Is it just me or does anyone else feel like there's way too many people on the planet? It's starting to get too crowded and annoying.
Is it just me or does anyone else feel like there's way too many people on the planet...
Move to rural Montana
I don't consider the races that overpopulate to be people.
The worst thing about overpopulation is that the planet is overpopulated by the shittiest quality humanoids.
This WILL set back civilization at least a thousand years, because those animals sure as fuck won't be able to maintain what we've created.
You are not the only one. So many people say b-b-b-but our planet can support 10 billion people! Or whatever dumb number they come up with, yet this is the MAX NUMBER where people can just barely have enough food to eat. They are not even taking into consideration the quality of life of those people outside of getting food. I don't think a single person is happy on our planet, with a major reason being there are too many fucking people.
Factually we have too many people on the planet.
Natural disasters, plague, drought, and other factors would completely eradicate humans from certain portions of the planet throughout history.
Science has fucked us beyond belief.
Every "cure" is slowly pushing us further to our demise of population apex. Every scientific breakthrough allows us to live that one year longer. Making us slowly push towards overpopulation even on a fractional level.
Liberals were a mistake.
Cold, calculated control is the only way to save the world.
We must get the population down, we must use birth control to keep it down, and we must learn from the mistakes we have made.
Absolutely. So many things would be solved if you reduce the population by half: resources, climate change, immigration, etc.
Cityfag detected
Humans are best optimised to live in small comunities, in nature.
You're dumb. Overpopulation is a dumb meme for dumb people. Everyone on earth could fit in just 1 US state. Most of the planet is not even being used for anything. The only thing that actually limits population growth is the amount of energy we can squeeze out of the earth to grow food and support people. That's why green energy is such a fucking meme. It barely provides enough for a person to live and is a huge waste of time. If the whole world ran on nuclear we could probably fit 15 billion comfortably. With thorium more like 20bil. And with Fusion you would probably onky be limited by how much actual physical space you had on earth. Not that you'd fill it all up, but the ambient body heat from the population would cause global warming long before you actually used up all the space. If you expand off earth with fusion, then just with people living in satellites and space stations around earth you could fit more than 100trillion people comfortably without even blocking the night sky. Space is very big. If you expanded to have the same satellites orbiting the sun instead of the earth you could fit over a trillion trillion trillion (that's 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 people) in the solar system and you would run out of building material long before you ran out of space. Overpopulation is literally retarded. It assumes that technology will never improve and that birth rates will never change. Litterally fucking retarded.
This guy's gonna have 12 kids with some fatty.
nice post leaf
Too many niggers in Africa and too many Chinese
There are very few people on the planet. The majority of that 7 billion comes from chinks and niggers.
shitskins are not people
Its mostly in third world countries, who gives a fuck
You're retarded. If he chooses to have 12 kids, their won't be any natural consequences, only man-made problems and constraints.
ITT: The only logical response, /thread
muh 7 billion
muh 6 million
same meme, same lie.
Definitely not just u op, its the main cause of us starting to hate certain "people". If there weren't so much ugly in the world we wouldn't be the most hated and hateful place on the internet. Ww2 helped quell the problem but now its worse than ever. too many fuckin cooks.
Visit Wyoming sometime. You'll never feel crowded again.
Most of the land we occupy is used for agriculture though
Feeding 7 billion people with real food isn't easy , although if most of our energy came from nuclear power we could do stuff like vertical farming easily
Thanks to shit like Chernobyl and Fukushima the retarded people in politics (like Trump) think nuclear power = nuclear bombs ready to blow
>the human race will never populate the galaxy with millions of colonies and a population in the quadrillions
what the fuck you need even 1 billion people for? why cant we delete like 50% right now?
Yes, but the main problem is how we do things in these overcrowded spaces. Everyone goes to work and comes home at the same time of day. Everyone lives by the coasts. People with the least resources have the most babies.
Maybe in Spicville it isn't easy. In America farmers get subsidies to limit food production. You know why? Cause there's a HUGE overproduction of food. If all US farmers were to overproduce it would fuck the economy big time.
Cities have been crowded and anoying for milenia
Yeah but if our nations don't get immigrants they won't survive, desu.
it would be best if we did desu
Thank Fritz Haber, a Jew. Ironically he was instrumental in developing chemical warfare and later Zyklon B.
literally fuck anyone who says this im so fed up with my zone being multicultural shithole coz of fucking tolerance
I know. And it litterally drives me insane. The actual biggest hurdle to human advancment right now isn't niggers or corruption or prejudice or anything of the sort. It's energy. Raw fucking energy. Litterally nothing else matters. It's the most basic "means of production" possible and we cant grow without improving it.
Populations have exploded since the industrial revolution. There are too many people and everyone wants a car / mobile / house / and shit they dont need. Its not doing the planet any good. And Donald Trump is a fucking idiot for denying climate change.
>Haha guys, we need to start thinking about implementing basic income since there wont be enough jobs left for people
>Haha guys, we need to import more low skilled workers
yeah, ok.
A K1 civilization (whole planet used to the fullest) has population in the quadrillions. The whole galaxy would be a number too large to even type here. Probably close to the actual possible combinations of human dna. A k3 (galactic) human empire would litterally run out of unique people and start repeating.
Our current state of science could sustain more people than we have at the moment. It's just shitty governments and ideologies that we have famines and not enough jobs in those dirt poor countries. With proper institutions those countries could provide a healthy environment for their people, but most don't want to do it and foreign aid adds to that as well.
Social and economical progress will eventually bring population growth to a halt, but I guess there is still much to do. Emigration from those countries is another factor preventing those from evolving.
More production. We can start thinking about deleting people when we have automation, although ironically once you have automation and fusion we don't have any reason to anymore.
Your ic is retarded, earth ain't a globe
and the 7 billion figure is a lie.
>Space is very big.
cmon, go spend a week in Shanghai and tell me overpopulation is a dumb meme. I wish america would please wake the fuck up to the world you are on. Elon musk doesnt have a space station and rocket for you. Walk around outside.
Hello globalism. "Hey all millenials are moving the city, suburbs are being abandoned!"
Lets all live in crowded city shanties while the wealthy land owners enjoy a pristine earth. Fuck off shill. You want to fix overpopulation? Stop real estate developers from building on fresh ground and make them demolish or refurb abandoned structures, post this bullshit to Africa, India, and a lesser extent China.
The truth is this shit is the new "global warming" and its fucking retarded.
Anyone who doesn't think this world needs more consumers is an anti-human.
Consumers put low entropy stuff in their mouths, and a high entropy substance comes out of their asses, and this is good for the economy.
The only people I ever see complain about "overpopulation" and "climate change" are people that overwhelmingly support, and prostrate themselves before the rise of millions of shitskins. They continue to "pity" Africa, leading to it's overpopulation and demise. They continue to denigrate the west for existing, but praise "developing nations" because they feel sorry for the people.
Overpopulation is an agitprop meme used as warfare against western nations and white populations.
Don't worry the UN and their ecovillage mind controlled cults will wipe out loads of people and we can live in harmony with nature, ruled by a benevolent ruling elite.
No. We are unhappy due to a a consumerist culture and a destruction of traditional families, and friends. People sit on smartphones all day instead of hanging out in the real world. People dont have hobbies anymore, they have fucking facebook. People dont have well crafted goods, they have disposable bullshit.
People are fucking unhappy for alot better reasons that your dumb ass ever stopped to fathom, or read off a script card.
holy shit, is this the entire Soros team?
I completely agree with you. The problem isn't overpopulation, it's that shitskins are shitting out too many kids that they can't/won't take care of.
All of that has already happened, believe it or not. Humans are billions of years old and are not native to Earth.
Move away from the coasts.
Climate change is unironically a good thing for humanity. It takes too long to explain at length but the real debate should not be "is it happening?" Most signs point to yes there. The real dabate should be "Should we stop it?" Which I would say no and it is a debatable issue. The key points are that
A)Even all the ice on earth melting would still leave plently of land for everyone.
B)All the ice melting would actually INCREASE living space and farming space by making northern latitudes livable
C)Trade over the poles and around Antarctica would be fantastic for the economy.
D)Carbon is a very weak greenhouse gas and you will never get earth to Venus levels without methane.
Global warming, as the current models predict, would be a net benefit for mankind and only coastal elites would lose their beachfront property long after they've already died.
>Chinese - worst
No. They're just communist, as we used to be.
>You're dumb. Overpopulation is a dumb meme for dumb people. Everyone on earth could fit in just 1 US state.
Thanks for showing us how stupid and ignorant you burgers are to the rest of the world.
This is why we need to get away from oil.
We need more energy to sustain our progress.
Oil can't get us that energy anymore as it's EROEI is approaching 1.
Most people that feel like the world in coming to an end related to population live in populated areas and have their mind skewed. But the world is still a fairly empty place outside of concentrated population centers.
nevermind the fact that sea level rise will create hundreds of millions of climate refugees which will inevitably perpetuate a very, very ugly conflict
>shitting out too many kids that they can't/won't take care of.
That's just because white people stole all their resources, dumbass.
If it weren't for white people they'd be living in a utopia.
(Whites don't want to work in me sweat shop...)
Overpopulation is an agitprop meme used as warfare against western nations and white populations.
is it?
Holy shit. This is a globalist thread, because you guys hate Elon Musk and push the narrative that he is bad all the time. You stupid fuckers. I cant wait until you get yours shill.
Also, Shanghai. It is poorly optimized, and the infrastructure is very dated for its current format, the culture also sucks.
1 Tokyo, Japan 37,833,000
2 Delhi, India 24,953,000
3 Shanghai, China 22,991,000
4 Mexico City, Mexico 20,843,000
Look at that. Tokyo is pretty fucking baller, and smaller in total area than several of those cities, yet supports a much larger population with ease.
So work with me on this, I am going to help you.
Step 1: Eat shit
Step 2: Die.
So, altogether now; Eat shit and die.
Yes. Planet is vastly overpopulated which is not sustainable given how resource hungry humans are.
Majority of humans will die in the coming decade.
I'm sure there's a final solution to that problem.
>elon musk
>a good guy
>not a globalist
Technological utopians need to be shot.
All the ice melting would actually INCREASE living space and farming space by making northern latitudes livable
The 3rd world will become uninhabitable in the near future though. Not saying that has to be a bad thing.
Overpopulation is non-existent in white countries. Only third world Shitholes are effected by it. The overpopulation meme is nothing more then to convince whites to not reproduce. How about you stop sending aid to these third world shitholes and then we wouldn't have to worry about this.
A few years ago I read a scientific research article which claimed that the maximum sustainable number of humans on Earth would be around half a billion.
I have looked for it since, but it seems to have been disappeared off the internet.
look around you, you fucking autistic cuck. there's open land everywhere. people like you CHOOSE TO LIVE IN CENTRALIZED LOCATIONS WITH SHIT TONS OF OTHER PEOPLE AROUND YOU.
There are plenty of desolate places on the planet. Pick one
We need another holocaust with the indu instead
>That's meant to be a quote by the way
No, there will be a wall by then and you will simply drown. Taking care of multiple issues.
Earth is also very big. Most of china is not even being used. Shanghainese choose to live in Shanghai. If china's population was evenly distributed throughout people would be spaced many miles apart assuming that families share the same residence. You obviously have no concept of scale. Places that are over crowded are over crowded because people have chosen to live there, but as another user pointed out earlier in the thread, more people live in the small reigon of eastern China and southeast Asia (including some of east india) than the whole rest of the world. Be solution oriented rather than emotional. me get this straight. In your scenario, the rising sea level, increased rainfall, and new farmable land....make people move from their country? Instead of going a few miles inland? Right? Fuck you are stupid.
Do you think the sea level will in apocalyptic fashion rise SUDDENLY AND PEOPLE WILL FUCKING FLEE SCREAMING? No nigga, its like Venice italy, people are still, fucking, there, they will stay there even after the first floor is flooded, and probably just reinforce the shit until the buildings crumble or the use heli"wopt"ers to life the city to the sky.
Jesus Sup Forums, why do Asians like fucking so much?
Yes and it's worked mostly, whites aren't having children because of it. They have fallen for this stupid meme to the point they think having children is selfish.
That's why only 49.6% of births in America are white babies. Millennials are stupid for falling for garbage like this.
Daily reminder that ALL of the land on Earth could fit into the Pacific Ocean WITH ROOM TO SPARE. Stop falling for the overpopulation meme.
This is the problem though. India and China, those two countries alone, contain almost half of the entire human population. Africa contains a billion and it's probably gonna double in the next few decades.
Oh...shit nigga. Im sorry, Didnt realize tehcnology is not rapidly remaking the world. Weird...weird. smart phones everywhere, medical advances everywhere, materials science FUCKING EVERYWHERE, space launches everywhere.
Go back to huffing petrol and visiting the dream time you abbo.
>Majority of humans will die in the coming decade.
Most people are absolutely oblivious to that fact.
You are right.
Better not have children.
Trump cut aid to Africa a while back, Plus famine chances are rising in Africa so a good amount of niggers will die.
They like the feel of the censoring against their pubs?
I want to believe
Maybe if you live in some urban hellhole.
Capitalism create its way to decrease the human number with time
No it will be a bad thing. Climate change is already destroying habitats we depend on. Species are becoming extinct at increasing rates. Migrations are occurring. Ever heard of the food chain? We rely on these complex ecosystems for most of our food and these systems are being disrupted. Phytoplankton are a good example, they are dying at ernomous rates thanks to climate change and it will get worse. There are tons of arctic methane waiting to be released which will just accelerate global warming and initiate runaway climate change.
None of this is good. humans will go extinct at this rate.
>He thinks it's in his country
May I remind you shit like overpopulation is the reason whites will become minorities in their own countries.
The Georgia Guidestones were right...
t. Shlomo Shekelberg
yes, the world needs an enema. A meteor, super volcano, pestilence, nukes...anything for some relief
Very true, now stop making children and get a dog and a cat
>Majority of humans will die in the coming decade.
Go home Malthus, yer drunk.
Even with shit like malaria and ebola and starvating and civil wars, Africa's population is booming. Nigeria alone is going to be like the 4th most populated country in the world within a few decades.
good job dipshit
now maybe you'll understand when the cataclysm hits why it happened.
>coming from a slav
Shit, user is right. At the current rate, we will all die in the decades to come.
With a dedicate group, those reactors can be. simply disrupt the cooling and control systems, let the system lose control and boom
They are overpopulated precisely because they are poor. Its evolutionary. They live less so natural tendency is to produce more children so they can propogate their genes. Rich countries don't have an overpopulation problem for a reason, man.
HEY! Vsauce
Michael here.
Here's what it would look like if you put every human on earth inside the grand canyon.
That's it.
Start having more kids or we're all toast.
This. Capitalism just wants consumers of their shitty products. The ideal consumer is dumb, fickle and greedy.
Overpopulation has nothing to do with land or physical space but resources. We don't have enough resources to sustainably cater to all these people.