When did you realize God actually exists?
When did you realize God actually exists?
When I died.
God? Ha ha ha.
Not sure if it was God, but it told me to stop seeing myself as separate. From life. From other people. It was unlike any experience I've ever had.
I am unironically answering the question, as I am an agnostic.
FWIW, Pol used to be a place where people could discuss weird ideas, not an online Summer Camp for reddit edgelords. If you don't believe in god, fine by me. I don't either, but I also don't pretend this experience didn't happen because muh-atheism is kewl
I saw a mirror
When I realized that there are many hundreds of definitions of "God", so the act of saying "God doesn't exist" is itself clearly a strawman fallacy, as it claims to defeat hundreds of concepts it has not even encountered, let alone attempted to address.
For instance, my sense of "God" is of universal forces that cause everything to be as it is (i.e. laws of chemistry and physics, electromagnetics, geometry, gravity, etc), therefore it is objectively true that my sense of God exists and it is subjectively true to me that "God" refers to the true objective creator of the universe, not necessarily a conscious being like in mainstream Christianity.
The first time I heard Shadilay
Fixed that for you, arab.
God doesn't exist
Do you also believe in Santa?
I have more faith in Santa existing than the Holocaust.
When I started to learn everything about DMT
answer the question
Well, Santa was a historically real person, so I believe he did exist.
Do I believe in the Coca-Cola Santa Claus? No.
>When I realized that there are many hundreds of definitions of "God", so the act of saying "God doesn't exist" is itself clearly a strawman fallacy, as it claims to defeat hundreds of concepts it has not even encountered, let alone attempted to address.
The theists who believe in their "gods" also believe that all the gods that came before are fake. Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Zarathustra, etc. are not the "real" gods.
The fact that 99% of all the other gods are not real is a good inductive indicator that we're ally looking at 100% not being real.
>my sense of "God" is
Why would you use a Bronze Age term from an ancient language to describe your present day understanding of the universe? Especially since the two are nothing alike.
1 Corinthians 1:19For it is written:
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”
"God" with a capital G does not exist but there are many gods that exist. I've discovered 2.
There is only one God, snownigger. He has a Son that died for your sins.
According to gnostic belief everyone is "god". For one guy to be "God" he would have to be the special snowflake that created the universe, and everyone else in it, or something.
your lack of gets says otherwise. Christianity is a jewish invention. Enjoy your slavery to this 3rd dimension.
Why would i deny my own self existence
god, if i could find 5 posts that represent the gnostic gospels message accordingly I'd be so happy.
verfied by x
t. underage
You mean satan, right kike
When I started having heavy psychedelic experiences. I saw the world beyond death and realized how everything is connected.
>God created the world
>Matter can't be created or destroyed
Always knew it, and got an answer from him
You have to go back
a little more then a year ago
And you bit your own ass with this post.
Is this the next brain meme stage?
when i started to study a living cell structure
for example
I've always realized that God exists. How the fuck can the universes be made from nothing without some form of divine intervention? How can simple bacteria-sized lifeforms evolve into complicated lifeforms such as humans, canines, felines, birds, etc.?
First time I ever consciously astral projected.
Why can't one cell become a full shaped human?
It happened to you and only took nine months
when i thought about how dumb it is to think everything just randomly appeared by chance. not really religious though, just believe it's 10000000% more likely that there is an intelligent creator instead of random chance creating the universe.
>rocks will turn into people if you give it enough time
Why are fedoras always so retarded?
>a lifeform that grew inside of its mother (who's womb was made to do this) for nine months
>a primitive, simple cell that is on it's own
Yep, totally the same, Chang
About 2 years ago.
daily reminder that fossilized Embryos from the Ediacaran period, some of the oldest known fossils of life ever found are near identical to modern embryos.
>How the fuck can universes be made from nothing
"Nothing" as you perceive it is not possible. At best the most you can say is that the singularity which became the universe is itself God. But I can't attribute to anything its motivation for expanding when all of space wants to contract infinitely on itself forever.
My smart. The more mature I got the more I was able to figure out the complete bullshit both religion and science is. Science denies the existence of an omni "being" and religion has the wrong idea but the right approach.
>We are not evolution from a single cell.
>We are designed.
Gunpowder is a Chinese invention.
I was raised Christian and taught to believe in god
One night as a teenager I was sitting outside pondering the infinite nature of the universe and the multitude of planets and the size of space and wondering how earth could be any different or special (super edgy), and right in that moment, my dog (who had cancer and couldn't really bark) started barking and howling at the sky so I looked up and saw my first shooting star
Where did this magic singularity come from and why do you have to discard all scientific law for it to exist?
after many acid trips
Hare Krishna
it seems to me
that what ever valid fields us humans have
they are soon flooded with idiots like the science communities and religion
Nothing is quite possible. The right question is:
Why is there something rather than nothing?
The singularity in the 5th dimension.
How did that happen though? How did that one sperm anc one egg form a zygot? How did that zygot multiply,differentiate,and become organized into a baby? All of the above occurrs due to chemical signals that our cells produce during development but i still can't see how a simple bacteria that somehow came to be from nothing manages to evolve that much. It feels unlikely.
When I realized atheism was used to push the marxist agenda. I started being OK with religion as a cultural thing, but eventually I read some Aquinas and now I believe God exists.
almost 8 years ago this summer
When I saw this. youtu.be
I don't need a god, I am enlightened by my intelligence
God either exists or He doesn't--there is no agnostic "fence"
summa theologica - Thomas Aquinas
If we are being 100% honest you can't prove god exists, and you can't prove he doesn't. So why give a fuck?
Nobody needs God, a gods, etc. And God, gods, G_d etc. doesn't need you. That doesn't mean it is logic to deny the existence of such.
It's more likely that we are designed rather that products of evolution.
You're exactly the kind of person who should just stay sober. When self-induced food poisoning starts to seem like a valid source of divine revelations, it's time to stop posting and get a new hobby.
god doesn't exist. for perceptions require memory. explain god's memory system please
That's where Apatheism comes in handy.
I'm an apatheist.
You believe God has brain cells and a hippocampus or something?
we wouldn't be able to write right now and here with eachother, if no human being ever gave a fuck or did wonder about unexplainable stuff.
we give a fuck because we are intelligent and want to learn and improve ourselves.
i know you wanted to be edgy, but come on mate, if you have nothing of value to say in a discussion, then might aswell shut it.
>Where did this magic singularity come from
>Why is there something rather than nothing
I'm saying that maybe our mental representation of "nothing" is flawed. If an irreducible point of all matter and space contracted together has always existed, then that is one important particle, and maybe one that should change our conception of what "God" could look like.
Because of my upbringing I'm still more inclined to believe that there is just some magic final boss in the sky pulling all the strings and fucking with us, however much it pisses me off. Every bit of evidence I learn to the contrary makes me slightly happier.
Is it more likely or is it just easier to believe? :^)
the way "god" is described as perceiving humans, "love" "anger" etc. all require perception. perception requires a sense of being, a sense of being requires memory of perceptions. in what space does god's memory exist?
I don't think the Infinite Omni is a physical thing. Not even a being. No mass.
Psychedelics aren't food poisoning you mong
When I started smoking pot
god is what remains of once you break the illusion of self
the consciousness belongs to god
When Trump won
Self-induced neurotoxin, it's pretty based though.
Especially for people with migraines.
which one?
There are several good reasons to care. For example, most politically or theologically involved men have some sort of sense of righteousness and justice. The same things that drive them to question God, also provide some alternate form of morality for them. However, women become filthy degenerates in the absence of religion. They don't give a shit about anything and if you give them an excuse they will willingly get gangbanged.
Does my not knowing prove God doesn't exist? If I said I don't know how a space shuttle works, does that mean I'm not allowed to appreciate its technological wonder?
Thats right goyim just stay sober and exploit the planet
I have been in both camps. Now I am neither. I do believe there is more to reality than both religion and science can explain. Both science and religion uses/abuses their influence to gain power and money. For petty reasons. They are all wrong.
when I realized the universe is bound by rules but at the same time makes no fucking sense, ie. it's fake
You have to remember that the process has occured over hundreds of millions of years.
Also, the more complex the organism becomes, the faster evolution becomes, because more genetic material means more chances for mutations. Each human is born with hundreds of unique mutations.
if we strictly follow the descriptions, then that also means that god made the universe itself, so why would any sign of his being be here for us to research? he would then exist outside of our reach, at least at the moment.
i fail to see how that would be a proof that he doesn't exist.
Shrooms more or less are.
>its the "the world would become a better place if everyone tripped on acid" argument
dude psychedelics lmao
Infinity - when science meets itself in the door and confirms there is an omnious entity
Which one? Which from of capitalization, as nowadays that makes a difference? Which sect? Which regional belief of the religious deity?
When I took acid and remembered that I was god.
All of you are simply mental constructs. You exist only in my mind. Your existence is defined solely by your relationship to me, which is currently just text on a screen.
Solipsism? That's just a funny joke I played on myself to prevent myself from realizing the truth.
When I started my degree in chemistry.
Why do we always look outwards when looking for God? Space etc.
That is a deception.
Can't you see you have to look inwards? All answers lies within.
god was built by man? we are the gods after all?
I always have. I tried to ignore his voice but is grace is irresistible and patience is everlasting.
yet if you ask any aeronautical engineer how a spaceshuttle works they're happy to tell you. ask any christfag how their god works they haven't got a clue. "you can't prove god doesn't exist therefore god exists" is the standard response
I also know that Thor exists my friend :^)
Why ignore it? As long as it doesn't tell you to murder anyone, just go with the flow.
Uh, no we don't. If I could, I'd kill you to prove otherwise.
God doesn't talk to you. Or anybody. That's your schizophrenia talking.