Where is Sup Forums leaning on Trumpcare?
I'm honestly not a fan.
Where is Sup Forums leaning on Trumpcare?
I'm honestly not a fan.
it's g-g...g...good... sh-shill
Not really pleased.
It's flawed and needs some work. Randcare would be best desu.
It's hard to sell people on the idea that they should have bought health insurance before getting sick
Just like free grain under Caesar, once given, it can never be taken away
Wrong, do what Ron Paul proposed in 2012. Just deregulate it as much as possible and let the free market fix the actual administration and pricing.
..it's over, isn't it?
Its Ryan Care and it sucks.
I want Rand Care.
I lost my insurance when obamacare went into effect, my family got dropped. I haven't been able to get an affordable plan because I work less than 40 hours a week in one place
I can't get 40 hours a week because that means they have to give me insurance
so I lost hours, I lost insurance, I can't afford a plan on my own, and I still have to pay tax penalties despite being unable to get coverage anywhere
anything is better than this. I'm fucked if anything happens.
I tore a ligament a few months ago, I can't get anything done about it. I was fortunate enough to have someone give me some free physical therapy at least, but it still hurts
You mean Ryancare.
I hope Ryan gets indited for pedo enabling.
but you should be grateful that your tax penalty goes to subsidize those less fortunate
Seriously though. What is a plan that would both fix the system, and not be political suicide? Have the masses really bought the meme that preexisting conditions should be covered, and all the other obamacare socialist shit, or is that just what the politicians think the majority of people believe?
Flat-out lied about Medicaid expansion. The few states that have it will probably end up dropping out.
Now he's saying that it'll be a few years before something could happen. He's truly fucked if that's the case. Dems will clean house in 2018
Don't pay the penalty, just set up your taxes so you don't have a refund and they can't get it.
Sorry about your ligament. Try to find a doctor that will take cash.
He needs to focus less on healthcare and more on the border ATM.
As for trumpcare, apparently he is very open and flexible to negotiations and alterations to the bill. I have hope him tapping Rand Paul will do some good desu
The problem is he campaigned on very specific dates and plans of action regarding both immigration and healthcare
Take a wild guess when the government started getting heavily involved in health care.
How did healthcare become such a huge deal?
I mean it may be because I'm a healthy young male, but it's never been a huge issue for me.
You get a decent job, they give you insurance, you take a cut on your paycheck for the security of knowing you're covered.
Health insurance is just a part of life. Why do people have such a hard time with this?
>be murrican
>twist foot
>become limp because no jew insurance
it wasn't an issue, it was a liberal talking point that 1/5 of americans were uninsured
but uninsured =/= unable to get insurance
if you removed illegal immigrants, and people who CAN get insurance but CHOSE not to that number changed to 1/9 uninsured
so they went and fucked over 88% of the country for 12% of obese smokers basically
This What you're also not seeing is the fact that the health insurance you are getting from your employer cost a lot more than it should and is holding down your wage/salary
As a literal third worlder. I have no idea why the fuck you cucks care so much about fucking healthcare, how about instead of wasting money on healthcare, you instead save that money for when you need it?
You know, like any civilization would do. Healthcare sounds like just a way to steal money from you. And healthcare here is just that.
What people actually want and what will eventually happen is single payer healthcare. This is just a hiccup in the way, my speculation is that it will fail so spectacularly that the gov't will have no choice but to introduce a single payer system.
>less than $200/month for myself and fiancé combined, for a plan with an $800 deductible and $20 primary care and specialist copay visits.
I'm not a huge fan but if Obamacare gets flushed it's alright with me.
Nobody wants that. I like being able to see a doctor whenever I want.
When you make healthcare free people will clog the system by using it when they don't need it. Look at any emergency room.
Doesn't go far enough.
If I want cheap and fair insurance, I should be able to get insurance that denies those with pre-existing conditions.
It's garbage.
Literally as bad as obamacare.
Because we want personal responsibility and to pay for healthcare as individuals and/or contractually obligated entities.
Commie faggots are trying to steal our money. We don't like that.
>I have no idea why the fuck you cucks care so much about fucking healthcare
>how about you instead save that money for when you need it?
It is currently illegal in most states because commie faggots.
Its ironic that Trump voters are the ones getting screwed over by Trumpcare :D :D :D
People don't have to pay a fine anymore if they don't want insurance, so everyone's happy. That was the main problem they had with Obamacare.
Don't pay attention to the (((media)))'s shit stirring.
case in point right here
>got hit by a car
>slid on the ground a few feet
>road rash on left arm, chest, face
>big gash on the eyebrow and chin that need stitched (they suspected reconstructive surgery might be necessary but luckily it wasn't)
>concussed from the impact of my head to the ground
>can't see well out of one eye
>over all could have been much worse
>I'm stable and lucid so they sit me on a bed to wait for a doctor
>sitting in a bed waiting for the doctor to examine me
>separated by a curtain with someone in the bed next to me getting examined by the doctor I'm waiting for
at this point I would like you to imagine the most comically jewish voice youve ever heard for the patient
>what seems to be the problem?
>well docta, I was having dinner and I was eating a piece of broccoli and I felt a puncha on my tongue
>a puncture?
>yes a puncha
>lets see, ah looks like you have a little cut there
>when I was making dinna I noticed the broccoli seems a little bit hard
>well it should be fine, if it's really bothering you just take some advil
>they start walking him out
>oh but docta, will that interfere with my medication, I have a urinary tract infection!
>no it's fine
>the nurse really trying to nudge him the guy out of the ER by the arm
>I get a look at him finally and he looks just like he sounds
>skinnyfat, balding, glasses
>as hes getting pushed out the door
I got hit by a car and might have a brain injury, and I'm waiting for some faggot hypochondriac
Aint this just a temporary replacement for oogaboogacare? Is it not going to get defunded and repealed with time?
At the moment the bill going through the house is partial repeal.
The senate will likely be the deciding vote that either lets it stand or cock blocks it until it's fully repealed and properly deregulated.
I dont meed isurance 2bh
Stop trying to politicize healthcare, you blithering shill.
So true.
But hey, at least poor foreigners and illegal immigrants can get free healthcare. Isn't that more important or are you just a racist?
It's Ryancare. Don't call it Trumpcare because Ryan needs to take the hit when this very likely flops. It seems like it sucks desu. It's probably technically better than Obamacare, but I'm not sure it's worth signing it. By passing it Republicans will now "own" health care and will be blamed for things that are already broken. Trump needs an absolute knock out punch on Obamacare otherwise he'll look bad politically and to the public. Trump seems to be cautiously endorsing Ryancare with the hope that a lot of work is done on it before it reaches his desk. I'm personally hoping that some of Rand Paul's plan makes it into it. His was pretty damn good
>because that means they have to give me insurance
If only there was a way for government to solve this problem... By just fucking off.
It's ridiculous because allowing people to buy insurance after getting sick destroys the actuarial assumptions premiums are based on. I can understand mandating allowing people to move from their parents to their own with a persisting condition, but if you get cancer at 50 and then buy insurance you're ruining healthcare for everyone
better than obongocare
but not by much
>Where is Sup Forums leaning on Trumpcare?
>I'm honestly not a fan.
Why not buy a plan through the exchange?
Drumpf suhporters were never that bright to begin with
>I'm honestly not a fan.
>proxy checks out
Agreed. Still on the train that Trump is giving Ryan enough leash to hang himself with. Then he will have a nice little doggie to do what master says. Or a replacement for Ryan that obeys master. Hopefully it's quick tho.
It's literally Obamacare
Trump is a fucking retard and is breaking yet another promise, don't expect the worshipping mouthbreathing retards to think anything negative about their god-king though
Is this Trumps plan or Ryans plan? I agree its basicall Obamacare with some tax cuts.
i've yet to find a single publisher actually discussing this fucking bill
everyone just shits on it for no aparent reason
could i get a "quick rundown" without reading the bill for myself?
What u pay. But what does ur company pay? Mine is 25% me 75% them plus employer funded hsa
>Where is Sup Forums leaning on Trumpcare?
So if people were too poor to afford Obamacare, how is it going to be any different with Trumpcare? Last time I had insurance was 2009 and it was $60/month for full coverage for myself through my previous employer, T-Mobile. Now I have no job and haven't seen a doctor in years. Luckily I was did not make enough money the past few years to get the penalty. Last year I made exactly $0.
There are definitely problems with the American healthcare system, but there are easy fixes that almost no one seems to be going for. I don't know why everyone seems to think that throwing money at the problem will make things better, you can start by allowing healthcare across state lines, that's a simple solution that would actually save money.
I'm stuck in the limbo of I make too much money to get government assistance, and not enough money to afford a plan out of pocket
It needs work, it is a good start. Honestly, the only thing I'm against right now is the fines.
I just do not think government needs to control insurance. The only bills we need in law, require insurance to cover kids through college, and lower their costs for preexisting conditions, also allow the purchase the insurance across state lines. That is it.
3 new Laws, and go back to how things were pre ACA
if Trump allows it, he gets the credit when it fails
That's why the mandate made more sense. It was an up front cost. This way, people will literally not get care until they get sick, then eat the 30% surcharge.
Adding up my HMO, dental, and vision, my contribution is almost exactly $100 every two weeks. Employer pays $354
>and is breaking yet another promise
And pray tell what was the first?
Trump hasn't broken any promises.
>How did healthcare become such a huge deal?
hmmm, i wonder too
There shouldn't be a federal healthcare plan whatsoever. I'm kinda pissed that the republicans are trying to replace it rather than just the straight up repeal.
I don't want to pay for any lazy people other than myself and my family. My taxes shouldn't pay for lazy shitbirds to sit at home and chimp out over there not being enough niggers in Overwatch.
Trump has no plan. He's not an insurance expert. He has no more place building an insurance bill than he does strategizing a military invasion
He does have a responsibility to surround himself with the best experts and have the ability to make the right decisions.
I would've started shouting to give the nurse/doctor an excuse to kick that chucklefuck out
That's why Trump supporters need to hold his feet to the fire on this. He's either been betrayed by Paul Ryan or the incompetence of some technocrat.
Trump's job is to listen to public feedback and sniff out the shit policy before it gets passed. At this point he hasn't made any sort of mistake.
There is Ryancare and there is Randcare. As described by Trump himself, he would not let people die in the streets which pretty much sounds like single payer Medicaid expansion.
None of the above force people to make good lifestyle choices.
I would like to see something like military Tricare where we can force drug testing, and make people get exercise and lose weight.
Honestly, healthcare is one of the few things Trump doesn't have my confidence on. Single payer or bust. The untold number of jews wailing and gnashing their teeth would be so gratifying.
The mandate was the way to force this. It should have been a progressive tax (so income based) instead of a flat tax.
No, we're not going to let people die in the street in America. No, if you have means and don't pay for health insurance and expect to freeload off the system, you're shit out of luck. Pay the tax asshole.
Most our costs are directly related to obesity / diabetes / heart disease / substance abuse.
yay for dying while waiting for healthcare
move to canada faggot
It's still operating under the idea that government must solve healthcare, which is a fundamental flaw.
Hopefully it reduces regulations on the healthcare market to some degree, but this era of 'GOVERNMENT MUST SOLVE ISSUE' is ridiculous.
When the economy craps out, it will be fixed over time if left alone. I'm not saying the free market is perfect, part of the free market is that it fails from time to time. Sometimes people DO get horsefucked, it happens whether the government or the people are in charge.
But what I don't want is the government injecting itself into a problem and making it worse for people that are in a state of satisfaction with their healthcare.
bump please
We can do better than single payer in America. Single payer makes the government your keeper. The People aren't sheep. Rand's 4 page proposal (seriously, read it) with the mandate would be a game changer.
>pay the tax
Throwing good money after bad. People must care for thier own health first. That means reasonable diet and exercise. People who are too irresponsible to tend to thier own health must be treated as wards of the State. If I am paying for your treatment I get to tell you how to live.
Obamacare, but instead of the mandate, you pay a 30% higher rate for insurance for the rest of your life if your insurance ever lapses.
Ryan/McConnell are both huge cucks and won't force competition between plans in different states through with the Nuclear Option. Even though they say they hope to do that later.
It's really an abortion of a bill. A quick kickback to the insurance companies without an eye towards the long term future where the correct solution is to just not buy health insurance until you get seriously sick, then eat the 30% penalty.
How is the mandate throwing good money after bad? It's a way to force the people that aren't covered to effectively pay for their own care anyway (through the penalty).
I'm amused by the image of fat sheboons in exercise camps, but forcing them to diet and exercise isn't practical without full on fascism.
It's Ryancare
Trump has nothing to do with it.
Definitely the worst thing the Trump administration has done so far. Literally no one likes this. I wouldn't like anything they propose because I know they aren't going to get to a free market any time soon but this isn't even a step in the right direction.
The whole premise that I should subsidize the treatment of someone who made poor life choices is one I categorically reject and one that is fundamentally un-American in principle.
Health care system is fucked. All they're doing is making these timid half-assed gestures that sound good but do jack shit. Even Trump, he just wants to look good.
I expect both the hospitals and the insurance companies to go bankrupt after people figure out what scams they both are.
But hey, at least that gay penalty is gone. I figure if I need "care" bad enough, I'll scrape together the money for medical tourism.
Well get into the contractors life
What i had to do. You make a lot more just to afford insurance xD
Here's the reality in flyoverland, Nobody can really afford the bronze plan, even with the subsidies. And the $12k deductible? That might as well be the Moon, as far as Jimmy Wal-Mart Worker is concerned. It's a fucking useless waste of money and although flyovers may be dumb, they are nowhere near *that* dumb. Flyovers can smarten up quick when they want to.
Most of the people PPACA brought in was almost all due to Medicaid expansion. Everyone else either paid the penalty or got their hours cut or both.
That Medicaid expansion was the only part that actually helped the flyovers. And that's also the part they're getting rid of.
Not that it matters in the long run, because most doctors can't stand Medicaid and they're all going to quit taking it, except for a few who will more or less be fuckups who couldn't get a real doctor's job.