You did it.
Sup Forums will be taken down
You did it.
Sup Forums will be taken down
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i opened that article, but i don't speak arabic. could you translate for me?
i dont speak refugee
me neither, mehmet, explain these dune runes to me
>Sup Forums will be taken down
By who?
Fuck off faggots. You have no power here.
so Sup Forums might be banned in germany? are we gonna see the berlin firewall?
Basically the author says the police falsely associated Sup Forums with Darknet but then goes on about how Sup Forums is very (((problematic))).
What is a proxy
did you notice these german payed / brainwashed MARTIN-SCHULZ-Shill FAGS, too ?
Every Thread with AfD or german people is getting infiltrated by payed-german-CTR equivalent OR 16 year old school-college-kids ( hardcore PRO-EU-SPD | ANTI-Trump-populist-right-wing cuck propaganda / indoctrination on german schools going on !! )
i've noticed that these shill spam people always say "eeeh afd is an eevil, racist, anti-human mimimimi party, fuck you racist, multicultural is goood, we need schulz - our Gott Kanzler" or other well-known STUPID leftwing multicultural pro-clinton-"build bridges" psyop arguments
notice /r/The_Schulz is a fully-copied The_Donald clone where they try to use meme magic with pepe - a lot of these pro-schulz images that i've seen were used as Pro-AFD before and now just copied as NOT EVEN FUNNY Pro-Schulz Memes.
These FAGS are disgusting, evil and they don't know that germany is FUCKED, if this evil UN-NWO-SOROS-ROTHSCHILD-plant is installed as GERMAN CHANCELLOR.
German BND ( intelligence ) Wikileaks documents told us that Martin Schulz ( former EU Parliament President ) has engineered this "Refugee-Crisis" in Europe - he also KNEW that these rapefugees are 25+ years old MALE, strong economic soldiers without kids. He did approve all this.
Stop Soros / Schulz. Please. He's everything else then an alternative for merkel. He's a Pro-Corporate-Globalist-NEO-Liberal-Leftist fucker.
Now GERMAN media is talking about banning Sup Forums. Too much redpills inside here huh ?
ByeBye Germany !
>berlin firewall
All it's saying is that there was disinfo spread about the Herne case. The websites used were not actually "Darknet" and are publicly accessible (WhatsApp and Sup Forums.) It's a shock article
>'Illegal opinions'
Hate-Speech CENSORSHIP Mafia in Germany ( connected to ANTIFA and SOROS )
wow it's fucking nothing.
If Sup Forums gets shut down you need a place to meet summer/winter solsis
Only in the face of hard times though
So whats it to be?
My vote is here. Any takers? I know you Gerrys will probably go mad if they take Sup Forums away ontop of everything else
Why are pastaniggers always so uneducated?
This article is retarded then, no one will take this trash seriously.
>we dark net now
lmao what a bunch of dumbasses
We can only hope :^)
Literally calling Sup Forums a "shithole"
I only come to Sup Forums becasue I thought I was in Darknet. now it dont feel as cool or snow crashy
i told you that communist chinese style web censorship is coming - it has been already announced. don't say i didnt told you - cuz its already here.
jones style
>then goes on about how Sup Forums is very (((problematic)))
Oh wow a numale cuck with a faggot beard and glasses is upset about Sup Forums
Literally calling Sup Forums a "shithole"
First news story from that country with any accuracy.
>Everything i dont like is literally Hitler, Putin, terrorists or the darknet
german quality media - so proud :..)
I see German flags but no reply to digits
>Literally calling Sup Forums a "shithole"
They're right you know
it's an interesting shithole filled with faggots
Sup Forums is a shithole
most boards are degenerate and disgusting, Sup Forums is actually moderate
>calling Sup Forums a shithole
Sup Forums is, was and will forever be a shithole. it was when it was Sup Now its a bigger shithole since everyone under the fucking sun now knows about us
meant "many" not most
Not an expert in these things, but are you saying there really is nothing they can do about it? Pretty sure that's not the case, but I have no idea what they would in fact do.
>Sup Forums is a shithole
this is how I know it's not fake news.
Well faggots tend to stick there dicks in shitholes
Please could you yanks at least arrange a shit hits the fan plan in Merriclapistan?
ThanksI was like wow, that's kind of a rough assessment.
>pasta nigger
Fuck. How do I cope with that?
Shut up, Texas!
In summary, the police brought the Herner case into contact with the Darknet. Meanwhile, however, is clear: The case Herne has probably nothing to do with the Darknet - the police with Darknet presumably only the normal web browser accessible image forum Sup Forums.
Brought to you by your indian friends at POOgle.
you know nothing mohammad.
foc your own damn country and make it british again without those fucking mudlsime islamic terrorists zerg rushing your country to shit
I'm sure the CIA office in Frankfurt has NOTHING to do with Der Spiegel. Nothing at all.
I'm taking that. You won't be able to use it anyway.
t. triggered chicano
Are my posts hidden or just shit?
Hahaha dude you don't even know what the Moldovan flag looks like? SAD
>4shit is a festering shithole of paid JIDF shills none stop shilling their political leftist garbage.
wow when did you realize this hans?
You've been shadow banned
Thats what I'm trying to make a contingency plan for...I'm thinking it would need to be central but not obvious if shit hit the fan
Don't want to mix with normies. you know Sup Forumsacks? What would happen if this site went dark?
why would you think that?
kek, there's worse shit on Krautchan regularly.
>america please do something!!
kek feels good to be a superhero
It's called Make America White Again.
It involves all white euros moving to america and helping us kick out the shitskins.
So that's how American see themselves.
>implying Germany can do shit to shut down Sup Forums
>Americlap education
Read back
Different plans for different people
I just worry that Sup Forumsacks don't have a contingency plan. I don't want to even risk the chance of a world without Sup Forums
I love you potato italian.
no, we see Americans as his pic because of how many obese cunts are walking around
only way Im moving back to the US is if a "crystal nacht" "purge all kikes" type of scenario civil war erupts over there.
and evne then I"ll think about it.
Also thread more thread related, they can't block Sup Forums because his motive to kill people was that he didn't had internet connection to Sup Forums anymore and he had depression because he was a disqualified cuck from the Bundeswehr.
Banning Sup Forums will only create more lunatic krauts... including me REEEEEEEEEE
>So that's how American see themselves.
as we should
Not everyones got the commitment to get a vpn...I suppose it would weed out the commies though...
We're a bit luckier because we can use American servers and get the 1st by the back door
They can block any traffic to that site going trough Germany or maybe even by some stupid act force it upon every EU country.
I think you meant KING KEK and you know that it will be between you and Canada.
>What would happen if this site went dark?
They who would regret it. Many cucks on other board in the past were bitching about "BACK TO CONTAINMENT BOARD NAZI". The containment board is too tight now. Closing Sup Forums would be equal to breaking a glass jar full of hungry locust in a wheat field.
Thousands of butt blasted autists would start the invasion of every comment section, Twitter, FB, anything and drop redpills left and right.
If the EU passes a law it could shoah it for the whole EUSSR as those directives take precedence
trust me/// IM white
It's the Ivory Coast dumbies.
dumb amerifat
>banning Sup Forums will cause more german happenings
>breaking a glass jar full of hungry locust in a wheat field.
But I'd like to swarm in real life...
It would have to take some ridiculous from that people won't like.
You don't just pass a law to ban one site. People will move to another place. You have to issue literal censorship and that would mark end of the EU.
inbred potato nigger acting tough
go beat your wife and kids and stop posting on the internet
>I have no clue what darknet is but I'll post about it anyways since I assume darknet is the internet that isn't social media sites like facebook/tumblr/twitter/instagram/reddit/imgur.
What is it wih autistic Germans never translating articles?
Germany is a lost cause anyway.
bye bye ackmed
Politicians shouldn't complain about fake news when it's their own police force that fucking spreads them!
>A Pew Forum study, published in January 2011, estimated 4.7 million Muslims in France in 2010 (and forecasted 6.9 million in 2030). According to Jean-Paul Gourévitch (fr), there were 7.7 million Muslims( about 11 percent of the population) in metropolitan France in 2011.
sorry, did i strike a nerve there?
i dont speak bomb
One day...
We just need to meme it into reality.
>(((der spiegel)))
god damned commie scum.
Fix your speech defect.
And we don't speak Nigger Lives Matter.
I think we have a problem there.
German media talking bout Sup Forums is super-cringe
one article literally opened with "They discuss videogames and cats, but also show pictures of erect Penises and women in porn-poses"
Our right is to kill normies, if they block Sup Forums.
They can't break one of the rules of the internet with this. I have enough friend that have connection to ISIS and Al-Qaida where I can get easily buy machetes and Ak 47s. I will go full Ancap.
But hate speech isn't free speech
The commies are buttblasted and you know they'd do this
Just in case?
I make calls to a certain pair of brothers & see what I can do. I won't say who they are though.
when did the deep web become the dark net ?
Ireland please stop my sides hurt
lol we Finns are going to remake you with the hate spark
Interesting could I get a run down?
I mean I assume this would be too crowded for Merri/pol/s to meet?
What about the national park sign from Red Dawn?