Unwarranted surveillance of Americans is treason

unwarranted surveillance of Americans is treason

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We must meme this faggot down into the fucking ground, it's long overdue.
Could we actually make normies turn on this slimy limey?

make memes about this and spread them this can ruin his credibility. we can end him.

yes we can. we've done it before



he makes a point, but again misses the mark entirely.

Its typical oliver, Jon stewart at least got the mark on 80% of the time. Oliver just does the same but maybe hits it 10%

>Deflects accusations of CIA spying on Americans
>Fails to mention that CIA lost some of these tools
>and while I'm green texting. Fuck the Dr. Who faggots that came up with Weeping Angel as a code name.

Why does the Left now support Government surveillance ? WTF!

This is why dropped John Oliver when he interview Snowden. "hur dur no one gives a shit"

Faggot kike

I detect a 18% increase in funniness since last year.

Damn it don't to u die on me

>unwarranted surveillance of Americans is treason
Then why are you letting the Russian get away with it?

What russian. The leaks told us that the cia can and does use russian tactics to induce false flag attacks

He's right though, if looking at bondage porn made rapists, then the world would be bedlam with rapists.

Quick rundown please, who is that rat kike and why should I give him shekels by clicking on his Jewtube video?

Not him, but Russia is another country, so even if its wrong for them to do it its not treason since its against Americans (now them spying on Russians -- which it wouldn't shock me to learn that they did so -- would be treason)

The American government and CIA spying on Americans IS treason because its against the people they represent.

John Oliver is a disciple of the king jew John Stewart. He has been living in shIilinois for the last current year. Filling normies with misleading information. He is trying to say that vault 7 leaks are no bug deal and in the video he "jokes" that he works for the cia.

>The American government and CIA spying on Americans IS treason because its against the people they represent.

Exactly. They are fucking terrorists.

One of his argument's as to why this isn't a bug deal is because you can unplug your TV if it's been wire tapped. Not that wire tapping is wrong. Another argument he used is that it's okay that the cia was looking into hacking into car engines to run people off the roads because they would never do that because it's illegal

Christ this bong is insufferable

You always kill a traitor before an enemy

Hey a leaf who gets it, who da thunk it


"No evidence they spied on US citizens illegally"

Except the number of times the CIA has done so in recent history including the congressional intelligence comity itself.

Bumping. We need to meme this fucker into the ground

he is rage inducing.

who is the audience in the US for this shit?

it's not like he is funny, nor is he even a slightly edgy satirist.

>implying they didn't do this to Michael Hastings

Jesus, when the fuck did the left become such bootlickers?

We could always use the fact hes British so why would you listen to a non- American. Also just a shitty comedian. The fact they have to reduce to asinine jokes, and being out "retired" fake news anchor ((( Jon Stewart))) shows how desperate they are. Best to catch him sayin something and taking it out of context, like he does with everything.

When they lost control of the narrative


Praise kek

Hyper-arrogant gen X liberals


This shut is unforgivable what is wrong with you faggots? Do you need more dank may-mays




