, Josephus, Babylonian Talmud & Lucian
I gave you a proof that does not rely on The Bible, and here is evidence for the proof from non-Christian, non-Biblical sources
I can't buy morphine like someone buys a bottle of water and you know that.
Yes, youth in asia are fine. Also youth in Europe and elsewhere. We need our youth!
Supporting human Life makes me a "religious bigot" according to you?
That word doesn't mean what you think it means
go to a street corner and buy heroin from a drug dealer
Yeah and risk myself getting into jail and be Jamal's fuck toy. Great thinking.
Besides I wouldn't even know who to talk to, I'd probably get beaten up and robbed.
Exit bag.
you're just lazy and you're making excuses
take a cold shower
take some agency in your life and stop blaming "society" for your problems
Read up: Here's an article with a multitude of scientific research that concludes Life begins at conception
Life begins at the moment of conception isn't necessarily a religious belief and scientific conclusions based on research does not require faith
No. I don't want to suffer and I don't want to feel like my heart is pumping so hard that it feels like it's bulging out of my chest. I just want to go to sleep and never wake up again.
How the fuck am I supposed to know who sells morphine/heroin in the streets? Also, my wrists would disagree with you. I am blaming society for not providing me with an easy and legal way out, not anything else.
What do you think happens with hypoxia? you run out of air feel numb and go to sleep.
>commits suicide
>instant rebirth in similar body, similar circumstances
it's like you think you can win the game by destroying your earth suit. top keks mate. if only buddha had the great insight that (You) have now, he would have saved a lot of time!
>How the fuck am I supposed to know who sells morphine/heroin in the streets?
just ask a junkie
>Also, my wrists would disagree with you
you just didn't do it right because you didn't want to die
> I don't want to suffer
nah you're just lazy
Fine with it as long as there is some kind of psychiatric check and waiting period on people who are otherwise healthy and not in pain.
If people want to kill themselves, they will, but it will generally be messy and require cleanup were all going to pay for anyway. May as well let people die cleanly if they want to.
The biggest fear with Euthanasia in human beings is that the power of attorney (family members or guardians of older people or mentally retarded people) could allow people to kill their own loved ones for the sake of "not letting them suffer". I'm not necessarily 100% against it, I'm just concerned that it would become an abused tactic to rid the world of elderly folks or dying family members by other, lazy family members who don't want to take care of them.