Starving sand niggers incoming
Famine imminent in Yemen
Cool, post more pics
let em die, if they come, send 'em back
Is it becoming to take pleasure in the sufferings of people who will starve to death?
that "woman seems to have fat on her hands and good skin turgor, so why can't they feed the kid?
Those people probably hate the west and everything it stands for they are the enemy and yes i take pleasure in watching my enemy suffer
Let them die off until they can sustain themselves? Develop or die.
They have oil money. They can buy food.
Ayy lmao
I suggest replacing all humanitarian help with guns, lots of guns. That way you solve both famine and the civil war at once.
Yes, this a YLYL thread
I'm so glad Batman got there on time and is trying to save them. I love Bruce Wayne, such a nice guy.
So basically Saudi Arabia is goofing them over?
Instead of sending them 5 billion dollars in aid money why not pressure Saudi Arabia into ending the embargo on the country?
Starving children isn't the most profitable export.
Not exactly supply in demand.
This picture is yet another proof that these people are sub-human animals.
Ever wondered why they only show pictures of starving children?
Ever wondered why there is never a sickly thin parent or adult in these pics?
Ever wondered how these kids are even born, when infact women cant get pregnant if they themself starve?
Its because there is no famine, atleast not for the adults living there. They are hoarding all the food and let their own children starve. Then they call the west for help, and in the meantime they keep popping out children.
moar pics
holy fucking kek
ooga booga
that's mean
what the hell does bruce wayne have to do with batman
the guy is a total cuckold and a big degenerate faggot
that is one offensive meme you have there user
I don't agree with giving aid to them without the requisite mass sterilizations as to avoid a larger problem down the road, but it seems to me as if many people here are sadists who actively enjoy watching other humans suffer. I mean you get your kicks from laughing at starving children? Sounds more degenerate than 99% of activities complained about here.
Suprisingly, this.
That's it.
I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.
>famine imminent in Yemen
gee i wonder why
We got this. We will as usual take all the highly educated mudslimes and focus on helping the children and women.
wew he's literally shaking
really makes my neurons tumble down
ha ha get out of here then
>bitch about climate change
>refuse to let nature run its course
Maybe the Saudi's can help them. Islam is such a brotherly religion after all.
Why is there no one to sell them food? Killer business idea here
>cannot feed the arabic
>should not have been a heretic
pic is from india tho
they have no money to buy food.
Arabs start a war on Yemen, famine appears, the filthy rich arabs in the hood won't give a fuck.
The rest of the world has to take care of their problems. Fuck the sandniggers.
Whatever, I'm sure they'll figure something out, we all know black don't need white people for anything
>I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die.
ISIS provides a final solution, just saying...
>fuck it lets procreate anyway
He know Batman, dude! Bruce and Batman are like BFFs they hang out and shit, don't think Bruce kinda helps Batman help people?
Think about it. Bruce is a philanthropist and Batman is a fucking hero. They're like the ultimate duo.
I'm enjoying it
that's the most comfy apustaja I've ever seen
This breaks my heart. Why aren't we helping them? BAKA...
shias BTFO
Because A, people need to suffer if we want to enjoy our standard of living
B, possibly this
Holy Moly!!! We need to exterminate these sneaky niggers.
Im i the only one who gets pissed when i see a starving kid just because i know at the other end of thr camera is a kike rubbing his hands using that kid to get my shekles?
Yemen war (2015-present)
Al-Qaeda in one side, Islamic state helping the other.
One of the sides kind of win, order mass mobilization to make a purge of a religious-ethnic
purge. Then Saudi Arabia enter the conflict and bomb the crap out of the other side. The US
stuck up the nose, for variety.
>The Saudi intervention, which has included widespread bombing of civilian areas, has been sharply condemned by the international community
Hope a horde of faminic zombies with some pestilence run to Saudi Arabia and they all die
If I pull that off will you die?
You're just a maladjusted shit and a genuinely bad human being. I can't think of any of the normal people i've known that would actually laugh at this. It's always the odd ones, the unloved and the abnormal.
>can't afford to eat or live
>continue having children
Fuck Saudi Arabia
Honey what are you doing in politically incorrect if you are so soft hearted and well intend
that you get triggered by love for dead where hitler is venerated?
I hope that this is prevented by the International Community or else there is no point in the UN and other sort of Global organizations existing at all, these guys were created to fight and prevent catastrophies like this and now is the time for them to prove themselves.
Another Clinton success story
Are their birthrates good?
They can come here
We have enough food.
The UN is owned by the House of Saud so it's actually their fault it's even happening
Activating my almonds, I had an urge to fap to this post!
I see fat women feeding or looking after these orphan kids on tv advertisements, during dinner time obviously. Worse than gypsy scum!
Just because the House of Saud has oil that doesn't mean that the world belongs to them annon, they need to learn accountability and that their actions have consequences.
A generation ago the women in Yemen were having 9 children each. Even today they're breeding at a rate of 4 children per woman.
Of course they're going to have a famine. It's inevitable. Has been for years. They fucked themselves into it.
Hey Capitalists, My name is Marx, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, money grubbing, bourgeois who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass dollars. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any comrads? I mean, I guess it’s fun making profit because of your own inheritense, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than exploiting the lower class. Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was creator of an ideology, and stared a revelution. What change do you make, other than “oppress the working class to make a profit”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening. Pic Related: It’s me
>wah no one else knows anyone who died
shut the fuck up, i know people who died, you probably do, everyone knows dead people and everyone's gonna die. If it up were up to me of course that little coon would have some food, water and a roof but its not the jews own everything and its always gonna fucking suck so just shut up and enjoy the humour in it cause being a prissy bender about dark humour doesn't make poor little Ahmed's belly any less distended
>need food
>no resources to make
>no money to buy food
Why can't the third world into logic and forward thinking?
Found the problem!
They have the resources, they just choose to divert them to grow drugs. HAHAHAHAHAHA! FUCK EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!
tell them ask their precious pig-god allah for help
>Allahu Akbar!!!
Allah wants them to starve to death!
who the fuck are you to question Allah?!
How is mom alive? What the fuck is she eating? Can she maybe give some to her babby?
> poor as shit
> nothing to do
> fuck you wife
> free, feels good, can forget problems for a second
> wife pregnant
> across the continent American who has absolutely everything is telling you to stop doing the only thing that is left for you in life
maybe the yemen kebabs will turn into cannibals and eat the saudis
Yeah but like, you date a black woman. Laughing at dead or suffering children is objectively better than dating a black woman.
How in the fuck does a pic like that come to exist? Jesus Christ.
Don't breed 'em if you can't feed 'em
>nothing to do
Why don't they try and grow food or something instead of fucking each other when they're bored.
yay more refugees -_-
>country needs food
>do nothing
>make problems worse
Eat shit, Ahmed. See
Sometimes you really need to do a sick kick flip Olly 180, and your skateboard is still in the shop. You look over and boom, inspiration strikes, this kid is laying on the ground.
>>do nothing
as appose to fucking what you donkey
What's with all the genuine replies to pasta? Is this place just reddit now?
And why is that my problem?
>mfw I actually smiled when I saw that headline
what... what have I become?
>when you cum but she still keeps suckin'
bring them to germany!
Yeah that was amusing, but seriously.
I think it's actually good idea my tanned friend :)
Why doesnt she breastfeed?
Producing food. To feed your family and make money to have a better life. This will be your last (you).