>Female politician proposes law to fine men $100 for masturbating as 'act against an unborn child'
Your thoughts pol? How far are feminist going to go?
>Female politician proposes law to fine men $100 for masturbating as 'act against an unborn child'
Your thoughts pol? How far are feminist going to go?
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its a joke meant to bring awareness to male/female reproductive rights
I agree
Selfless bump
There are 5 more threads in the catalog about this, you faggot.
>'act against an unborn child'
Are feminist really too fucking retarded to understand basic biology?
This law is a joke. A literal joke meant to make you go "Hmm, really makes you think" and nothing more. Stop making so goddamn many posts about it.
Why are they not the faggots? Why does it have to be?
it's simple, we impose a fine on women having periods.
That shit directly goes against abortion.
I must say that i agree with them but for different reasons. They make excuses so that men could stop and start giving them attention. I go no fap because muh degeneracy.
Top kek.
Nice bait feminist
Because an unborn baby is the sames as jerking off. Women are dumb.
>Feminists now supporting no fap.
I wish a bitch would.
It may be a joke, but it still irritates the hell out me. Has feminism gone so far that it doesn't affect you anymore?
They are, but since such a law would obviously be wholly unenforceable, we should go ahead and adopt it to use as a beachhead in the fight against abortion access for white women.
Women can do what ever the fuck the want with their eggs same with men with their hunk spunk.
Sperm and egg have no united yet. Life is defined at the point of conception. Feminists, however, don't pay attention to the arguments of those opposing them, so I don't blame this female politician for failing to understand that.
This is stupid. Neither a sperm or an egg is an unborn child. When you put them together though they are a foetus.
How can feminists be so stupid? Do they not understand biology?
Though we should have a punishment for masturbation and it should be more severe
There should also be a fine for watching porn and playing video games
You should be publicly shamed for it like here
I'm doomed then.
Op is always a faggot faggot.
How about, stop having a period. Your wasting eggs.
No problem.
I've been without masturbation or porn for some time.
Interestingly enough, I feel depressed much less often and more energetic even whilst doing things I don't like. It's no 'superpower', but the 'pressure' you get to masturbate can be used as fuel to do other stuff.
>thinking banning abortion is simply "protecting the life of a fetus"
>working for this assumption a government official drafted actual legislation advocating for the banning of an act which has little societal impact and no definite and substantial risk to a state's interest
>thinks this is a clever protest to abortion laws
The irony is that this reveals just how little she understands about abortion as a legal matter, and certainly reveals that she has not read the relevant case law. What conclusions can we draw from this? Is she simply virtue signaling? Is she so simpleminded that she would attempt to pass legislation restricting the privacy rights of individuals without taking into account the complete lack of state interest? Is she just looking for attention.
We may never know, anons. But what we do know is that this woman is retarded.
>hunk spunk
My sperm doesn't have a heartbeat, and neither should people who think telling me I can't jerk off is a sane idea. Unless of course this means I get a government issued qt3.14 as compensation.
>its a joke
For now. They already have the cameras in your home so this would be easily enforcable once the Feminazi Mudslimes are in control
>it's another leftists don't understand what babies are episode
Shouldn't women on period be fined too then? I mean an infertile egg is also an act against an unborn child.
There's no way I can afford this.
That's like $3500 a week.
Maybe you should fuck off. I'd gladly keep doing it.
Fucking this. Let them do it, they could never enforce it.
Seems like a good idea to me, with the noose as punishment for abortion or promoting it.
It's called nocturnal emission.
>its another leftist tries to make some kind of point but just comes off looking like a retard episode
>it's ok to murder fetuses but it's not ok to wank
>mfw this actually passes and it ends up being the final spark that ignites Civil War 2.0
This will prob be on southpark next season
>its a Sup Forumstards fall hook, line and sinker epsiode.
they can take our lives, but they'll never take our big cums
>hur hur it's a joke
It's a terrible one then.
What is this supposed to accomplish? What exactly is this supposed to make me think about?
Basically feminists think that men want to stop them having abortions out of pure oppressive spite, and not because we care about the child inside their bodies.
It's projection of their own fascist psyche's onto us.
I doubt she comes from a feminist's perspective rather than a religious fruitcake's. America just takes everything too far.
>The headline stipulation would categorise ejaculation outside eithera vagina or medical facility as an "act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life".
Would make being gay a crime.
I doubt that though
The whole point t is to satirical abortion bans, but they are not the same so it is dumb
The equivalent to this would actually not be abortion, it would be a woman having their period.
Why are liberals so terrible at moral equivalence?
Because if they were good at it, they'd have to rethink their entire belief system
Would make any sex except leg locked miss poz illegal.
Far be it from us mere mortal subjects of God to do anything that would prevent a baby from being made, like oral or condoms or morning after pills.
>Men jerking off
>Make jokes about genociding millions of offspring
>Female politician wants to pass law fining males who masturbate as an act against unborn children
When jokes come around and bite you in the ass.
heard somewhere that you have to cycle that shit to stay fertile so it's about the same thing
Fair enough.
You can have abortions when I can go into a govt clinic and have somebody jerk me off.
Well, we should fine women too for every time they are on their period then.
Imagine being so ideologically compromised that you genuinely couldn't tell the moral difference between a sperm cell and gestating human fetus.
Righties and Texas strike again. You know what I would say to this bitch? Hey Eve! YOU created all death and all sin. We own YOU. Not the other way around. AND. We fap to prevent ass cancer. Take your throat cancer vagina and figure out your own problems. Now pardon me while I pleasure all the things you don't have. You gon piss on me and call it an orgasm you commie fuck?
every sperm is sacred...
Onanism was preventing impregnating your widowed sister in law. Real threat to "an unborn" eh?
oh good times
This. Gas the dykes. Sexwar now.
I mean, Feminists making intellectually dishonest non-arguments with a plastically applied smugness isn't exactly a headliner anymore