Why does Sup Forums hate PlannedParenthood?


Pic related is PlannedParenthood's response to Ben Carson and is a brilliant double bind because Ben Carson can't agree and say black women are too dumb to make correct decisions and he can't disagree because if black women are intelligent then they are making the correct choice to abort black babies.

I think we should reward disenfranchised minorities to abort their babies. Do you think liberals' support for abortions is proof that they don't give a fuck about minorities? I think so.

One more point: we should start building free abortion clinics in hispanic areas because hispanics are the ones experiencing huge population growth in america right now.

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Because liberals are for it. That's literally the reason for most things the right hates.

have you noticed also that some of the stuff the left likes and the right hates are completely backwards?

like the right likes cops but hates the state, the left hates cops but loves the state.

so many contradictions on both sides.

Its not that they are too dumb, (they are), its that pp thinks they are too dumb to drive to a facility outside their neighborhood so they place pp centers right there where any idiot can find it.

pro-choice/anti-death penalty is another one.
hates the cops but against guns for self defense.
low to no taxes for most people but high welfare services for most people.

it goes on and on.

black women are less capable of getting a state id card than they are of getting an abortion.

see how the left is retarded?

The answer is to not play their game and just post Margaret Sanger quotes on Blacks

But Carson is correct, they are too dumb to make that decision. He grew up around these people. I wish truth were as prized as winning the argument. I hate niggers but wanting babies to be killed is just too goddamned evil for me.

planned harvesthood is a scourge on humanity

aborted child parts!!!--get.yuh.aborted child pahts heeahh!!!


Hates police but u don't need guns cuz police but police are bad but....

>Why does Sup Forums hate PlannedParenthood?
But we don't, they kill more niggers in 3 days than the Klan did in 30 years

Sup Forums always surprises me.

it's why i love you guys

Underrated af

thinks over population is an issue but mass immigration isn't.

300,000 abortions a year!

>tfw used to post Planned Parenthood Sanger quotes as proof PP was evil
>now agree with Sanger's views



maybe i should have voted for clinton

world is overpopulated and people eat too many animals so lets spend billions on prenatal care in 3rd world countries.

Holy shit this one is particularly glaring.

Here's another bad one:

>all menial jobs will be automated inside of 20 years
>we need cheap mud people to do menial jobs

Which is it? Do we need UBI because half the population will be out of work or do we need unlimited 3rd world immigration?

we need a $15 minimum wage and cheap illegal labor at the same time. (you might be a liberal if...i sense a new comedy skit being born)

so if liberals were by chance for common sense you'd be against it?

literally redneck black and white mentality