Actually having interracial relationships could be beneficial to the evolution of human kind because it reduces the chances of homozygosity of recessive genes
Actually having interracial relationships could be beneficial to the evolution of human kind because it reduces the...
The best & most common interracial relationship in the world is AMWF (ASIAN MALE + WHITE FEMALE)
ffs my ex dumped me and after a year she was dating an asian
High IQ and Genius is the result of homozygosity of recessive genes, stupid.
is that dog real
>post a one out of a million couple
>best relationship
AMWF ends with an ugly child 99% of the time and the woman feeling unfulfilled sexually.
Stay mad chink boy.
Isn't homozygosity basically a non issue so long as you aren't marrying a cousin or cousins cousin?
Hybrid vigor only lasts 1 generation you fool. Everyone would be fine for like 50 years then humanity would end. Sounds like something liberals would want actually.
Has science gone too far?
it's not an issue,a couple of thousand years of inbreeding would be probably bad though
maybe more than just a couple of thousand
>Hybrid vigor
Only affects depressed populations, save for the Bongs and Mudslimes it wouldn't exist.
>>post a one out of a million couple
Jesus you are stupid. You do know that Russia & China share a border longer than the US & Canada (without Alaska). The entire population of Northern China is larger than the eniter population of US. What do you think happens there?
Here are some examples of what there :
First generation has hybrid vigor, which masks outbreeding depression, as that spreads into the population they get sick and die.
The horrible fact that governments don't strongly discourage miscegenation anymore is extremely worrying, but I guess that's part of the plan to destroy the European people.
you must be retarded
cousin marriage is very rare in the West
whites are no inbred
if anything inbreeding erases positive mutations adopted to specific continents (i.e. non-whites cant process vitamin D through their skin)
Says the guy who thinks reducing genetic dissimilarity is good for the evolution of humanity.
there is no outbreeding depression in humans,we are the same only happens with breeding of different species of the same family like horses and donkeys or different species of plants
>there is no outbreeding depression in humans,we are the same only happens with breeding of different species of the same family like horses and donkeys or different species of plants
Do you get your biology lessons from your economists?
>there is no outbreeding depression in humans
Outbreeding depression has nothing to do with being the same species
It has all to do with losing adaptive traits, i.e. darker skin in higher latitudes is negative for health, lighter skin and eyes in the tropics means cancer risk and damage to the eyes
you are destroying the special mutation that your ancestors evolved to adapt to an environment
Mixed race people actually have worse health in the long run than whites on average.
They're more likely to suffer complications from sickness, injury or surgery.
They have a hard time finding blood/organ/bone marrow donors and suffer a much higher rate of rejection.
They suffer from diminished IQ compared to their white progenitor.
Maybe in the case of white/Asian that's not the case? I haven't looked into it specifically.
>dissimilarity is good for the evolution of humanity.
i actually said the opposite.genetic dissimilarity is good that why homozygotry of the genes is bad.When you have Xx and Xx you get xx which causes the birth defects
Not too far enough.
>Recessive alleles are always bad.
You heard it here first people.
Rin Nakai is the only Pol approved wifu
Mixed race people have a extreme regression to the mean, they are wildly underrepresented in the genius level of IQ.
Too much dissimilarity and you run the risk of outbreeding depression, the human optimal fitness is 3rd & 4th cousins.
>Inb4 retard.
>"Race mixing is good, goyim. Just look at this mixed race qt."
humans are animals but we don't have a different species of the same family that we can mate with,contrary to some other families of the animal kingdom.nice ad hominem too
Pay your debts and you might get a decent education. You're dumb as fuck.
Being born a dwarf is a dominate gene.
Being a carrier of sickle cell, but not expressing the gene makes you resistant to malaria.
Birth defects are not solely based on recessive genetics. Birth defects can be based off of age at which the parents are, consumption of drugs during gestation, and the fact that some genes are considered harmful while being dominant traits. To boil it down to "lel xx is baddddd" is fucking stupid. Each genetic variation needs to be analyzed for its properties, rather than your slack jawed approach to genetics. It seems you have trisomy 21.
Just stop.
>thinking recessive genes = bad
Go pay your debt, you scientifically illiterate retard, recessive and dominant have nothing to do with good or bad, for example, pale skin is recessive, but it's an evolutionnary advantage for nothern countries, nig nog can't produce enough vitamin in sweden because their skin is too dark and the sun is not as strong as in africa, you're advicating outbreeding