Artificial wombs - solution to abortion debate?

Hello Sup Forums.

So my wife and I were talking about the pro-life/pro-choice debate, and I think spending all the money we spend on rhetoric and instead developing a cheap artificial womb would solve all the problems. Instead of an abortion, women could have the option to instead put the fetus up for adoption, without ever having to carry the baby more than a couple weeks.

Pro-life should love it, because it helps to eliminate abortion by providing a viable alternative, and by redefining fetus viability to much earlier.

Pro-choice should love it, because they don't have the government dictating what is done with their bodies, and women don't have to tackle the moral and emotional issues involved with getting an abortion.

What's more, it forces the conversation to the real issues that get hidden behind the derisive topics of baby murder and government body control. We would then have to have a real conversation about the cost of raising children, and the father's rights to the child/fetus.

What do you think, on either side of the issue? Is this really a solution, or am I missing something?

Hey this is from brave new world

Brave new world is the how we are living now!

If the Jews get the hands on this technology + genetic engineering its game over man, game over.

Shamless self bumping since all you faggots can talk about is trumps dick in your ass and the jews.

pretty cool solution, I thought about this years ago.

It's cool, but there is no real abortion debate, it should be legal and there's nothing wrong with it.

Great, so we can further reduce the consequences of being a whore while simultaneously creating millions more wards of the state to vote for more gubmint gibs programs.

I do believe life begins at conception, but I also believe abortion is like euthanasia: the shitty mother (usually black or spic) knows she's shit, and puts her child out of its misery.
Even if there are artificial wombs, they shouldn't be used for skirting abortion: merely for people who want children but for some reason can't get a woman pregnant (ie single men or sterile couples) to have an option.

This will actually be more useful in making men not need women to carry on their lineage.

As far as saving babies from abortion?
Who would pay for that?
I'm not paying to incubate millions of nigger, spic and drug addicted white trash babies.

If anything, I want all those people fucking sterilized.

Were in manageable, I'd rather:
>have a plutonic husband-bro (no homo bro)
>have kids via artificial womb
>only interact with women for kicks
>possibly just get a robotic sex doll

As that's currently not possible, I'm probably going to have kids the old fashioned way with the gf soon.
But god that seems bleak.
You fuckers better thank me when I bite the bullet to continue the white race.

Sweet jesus.

>women could have the option to instead put the fetus up for adoption
Damn shame foster care is already overflowed and tends to be filled with parents who just want to molest kids. The idea of just putting kids up for adoption falls apart when you realize that even though few people want biological children even fewer want to raise someone else's kid.

The death cultists won't be satisfied unless they still have the "right" to kill any unborn baby inside them, regardless of whether technology exists to safely take it off their hands.

Since 1973 15 million niggers have been aborted. If you faggots had your way we would be up to ur eyeballs in fucking niggers. We would easily have an extra 45 million niggers in this country by now I am pro choice until somebody figures out a way to get niggers to stop being niggers.

>but user why not save on the costs of living all together, and stay in the artificial womb, plugged into our A.I. simulation and bare essential nutrients you need ? The state is your complete welfare care taker after all...

Please stop you fucking utter faggot. If you morons had your way this country would have an extra 45 millions niggers easily. If you think shit is bad now just imagine adding 45 million more niggers to the situation

Is it possible to raise a child successfully without a capable mother present? I feel like this problem of women is further dividing this society into isolation which breeds anxiety and depression. We cant just leave women behind. There was a time where relationships between a man and a woman were beautiful and pure. This passive attempt at not addressing the real problem because our views are viewed as deviant is wrong. We need to all start being vocal about these issues in public or nothing will ever change.

Most of the concerns with this approach are:
>too pricey
>too many subhumans

However, my arguement would be that at least thats a debate you can have. Right now you can't even argue pro-choice because baby murder. Can't argue pro-life because government pussy grabbing.

Cost and logistics of raising kids (whether by family or gov) shoyld be the real issue to discuss. Having such a viable alternative to abortion would force us, and politions for that matter, to do something past spouting rhetoric.

artificial wombs + sexbots = women immediately set on course for biological irrelevancy
even they know this

>Do you want Clone Wars?

>Because that's how you get Clone Wars.

Here is a revolutionnary idea I just thought of :

Sex creates babies
So don't have sex if you don't want babies and don't have sex with someone you don't want babies with.

Mind blowing I know. It took humanity 100.000 years to come this far.

>artificial wombs

Won't need feminism if women become obsolete

Abortion like circumcision were never topics for a brit coz you just never heard of it or cared about it.

When you hear americans AND IT IS ALWAYS AND ONLY AMERICANS go on about abortions it makes me want to swap lives with you.

If americans are living a life so great that they'll defend the rights of an unsentient entity to stop it being born into a world it will grow up with no place in with no one that loves it as more weight on our failing social system as fresh meat for the pedo's or council estate cannon fodder implying you can even get social flats or houses anymore then I want in on american life!

You really want to drag someone else without their consent into this shit world, to grow up cucked by paki's/pedo's as a second class working class citizen in a land of no work?

>Here is a revolutionary idea I just thought of:

Crime results in a prison sentence
So don't commit crimes if you don't want to go to prison.

Mind blowing I know. It took me all the time I've been alive to be an idealistic faggot

That is how you sound right now. You bring absolutely no value to the conversation. Go be a surrender monkey somewhere else.

>Crime results in a prison sentence
>So don't commit crimes if you don't want to go to prison.
Sounds good to me

Transhumanism is a threat far more insidious and deadly than multiculturalism (which is hard) and all of its promoters should be purged.

You aren't making any sense, this isn't a viable comparison.
Sorry to have triggered you though, didn't know a topic about some imaginary bullshit had so much value in your eyes. I hope you didn't shart in your pants.

You mean
>all of it's detractors should be purged by the new more perfect generation, which will be purged by the next, and so and so on

>allowing less-perfect beings to co-exist

Ok but as we all know prison alone doesn't deter everybody from committing crime just as having a baby doesn't deter everybody from having sex so we have to work on the other factors that are a cause of criminality and unsafe sex. The person who says "hurr durr don't have sex if you dont want babies" is a fucking retarded idealistic faggot who brings nothing to the conversation. The only thing worse than a nigger is a fucking pseudo-intellectual faggot that brings nothing to the conversation but feels the need to hear himself speak anyway...............and he's fucking french.

If we develop such technology I will set up an underground factory in Montana and mass produce Hundreds of thousands or millions of children from my sperm and white eggs. Each one will be tattooed with the Black Sun so that they can identify each other later, and then dropped off in groups of 20 at orphanages across the country.

The government will have to eat the cost of raising them but BTFOing the demographic change would be worth the tax hike.

>giving the power to mess with your kids DNA to whomever will be in power at that time (spoiler alert, they might have a big nose and a deep hatred for what you are)

Francois is right though.

Whelp, time to let this thread die.

Last time I try and have a discussion on pol with all you Sup Forumstier faggots who can't stick to discussing a topic more comples than "thur j00s" if your life depended on it.

For those people concerned with the "nigger issue" : if you want black people to stop being inferior to you (Hahahahahahahahahahhaha) then stop calling them niggers and treat them like a fucking human being. Racism only exists still because we constantly remind ourselves that there's a race.

Guess what! Theres no fucking gene that separates us like that! We are all human and our skin color and hair textures are just due to the climate our ancestors were exposed to a long ass time ago.

When you see two chihuahuas that are different color you don't see them as two different breeds right? No because that's fucking dumb.

everyone that has read your comment is more stupid for it, please end your life. the difference between races is like comparing a german shepard with a boxer or a chihuahua, read a book you fucking nigger

>instead put the fetus up for adoption
You're forgetting who uses abortions the most. I seriously doubt anyone will adopt.