Why is Chinese infrastructure so poor? Is anyone else worried about them becoming the leading world power?
Why is Chinese infrastructure so poor? Is anyone else worried about them becoming the leading world power?
>Build fast
>Build quality
Pick one
Considering when the government gives them contracts they hire companies that decide to make a hospital roof with asbestos.
Japanese can do both. This was repaired in 48 hours.
But it collapsed a few hours later again
No it didn't.
>Chinese infrastructure so poor
is not poor just bad quality in some places
citation needed.
>Why is Chinese infrastructure so poor?
Because they've only started building and being successful recently, because they don't actually have a huge amount of money like most Western countries and certainly not per person and because a shit ton of people use it.
> Is anyone else worried about them becoming the leading world power?
Yes but this will happen despite their infrastructure atm.
Because they are working with white man's technology (escalators) using white man's material. If they stuck to building out of stone, brick, tamped earth, and wood then they wouldn't have this problem.
i dont understand what im looking for in this gif am i retarded
still 1000 times better than India
>48 hours
I thought it was actually like 11 days
she is avoiding getting mulched by cheep chinese elevators
d-did he die?
>be western
>live off of livestock without invention of branding
>do farming and make sure neighbour doesn't move the line over
>no law or records
>must enforce the law myself
>me vs the world
>be eastern
>live off of rice fields
>must take care of river or neighbor will chimp out
>work together to live
tldr of why they work together so well
Escalators are death traps in China supposedly. Usually the top part of the escalator is shit and people fall through where they get grind up like meat.
and another
I always take a large step across those plates too since I have seen the video.
I know it's paranoid and I don't have the worry about it in the US, but that shit was just too gruesome.
> is not poor
So you choose an image of a chinese traffic jam to prove your point?
this fucked me up more than gore threads
cool lie bro
Well the fact that it collapsed in the first place without an earthquake is rather telling
These vids are pretty comfy to watch, also if for god whatever reason you plan on travelling to China, most of their vids are pretty good on shit to look out for there as a filthy LaoWhy.
No it wasn't
Chinese philosopher Lu Xun was in Japan in medical school when he saw a picture of Japanese soldiers executing a Chinese man while a Chinese crowd watched with blank stares. This shook him to his core and he immediately went back to China and wrote scathing pieces on the Chinese character for the rest of his life. Lu Xun saw the Chinese as innately cowardly, lacking in empathy, and duplicitous, and the image of a group of Chinese watching their countryman die with no emotion on their faces was burned in his mind forever.
No, it's just moving until everything compresses.
I've seen a video where they explain this phenomenon. Basically communism has thought the Chinese that no one has to take any responsibility for any kind of infrastructure, building etc. If something is broken, it will never be fixed, not even if it is their own house or car. Because they don't understand the concept of owning something and taking care of it.
What the fuck?
you know this happens in the us as well right
I quit using the elevator Jew, now I'm gonna quit using the moving stair Jew.
Not in two days, but still in an impressive amount of time.
I swear I saw this thread 18 times before
The real question is why would a Chinese girl be wearing D.A.R.E. tank top.
thx for showing me this channel
That's called a sinkhole. They happen all over the place, retard.
>I quit using the elevator Jew
Smart. Stairs are less likely to 'final destination' you.
Damn, it looks like not only were the Chinese blank faced, but some of the soldiers seem to be smiling.
>Not in two days
yes it was.
Oh fucking really? How retarded did the builders have to be?
Haven't watched their last few uploads as they seem clickbaity as fuck, but some of their older vids really explain the chinese mentality of not giving a fuck about everything because communism.
>lacking the survival instinct to jump on the median
They aren't good at engineering. They can reverse engineer well but can't duplicate results.
Ye sure they do lol
i dont even ride escalators in america now
Ever since I saw that falling in the escalator hole GIF I jump over the front side of the escalator just like the girl in OP's GIF. I get weird stares but I'd rather not risk anything lel
holy fucking shit man
>because they don't actually have a huge amount of money like most Western countries
Bullshit they don't. They currently have the second largest economy in the world and a near monopoly on manufacturing.
Some things just aren't meant to exist.
Yeah, I'm going to do the same from now, if it's unavoidable like in airports. I wish people would just leave the stairs alone. They've existed for millennia, I don't care if I come off as a Luddite, screw this.
Because lacking a soul and being a corporatist hellhole, they have no concern for safety regulations designed to prevent harm to humans.
That seems like the worst way to die - I'd rather get eaten by a bear.
Jesus fucking Christ
>Is anyone else worried about them becoming the leading world power?
Lol no
Isn't there an emergency stop button?
I almost throw up what a fucking nightmare.
Fucking shit guys, you going to show me a stairwell collapse now too?
>Why is Chinese infrastructure so poor?
1) When you have over a billion people you tend not to give a shit if a few die hence enforcing safety isn't that much of a priority
2) When you have a billion people even 1% of 1% of 1% is a thousand failures
Little backstory about that escalator gif this is gif is referencing
>Escalator at the time was blocked off and people were not suppose to be on it
>If you every watch it again you'll notice "security" at the bottom and the people waiting at the top as well
>Basically the bitch was lazy and felt entitled that day and ignored them to hop on anyways
>She reached the top and fell in because the people working on it left it unsecured because they were coming right back
tl;dr Lazy cunt ignores warning and dies
Not trying to defend anything Chinese, but that time really was just some woman being a bitch
What's going on there? explain
They have to go around the platform because they are notorious for just breaking open and people getting sucked into the escalator and being smashed to bits.
There's a gif of a mother falling while mall staff grab and save her kid, I'm sure someone will post it in the thread
Can someone explain to me what exactly is going on in this gif?
Oh I've seen that. I didn't realize it was a cultural trend.
A strong swipe from a bear to your head would knock you out quick. I guess that does beat getting ground up from your feet up in an escalator shaft.
FYI, if you watch the belt, that's the escalator grinding to a halt on her.
>use commie pseudoscience to grow crops
>crops failing
>blame sparrows and kill them all
>sparrows eat locusts
>massive clouds of locusts consume China
>crops completely destroyed
>50 million Chinese die
You fools he's making a joke because the order of the pictures.
China is fucked. Also if someone sees an old person on the ground, no one will help them. Because the old pretend to get hurt and sue people who help them saying they did it and the government aides with them because they are old. There is a guy on youtube who makes videos about this stuffx and he has one about the elivators too. Search chinese cams, he is the white guy
This is why I take the stairs.
Goes in every China thread
tl;dr Chinese are universally cheats and thieves
Looks like hes carrying a pole, and it jammed into the ceiling, broke the escalator, and ate him. So.. a bit of his own fault on top of poor design.
Is this real senpai? Sounds too retarded.
Also fuck any globalist cunt or libshit that thinks it's great that China will be a leader in anything besides Escalator death traps. These people are too soulless to be given control over anything.
what the fuck is up with their engineering
This guy?
Chink getting a Darwin award.
This actually happened
>final destination
China has literally become that movie. It must be karma for cooking animals alive.
What even is this supposed to be any way? Oh well at least they aren't stuffing rubbish inside of construction wor-
this is real
Those mimics are evolving.
>tfw all the escalators here are likely third grade bottom of the barrel cheapest of the cheap chinese junk
>every time I see one in my mind flash the ITT images
Better embarrassed than meat processed.
>Why is Chinese infrastructure so poor?
They don't believe in maintenance.
No, serpentza is the channel
Looks like they're re-purposing either diapers or napkins as rope.
They don't know how to engineer
They just try to copy an existing product and fail time and time again.
Lel, seriously, we need to stop all immigration, even from Asian countries, maybe allow a few Whites from nordic countries, but fuck the rest of the world. Americans, and Europeans have no idea how good we've got it.
she saved her child ;_;
that filename tho
Chinese culture and communism. They believe in "path of least resistance" and "go with the flow". They're also a culture of merchants and tradesmen, thanks to them being part of the Silk Road.
The problem is they all took the negative aspects of these ways of thinking. If they can get away with half-assing shit, they will. There is no pride in one's work. Cutting corners to get maximum profit. They'll sell you bad/expired food, if they can get away with it (so if you go to Chinese-owned and run stores, check expiration dates). They'll cheat on anything. That's China before Mao. With communism completely robbing China of morals and ethics (and the few Chinese who have morals and ethics), they've truly become the "Jews of the East". Predilection to shenanigans and cheating + lack of "soul" and humanity + merchant greed on overdrive = China of today.
how fucking hard can it be to manufacture a plate significantly larger than the hole it covers
fuck this, i'm never taking the moving stair jew again
>what the fuck is up with their engineering
they just copy shit, they are good when it comes to electronics but anything mechanically the suck major ass.
Thats why I would stay far away from anything in china that is in any way mechanical and "made in china", including cars.
That's the least congested road in China