If I believe press outlets, we (The Dutch) are litterly the worst thing ever according to the Turks. The whole nation should hang for this.
If I believe press outlets, we (The Dutch) are litterly the worst thing ever according to the Turks...
So did the German canceller actually side with you Dutch or is the shit skin assuming due to political roots?
If they say it enough times, it must be true. Our feelings know it.
Is he gonna get Gaddafi'd? or is this just what diplomatic sperging looks like?
Hey stars and stripes user, Germany supports the Netherlands. So we must be Nazi state.
Which is great news.
Every liberal, degenerate, antifa every pothead i ever knew loves the netherlands for how progressive you guys supposedly are.
You guys telling the turks to fuck off really throws a spanner in their works.
We just don't want people from a regime of hate to speech in our country and Turkey is going apeshit about it.
It may be just him miscalculating.
He was bluffing. His bluff was called.
But he can't backpedal now without looking weak.
So he just drags it out hoping that people forget about it soon enough.
This. He thought they'd rollover.
It's a suprise to anyone that our (normaly) pussy gov actually deared to stand up for once.
Is this the beginning of the end of tolerating the Islam putsch?
Nobody cares about your reasonable explanations cos you're German
I don't think they will slam down whole Islam. But finally some redpills are starting to work in Europe.
For the first time ever, my idiot Dutch cousins are questioning the MSM. They told me to vote for Hillary, so I'm telling them to vote Baudet. No response yet
>Getting your bluff called by fucking Mark Rutte
How fucking shite can one government be?
Always remember to support and supply the AKP.
Kurdistan must become reality.
Supply kurds with stingers and give them intel and decryption on Turkish military.
If he keeps calling us nazis i guess its time to dust off the old uniforms again.
Baudet has my vote. Even tho Wilders (PVV) might have more influence. But his agenda is idiotic.
Turksmell manlet.
They can't read us.
At least that's my exp with arabs.
It their world guys always overplay their had, posturing like peacocks until the last second.
So from their perspective everyone, who does not act like this must be so afraid, that he can't even hide it anymore.
This is autistic screeching in its most political form.
But please Erdomeme, go to the "UN council on Human rights" I'm sure they can bark a little louder than you while at the same time asking why all your political opponents and journalists are imprisoned.
I want Hiddema
>when you accuse another country of fascism, but all your political opponents have been imprisoned or disappeared
Being insulted by turks has to count as a compliment
If those roaches hate you keep doing whatever you are doing.
The Dutch just didn't want these hate speechers in our countery because of their immoral ideas and public safety. Erdogan's Grey Wolves are everywhere and are a serious threat to any enstablished community.
Do you think this minor happening is good timing for the election?
Isn't the UN's Council of Human Rights led by Saudi Arabia? It's kinda obvious they'll side with Turkey over a white country, but at the same time how can anyone respect the demands set forth for a human rights coalition with Saudi Arabia at the helm?
Pretty much all right parties (SGP, PVV and FvD) that said that Islamic people are a danger for the nation has won votes.
Mark Rutte (VVD) has won votes because he stood ground against Erdogan for once.. instead fo cucking out as always.
Can a non European country go to the European council of human rights? Why is papa roach just REEEEEEing as much as possible?
>when you imprison journalists because they won't call another country fascist
The council of human rights is lip service to gloss over realpolitik they make two kinds of decicions.
- those with zero consequences
- those that deliver pretext for something a powerful player wanted to do anyway
Who heads it is completely symbolic.
Well stripes and stars user, they are not part of Europe. But they do share some privileges because of their NAVO status.
>If he keeps calling us nazis i guess its time to dust off the old uniforms again.
>We just don't want people from a regime of hate to speech in our country and Turkey is going apeshit about it.
Yah, not sure why turkeyboy is so upset?
well, for once (except the greywolves of the DENK party). Left, Middle and Right parties all agree on.. fuck you Erdogan.
you know what you guys are escelating this and he is gaining more votes, i will believe the european intentions are honest if they put out the dual nationality.
>be invaded by nazis
>be called nazis
Erdogan is so shit, even our MSM called out his historically inaccurate bullshit.
I cannot disagree with you there red with moon and star user. I believe that many Turks dislike the Euro-Turks because they can influence the nation's direction.
islamist dogs were stabbing oranges to protest netherlands. just kill me.
as a leader for an IT company, I have 8 Dutch Turks in my group most of them are Muslim. Today they talked about what happend this weekend and all condem what Erdogan and the greywolves are doing.
This nation has around 400.000 Turks 10% to 15% of them are just insane.
>be invaded by nazis
>be called nazis
rotterdam syndrom
totally blitzkrieged and bomb'ed the city to the groundddd.
Turk smell needs to be deported ASAP
Turkey bans Dutch ambassador, suspends diplomatic flights and high-level govt meetings - Deputy PM
They may say that to you but think otherwise.
Maybe, but it aint their first negative remark about Erdo.
>islamist dogs were stabbing oranges to protest netherlands.
yea, that was kinda funny in a definitely unfunny way. but what I don't get is this: where do all these Erdogan-supporting islamists come from? where were they from Atatürk till 2000? are they newly islamicized or were they just lying low for almost a century?
As far as i understood the attaturk aera, it was basically a police state. Secularism was forced on people by threat of violence.
When the berlin wall came down neo nazis were popping up all over east germany, shit was just suppressed.
Thanks stripe user's, I should dig into this materie more.
Check out the video of Turks stabbing Oranges (Dutch nickname)
This is so retarded its funny as fuck. I think we should make kebab's and throw it on the ground.
Nederbros need to meme this as wide as possible.
The image alone is perfect.
It bypasses all bullshit rationalizing and triggers the instinctive fear of the hostile other directly.
The future is strange
What's the long and short of this situation?
>What's the long and short of this situation?
Current status:
"Turkey says it is halting all high-level political discussions with the Netherlands."
So yeah, that's over for a while.
Just wrap a Turkish flag as a bandana on every stray dog you find.
You little bulgarian genius. Gonna order some.
Holy fuck that guy on the left looks like a walking corpse
This is an English speaking board, user.
oh shit, busted.
What even happened?
Give me a quick rundown.
>Erdogan can't get enough votes for his referendum to give him all power.
>Erdogan sends in ministers in Europe to speech about it.
>Netherlands clearly said no, we don't want it.
>Erdogan still sends in his minister
>Netherlands Forbids the landing of a diplomatic airplane after Turkish Treats if they won't allow him to enter te country.
>Turkey shouts that the Dutch are Nazi's
>Turkey sends in 4 cars, 1 car contains a minister.
>Meanwhile Netherlands declared a
emergency command in Rotterdam because they expected many Turks to protest.
> Netherlands declared if any other minister without premission enters the country, they will be deported.
> The minister arrives and isn't allowed access to the counsolate because of the emergency command
> Turks start to Riot
> Police take action of the Riot
> Turks are angry because police took action
> Turkish people invade the Dutch Counselate and are on Dutch ground to replace the Dutch flag for the Turkish flag
> Turkish swore revenge
> Turkish don't shy away from heavy violence (Turkish Media even said, there are only 40k militairy but we have 400.000 Turks in the Netherlands).
> All diplomatic flights and talks halted and ambassador has been expelled.
It's a very crude with shit grammar, might have missed a few details. But this is pretty much going on right now.
the fire rises?
He keeps on bluffing and escalating though. At some point that's got to get him back.
At least he's providing decent entertainment I suppose. Everyone but DENK is laughing at his temper tantrum.
I'm going to have to side with Turkey on this one. Not because they are right, but because it's funny.
Wikileaks just tweeted a link to all the documents
referencing Geert
Inb4 jew connection found
scrolled a bit. The headliners doesn't give out anything new stuff.
Wouldn't be suprised if he has heavy israel connections (since he lived there a year or two)
Sounds like a good excuse to remove turkroach.
With elections in two days, the current government can't just rollover. Erdogan fucked up the timing, now he's made it an election issue.