Kikes and globalists on suicide watch!
>Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has approved the creation of an Iranian naval base close to the Hmeymim airbase used by Russia’s air force in Syria, according to reports.
Kikes and globalists on suicide watch!
>Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has approved the creation of an Iranian naval base close to the Hmeymim airbase used by Russia’s air force in Syria, according to reports.
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>americans and their saudi allies on suicide watch
Fixed that for you.
Americans and their Saudi and Israeli allies on suicide watch.
Israel's had a good run. Too bad the tides are turning to the Axis now. I give it 50 years at most before it's overrun by snackbars and purges itself from within.
Iran superpower when ?
Not until they throw off the yoke of Islam. So maybe 100 years.
An Iranian naval base in the Mediterranean?
Welp. There goes the balance of power.
if anything that makes things more balanced, as it is now, the US is all the way up Iran's shore and so is Israel.
wow, this is a HUGE fuck you to israel and the kikes in the united states. I cant wait for the tears to flow with intense volume
The middle east was better off when we werent involved and the sand niggers just fought each other. Their militaries were so shit, and probably still are, but now theyre forming alliances. This will bite us in the ass.
Iran is a different flavor of saudi arabia, this isnt good for anyone. Fuck them both.
>the sand niggers just fought each other.
that happened BECAUSE you got involved. sadam invaded iran because of US/Europe support
This pretty much guarentees Israel declaring open war on Syria and ruins any chance of Trump's Syrian-Russo-American front against ISIS.
Kiss it goodbye.
>Iran is a different flavor of saudi arabia
wow, this is literally as wrong as you could get even if you tried really hard.
fucking jidf
top kek not happening.
israel can only do what it does if it does not actually declare war.
Finally! We have some new missiles to test.
>Finally! We have some new missiles to test.
Don't worry greatest ally.
We'll give you more free money.
use them on yourself and do everyone a favor
don't post here tsunemori kanshikan reeeeeeee
The jew will not allow this. No way.
the ovendodger has no choice
More like Saudi Arabia is a different flavor of israel
Iran has already almost commissioned there 'Suez Guard' base at Yemen, the base at Syria would act as the 'Bosphorus Guard'...they're also reportedly building 28 mini subs to be deployed from these bases
At least kill some rag heads.
Seeing how they keep btfoing the Jews and their dumb shabbos goyim, I'd say Islam isn't holding them back much.
>At least kill some rag heads.
israel is friends with the ragheads (saudis)
here's the QUICK RUNDOWN.
>Iran is Shia
>Shia don't believe in forced conversion (which is why they are in the minority)
>Shia don't believe in heaven on earth (Sunnis think it's not only possible but will happen if they keep trying to convert everyone by any means available.)
reminder that Israel and Saudi Arabia are allying up fampais.
It's not a reform. It's the fundamental split that dominates Islam.
All over who should lead the Islamic world after Mohammeds death.
Course since then the Sunni and Shia have developed in wildly different ways.
A lot of the whole "ISLAMIC MATHEMATICIANS!" stuff can be attributed to the Shia. Who were dominated by Persians who were formerly Zoroastrians and brought a lot of that thinking into Shia Islam.
The Shia are a minority.
Iran and Iraq are the only Shia majority nations. And Iraqi Shia are used to being under the thumb of the Sunni.
Also worth noting. The Sunni consider the Shia to be heretics and frequently attack/oppress them.
Assad over in Syria is an Alawite. The Alawites are a tiny Shia sect. Their history is essentially "oh look the Sunni are oppressing/killing us again"
So they developed a very insular and secretive religious system.
There's two rules of Alawite club.
One: You do not talk about your religion much if at all.
Two: You DO NOT talk about your religion much if at all.
That's why the Assads run the show in Syria, they're palatable enough to the majority of the groups in Syria and not inclined towards oppressing any one group.
It's also why they're so opposed to the Sunni majority getting more political power, they know where it will go.
If you want a reformist group then you want the Ahmadi.
Who are quite literally every left wing "islam is the religion of peace!" trope in one convenient package. They believe the Islamic messiah has been and gone. Very much compatible with the west for the most part.
But tiny to the point of irrelevance and reviled as heretics by almost all other muslims.
While Sunni still constitute the majority even among non-arabs. The Shia heartlands are all in regions conquered by Arabs.
This is why its important to counter when someone says "iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism"
It is not. It can't be on the simple fact that most Islamic terrorist/militia groups are Salafist.
Salafists are Sunni. They regard Shia as vile disgusting degenerate heretics who must all die or convert.
Iran literally can not even talk to these groups.
Saudi Arabia on the other hand. Ruled by the Wahhabi (an ultra-conservative verison of Salafism) house of Saud. Can and does talk to these groups on a regular basis.
And is well known for financing them.
Hell it founded most of these groups and is hugely responsible for the spread of Salafism/Wahhabism throughout Europe.
They finance the construction of mosques throughout the world then appoint Salafist preachers to run them.
If they can't get one appointed they will demand that one be allowed to speak there.
If they can't even get that then they pull funding and the mosque collapses.
They've paid for a fuckton of mosques in Europe in recent years.
And all these "homegrown terrorists"?
All went to Saudi financed mosques.
The Israelis and house of Saud have tricked us into taking sides in an ancient sectarian conflict. And they've made sure we picked the side that is hostile to us rather than the side who just want to be left alone for once.
Another interesting fact on mosques in Europe actually.
Migrants and refugees coming to Europe from the middle east especially from Syria and Africa have complained that our mosques are "Crazy" or "Really extreme"
Because they're regular Sunni going into Salafist mosques.
It would be like throwing an ethnic nationalist into the middle of a building populated entirely by full on 1488 skinheads who were just in the middle of lynching a nigger.
While there's common ground he's going to be somewhat shocked at how extreme the people in the building are compared to him.
Most of the time with these migrants/refugees they adapt. Become salafists themselves or adopt salafist leanings and views.
And if you want an idea of what those are. Pretty much every negative muslim stereotype you care to name. Rapefugees also comes to mind.
Salafists are animals. They can not be allowed to live.
You got a better source than Russia Insider? I can't find any confirmation of this anywhere else. I checked the source which Russia Insider used, TASS, and that very source still said there's no confirmation. This would be all over if confirmed.
>Implying Iran is Islamic
You do know they just use that to rile up their retarded neighbors into killing themselves for them right?
Have no illusions, (((friend))), you'll be rekt.
>burger education
The Islamic Republic of Iran takes their religion very seriously, it's not done to "rile" up people. If you took the time to learn of the country's history and significance of their religion and the way in which it was used to combat outside influence/forces you'd understand it better.
afrikaner you're actually literally posting jidf shit now
might as well post israel today as source. retard.
Also listen to this goy. Funny how even "redpilled" ameritards easily buying the "Iranian sponsored worldwide terrorism" meme while not seeing how bad Saudi is.
It's pretty much just a gossip at this point. Russia insider is such Russia insider.
Suddenly, Trump finds it necessary to invade Syria and replace Assad.
Under its current admin, it cannot sustain. Shitposting aside, either arabs will outbreed them, the orthodox welfare queens will cause a civil war, or USA will crumble and no one will protect them anymore.
Israel needs to rapidly expand AND get a large influx of non-orthodox jews for a healthy population and to dilute muslims/orthodox. This why why they are doing what they do to the West. They probably have only 20-40 years, desu.
I didn't claim that they didn't do that shit.
What I said was that it's all a ruse by their elites to keep the masses complacent. Look up how the elites live in Tehran, then compare that to what they enforce on the various ethnic trash polluting their country. It's quite ingenious if you think about it, their beheaders are now running into Syria to kill their enemies.
By who? Syria is a child's game, Iran can't bring a full army to us, neither can send missiles (arrow 3). USA is on our side, and you, my russian friend, won't do nothing about it because we probably give you free intellegence from lebanon, iran, syria, etc... Also the relations between us are better than ever, just last week our prime minister visited you. We thought it all out, didn't we?
They can. And they can cut you off.
ahahahahaha fuck yes.
Brenne due dreckiger JUDE!"
Shia Muslim is mad that he was campers to Sunnis.
Was campers to.
I give up.
>FREE Americans and Saudis actually care
Only the kikes are shitting their pants, chinko
>last week our prime minister visited you
It wasn't because of "good relations", Shlomo.