Poles are not human. Poland was created when Russians decided to rape some German villagers. Poles were born as rapebabbies and therefore less intelligent than their "parents" (Russia and Germany)

Poland had to ally with superior Lithuania to survive when Germans and Russians wanted to attack. Mighty Sweden totally destroyed this pathetic kingdom that relied on horse armies (countless incidents of bestiality confirm Polish connection with The Horse.

After that Powerful Prussia, Victorious Russia and Extraordinary Austria get rid of this cancer on the European continent

However by American good hearted people and other Good Samaritians (not to confuse with Sarmatians) Gave Poles another chance

And guess what happened. Adolf Hitler ate Poland for breakfest and digested properly his meal. Russia ate the remainings because they kind of like it. When Russia defeated Germany, They decided to make Poland their bitch and when Russia collapsed, Poland became Amerian bitch

So basically Polish history is being a bitch. Cocksucking sperm slurping slut

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Ifag, go toil in the fucking tobacco fields and get to picking them you ungrateful hololnigger. We should exterminate yourentire western populace for what bandera did. scum.

sage, 1/10 got me to reply

Agreed. Hate this fucking pathetic country. I'm moving to London next year so I can a beautiful child with a superior African man. I deserve more than these funny looking round-headed Slavs here :3

Literally shame of the Slavic world


is this russian proxy shill?

Fuck Pooland !!!!!!!!!!!!!



I thought that was Hungary...

You don't have to be a russian proxy to hate poles.

They are still better allies for Slavic countries than Ukraine
It is pure Turko-jewish, Ukraine is a nigger-tier African shithole and every Eastern European country should avoid it

fuck off Poland is oldest ally

Ally of who you frog eating faggot?

Why would we hate Poland?

Because our media being paid by (((germans))) are telling us that :^)))))

>Cockhole talks shit about Poland

You should only hate germans.


And I am doing it with passion.

Take it to /x/


Mad about Donald Tusk?

>Poland was created when Russians decided to rape some German villagers
this is true

>not understanding how terrain influences combat efficiency.

The other countries you mentioned have natural barriers that work well with more modern tech. Ie, Poland was easier to defend with more primitive weaponry and strategies. (Cav)

>extraordinary Austria
Not even close, btfo by the weaker states in ww1.

*block your path*

No, but our government is haha


No, everybody who's sane knows it's all rigged.

still better than fake country Ukraine.
You're just the buffer zone between Russia and Poland.

no, but please keep him and never give back

*steals your path*

sounds like an huge insult, but its true as fuck


he is objectivelly the best politician ever

everybody loves him!


Ukrainians are Viking rape babies.



better dead than chochol

Shhhh, it's OK, Ivan-hun.


why can't we just destroy chocholshit?

How about this:

All of the Slavs leave in Western Europe and America go back to their homelands and then fight it out. Seriously, these Slav centered battled are getting annoying as hell. I, an American Nationalist, have seen Polish-Americans and Ukrainian Americans constantly derail our own pro-White movements. They don't even try to do it on purpose. It just happens.

It's like you guys don't even see the irony of mass immigrating to Germany, Britain, and America - all while complaining about non-White mass immigration. Please, we will let you keep Silesia and Pomerania, just go home and leave us alone.

I should add that it's even worse in Britain. Poles constantly try to push their way into *British Nationalist* groups - all while vociferously complaining about Romanians stealing 'their' jobs - and then they get confused when Brits want them to go home.

fucking shit i hate both butthurt poles and ukrainians
both ukrainian and polish lemberg is ok btw
(as there is no sorrow to get rid of trash)

Fuck off, churka.