Why is Geert such a pussy?
>Armored car
>10 bodyguards
>Office windows are RPG proof
Why is Geert such a pussy?
>Armored car
>10 bodyguards
>Office windows are RPG proof
>being well-prepared makes you a pussy
Stay mad, wetback.
Because he don't wanna die like Pim Fortuyn
Well he does live in the United Caliphate of Europe, I would think he should have an attack dog and some pork products as well.
>rpg proof
why would he need that?
jose confirmed mad as fuck he can't get out
i wouldn't visit some of those countries, talk shit about islam and then not travel with my own personal deathsquad either.
and neither would you OP, unless you fancied getting your neck chopped with a rusty machete.
Pim Fortuyn, Theo Van Gogh, I think thats why.
Same reason your presidente needs bodyguards and to appease the cartels or else he will die.
Because the Netherlands has a history of politicians who criticize Islam being assassinated and the assassins getting only 10 years in prison
he does this because subhumans like OP exist on this planet unfortunately
I'd take the same precautions as well, if I was a politician who was going against the deep state and the globalists who seek to destroy the world with 3rd world "immigration".
Fuck off, beaner.
This. Muslims have been rather brutal in the Netherlands, wouldn't put it past them to try to kill Geert if they could.
He needs private security now because a member of his Dutch police escort was a Moroccan who attempted to arrange his assassination
Glad to see he's driving a based Audi.
Because he matters. You do not matter, so people don't want to kill you.
Actually he didn't leak it to a criminal organization but to family, one of which was once arrested for money laundering or some shit
And he doesn't have private security, at least not when he's out during office hours. Since that leak the police protection squad detail got dismissed and he's not protected by a special operations unit of the Dutch military police.
Yeah sure just get shot by a "crazy"... EU is out for blood you dumbfuck spic
lmao fucking inclusion
>assassins getting only 10 years in prison
Aren't they murdered by patriots yet?
10 years is a major exageration. The dude that murdered Van Gogh is in for life without parole
Because muslims hate hafus.
>Audi, the wage gap commercial company
>not BMW
He has to live in safe houses and move around constantly. He is the most endangered politician in Europe.
what car is that?
What is the name of Theo's movie which begins with a pregnant bride? (very kind and peaceful refugees in nl asule camp switched the channel as soon as they saw who was the director)
He's fearing the wrath of the Turk, transcending meme & space.
by the way, here's a movie for which Theo was actually murdered, probably: thepiratebay.org
Audi. A8. I think..
Why would anyone want to kill Geert?
He's not (((their))) puppet
>being protected
Pick one and only one. You're just mad you don't have an honor guard Paco.
i think one got out on 2014 and the other was dead, there were other failed assination attempts but not followed those up
yes, because the religion of peace wants to culturally enrich him
In Europe right-wing people who reach his prominence always get killed by a jihadi or car accident with no witnesses.
Of course
His ideology can be comprised in the following positions:[29]
>Civil liberties
>Classical liberalism
>Criticism of Islam
>Direct democracy
>Freedom of speech
>LGBT rights
>Separation of church and state
>Small government
>Women's rights
Is he /ourguy/?
Almost ancap.
>seperation of church and state
>women rights
>laissez faire
>LGBT rights
>classical liberalism
not /myguy/