Scottish independence
>The tunnel vision that SNP has shown today is deeply regrettable
>She said that the detailed arrangements for a referendum - including its timing - should be for the Scottish Parliament to decide.
What is Sup Forumss opinions on this, personally im in favor of independence.

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Same, we're a rare breed on here though

Was thinking of starting a scot/pol/ general at some point

GTFO SCOTLAND - like seriously you will be so fucked if you leave Britain

I might too, we need more scots on here sad thing is we are a liberal country.

Just cunt off and stay gone, fucking vote to leave this time you cowardly cuckolds.

I'm sick of this shit.
Even the word 'independence' annoys me.
It's separation from the Union. NOT fucking independence. Get the word right. Semantics is important.

I want the Scots to do what they wish; leave the Union and be a seperate country. And stay with the EU.
Or remain in the Union.
The constant anti-English shit is a bit annoying. But, whatever.
Leave the Union, join another Union - the EU, when UK especially England and Wales wants to leave the EU.

I will vote yes but I would prefer being outside of both the uk and eu.

It's pretty enjoyable seeing all the worry the salty non-scot brits are feeling right now.

Enjoy turning into Sweden 2.0. Scotland is a coast to coast shithole

Why would we worry? Scotland is literally a black hole of tax money and filled with toothless, ugly, heroin addicted obese cunts. Farewell, i say

>personally im in favor of independence.

We're not being offered independence user

Hard to leave an island

Here troops, gonna be the first minister of Scotland in some time soon

What do we need done?

Because your precious union is dying.

>Enjoy turning into Sweden 2.0. Scotland is a coast to coast shithole

A very far left acquiantance of mine said on Facebook that this is all great news because Scotland can become like Sweden. Which she's read "is a paradise".


I wanted Independence before, but now it's pointless with the oil money gone and our worse-than-Greece deficit

I also hate the SNP and hate that they abuse the democratic process by just repeating a referendum until they get what they want. Next it'll be "Brexit didn't happen the way we like so we want another independence referendum"

>don't talk to me or to my wife's son ever again

im not down or out

I don't understand why wee crankie is so obsessed with leaving the UK but desperate to stay in the EU.

Whatever, it's their choice. I just wonder whether the SNP are going to deny the vote to the 750k of Scots that live in England... A potential vote swinger, but a total hypocrisy if they deny, considering how they always bang on about Scottish votes

Put simply, money. Without outside financing Scotland is bankrupt

in b4 avian bird flu fright

bots r postin so look out

They will lower the voting age again to 16.


They also left out people serving in the armed forces

I think Scotland is nothing but lowlander cucks.
All the highlanders are in America now and what's left of Scotland is Sweden tier.


I've been called a cunt a lot recently.

Of course they did, the armed forces are as patriotic as you can get, a guaranteed remain vote

Scotland is 100% less cucked than England will ever be

>do you think, or know?

And allow EU nationals to vote...

Just make sure you give us our submarines back first you fat cunts.

I see you identify with the "nationalist" part of the SNP don't you mate


Let everyone in the UK have the vote, I'd happily vote to get rid of those lazy scottish fucks.

The only reason I can think to keep Scotland in the union is for the flag and the aesthetically pleasing boarder of great Britain.

Other than that they can just go. I'm bored of hearing about how Scotland is so hard done by. England fucking bank rolled you bellends when your one colony went tits up. You've done nothing of worth as an independent country other than fight us English.

The SNP is a joke party, much like ukip. Just another one trick pony. Why you'd want to stay in the EU instead of a UK outside the EU. A UK that now free from euro regulations would be able to listen to Scotland's issues and perhaps include legislation to favour Scotland.

I just don't get why the Scottish don't want to take this step away from the EU with us. Are they just too comfy with the status quo?

>It's the "hurr durr all the good people left for muttland" meme again, forgetting that the majority of people who went to your country were lowest class folks

Lets have a look at voting habbits for Scotland in recent years shall we?

Fuck off. Scotland will be only nuclear power on the British Isles you crumpet munching cunt.

No idea why you would leave. The EU will take you out of spite but you don't offer anything so you'll end up slaves to unelected reps.


corrupt polls

None is worried they just hope for that shinning day when you useless cunts stop crying.

Why is England so based. Look at all that lovely blue.

Scotland is a travesty.

>the results are corrupt polls

You're not even going to get another vote.

Any fellow Scots who are firmly against independence? Fucking midget cunt at it again

Pulled so many yes stickers off traffic lights today.

Anyone tempted to get into politics or go on question time to stop these bastards?


>all these English fannys saying they're bored of hearing about it, to fuck off, dunno why "we'd" leave

SNP does not equal Scotland.

Everytime Jeremy Corbyn speaks you don't Scots banging on about how every Englishperson is a far left socialist because of it.

You just feed the enemy. Which brings me onto how do we combat the inevitable anti-union shills and bots in the run up?

Does she like aggressive brown dick? Cause maybe she is right and just has different goals then you do.

>Lets have a look at voting habbits for Scotland in recent years shall we?
Scotland has been political left for literally centuries

>Any fellow Scots who are firmly against independence?

Just about everyone I know is against it other than the handful of left wingers who are getting bored with sharing anti-Trump pictures on FB.

>Nukes owned by Britain
>Scot legit thinks he will be able to keep it

This is hilarious, like, do you think England will still be sending you money?

As if we'd let the jocks keep the nukes that they spent years calling to be decommissioned.

You couldn't be trusted anyway. One of your guys would probably get shit-faced on Irn-bru and end up trying to bottle Ol' Jimmy McTaven with an ICBM. Bellend

I'm in two minds about it.

Pro leave: We get rid of porridge-niggers who invariably vote for socialist governments, take far more in taxes than they give back, and onc they gain independence and don't belong to either the EU or U.K. they will be absolutely fucked, like Venuzula-fucked, which will be funny.

Remain: The queen wants Scotland to remain, and seeing leftist Scottish cucks cry about it over social media will be funny.

as a country burns for pax

it is a right to pick, ay or nay

If it were Wales or Northern Ireland I'd be happy to see them go.

Scotland is fine though, I hope you don't leave - mainly because I shudder to think of what the SNP will do to you when they have unlimited power.

Have you not got an episode of Dr Who to be watching?

because many English areas have suffered directly from mass migration, and scotland hasn't to anywhere near the same extent

Sturgeon's gone mad, she just wants to keep re-running the referendum until she gets the answer she wants.

She doesn't care how much the referendum will cost, at a time when Scotland's revenues have plummeted since the last indy referendum.

She doesn't care that she'll divide Scotland again with the third major referendum in 5 years, and threaten to make it leave two trading blocs, rather than just one - Scotland will leave and will not be able to join the EU.

She doesn't care that she wants to leave a union that has given it devolution after devolution, in a temper tantrum about being made to leave a union that will instead take power after power from it.

She doesn't care she'll be distracting the UK government from negotiations, stabbing them in the back and weakening their hand.

All she cares about is having a small kingdom where she is the queen of less people than the Mayor of London is responsible for.

I thought it was a good idea if Scotland left back in 2014. I'm glad it didn't, because I value the union, but now I'm getting bored. There's only so many times naughty Nicky can throw her toys out of the pram in a tantrum before you stop giving the toys back to her.

>Scotland goes independent
>England asks for their nukes back
>Blow them up

not salty but desu mate scotland is just a fucking money pit.
if you guys do decide to leave the union you will still whine like fuck for gibs from the british government
your a petulant country that blames england for everything
also fuck that myopic little krankie

Jesus fucking christ are you going to vote to leave every few years of you dont get what you want?


Those nukes belong to the HM Government. Do you really think they would give them away for free to a bunch of stupid jocks on their border?

>Scots think they have the launch codes

Tippy toppy kek.

>Scotland forgets predominant winds are south Westerly
>glows in the dark for 50,000 years

Stop taking our gibz you smackheads. They's our gibz.

Christopher Ecclestone or David Tennant¿

I think this post single handedly turned me into a no voter

>Those nukes belong to the HM Government.

They belong to the SNP now Jamal.

Scots are against nukes tho? *confused*

We can just make up codes my dude since the nukes in Scotland are in storage.

fill yer boots lad

That's not how it works. Do they leave grenades in storage with the pins removed...

Try all you want, you smelly kilt wearing, short bread eating, IRN-BRU swiggin', Braveheart watching, Loch Ness growing, bagpipe playing drunk.

England owns you. You are our pet. You will do as your told and you will like it.

Whatever pissing off the english give me joy, so go Scots, leave the union.

They're trying this again?

How did you elect such a horrible PM.

The SNP are against nukes

ye they are corbyn tier when it comes to nuclear power and weapons

If you really want to piss us off you could put muslims in charge of your country, based frog.

Scots staying pisses off the English more, Scots leaving pisses off London more.

>blowing up nukes on your own land

Voting for Le Penn Jean Claude? That will be fun to watch...

Also De Gaulle had child-bearing hips

She's a fucking retard.
She'll get BTFO as she did in 2014. Only this time, it's a death sentence for her fugee-loving party - I don't see how the fuck you recover from losing two referendums when independence is the party's raison d'etere.

She triggers me like fuck. Krankie's lovechild (pic related). I'm gonna lie down.

you always had our back France

the eternal baguette

I would have sympathy with Scottish nationalists if they wanted independence because of London cuckoldry but that isn't why they want it. They want to catch up with Sweden in the cuck league and took Braveheart too literally.

I hope Scotland stays, but don't confuse this for any love or respect for Scotland - it is only my hatred for obese greasy jock SNP mongs that I want them to stay so I can point and laugh at them with my superior English finger.

>Most Anglos think the English are the equivalent of nigs with their welfare gibs.
What did he mean by this Sup Forums?

stay united,scotland and the snp on its own is a threat to england
they would invite in 3rd worlders who would use it as a backdoor into england

The referendum was great for the SNP because it basically turned half the population against their usual favourites Labour when they backed the No campaign.

Scotland is a fucking leech. The sooner it pisses off, the better. I don't care if you're a unionist either, I just want you to fuck off.

enjoy becoming the new greece

>trusting inbred alcoholic gingers with the launch codes
Nar mate

If Scotland leaves they will be a backdoor for the mudslimes. We cannot have that.

The SNP offered more gibs to the underclasses, and Labour disintegrated.
Nobody voted for Tories, cuz Tory and LibCucks got rekt because they were in coalition with the Tories.

Pretty simple, desu.

Mark my words, when she fucks up this 2nd referendum - her party's fucked.


>There's only so many times naughty Nicky can throw her toys out of the pram in a tantrum before you stop giving the toys back to her.

atleast she'll be the one standing on the block can't hide behind Salmond this time.

If it even gets that far, she's playing hardball on an issue most people have made up their mind on/ don't care about.

drunken ginger haired smackies that have a penchant for rapefugees and a genetic disdain nay hate for their english overlords are a drain on the unions economy
i think...
but dont quote me on that

Pretty stupid really. Even if they split the chances they'll be accepted back into the EU are slim, Spain would veto the shit of it because it would encourage the Catalan independence movement

Fixed for you.

>Scotland is a fucking leec

I hate the SNP and say no to this refurendum but Scotland was a net contributor to the UK economy until the oil price dropped. I think it's back up agian now.

England and Scotland never did fuck all between them until they joined together. Watching impotent english rage as they fall faster and further into obscurity will be hilarious.

Remember that Macedonia had a world Empire once too. Look at them now.

Scotland is the only good part of the UK. England is just ghettos filled with paedos, immigrants and welfare sponges spending all day watching Jeremy Kyle.