There's a slightly chace for AfD and Wikileaks has posted that they are about to show CIA's leaks over Merkel and her...

There's a slightly chace for AfD and Wikileaks has posted that they are about to show CIA's leaks over Merkel and her situation could become worst than already is. SPD is a shit party, they have no chance to continually moving foward, its the perfect time for AfD to strike and gain terrain. What you think about it?

Other urls found in this thread:

AfD is the only sane option. Unfortunately Schulz and his socialists have made serious gains in the polls lately. I hope the exposure of Merkel won't assist him further....

I support Bjorn hocke

the media in German is clearly Left-wing, this is the main problem

Höcke is a pleb who is costing us valuable votes through his constant autistic sperging

It's everywhere in Europe.

AfD is finished and tanking in the polls. Watch it not even getting 5% in November.

>AfD is the only sane option.

What? don't we want merkel over schulz? AfD has no chance at all. SPD is killing it in the polls right now

There is no other major party you can vote, unless you want more refugees and cultural marxism, of course

That's the problem, yes

What are you, 12?

Please enlighten me then
(And no, FDP isn't a viable alternative)

Well for starters, none of the two governing parties "want more refugees", nor "cultural marxism", whatever that's supposed to mean.

The AfD is a weirdo shit party with a populist grab bag programme.

Pray for the future of German children that they don't fall victim to the Muslim invasion.

every german i know supports SPD. why? in what way will schulz be better than merkel?

Less cozying up to companies, more social stuff and workers' rights and participaton.

The AfD won't get into a range of seats that makes them relevan. They'll be a much needed opposition though.

In the case that WikiLeaks has some serious dirt on her, the more likely outcome would be Merkel finally stepping down and the CDU deciding to run with a different candidate. In which case Schulz would immediately become irrelevant again because the only reason he is surging in the polls is because he's not Merkel.

>the two governing parties "want more refugees", nor "cultural marxism"
If it wasn't for the AfD and the public opinion, neither CDU/CSU or SPD would've changed their political stances regarding this

I suggest you get some info on it before sperging around.

Leftist media. Also he's a left-wing populist and promised more gibsmedat for the unemployed

>in what way will schulz be better than merkel?
He won't

Schulz is /ourguy/

How can AfD be so low when every other populist party in Europe is reaching 25-30%?

>If it wasn't for the AfD and the public opinion, neither CDU/CSU or SPD would've changed their political stances regarding this
Utterly wrong, but keep swalling their dumb claims.

So what made them go from 'take in all the refugees' to 'let's have a cap' then?

Might just be polls being polls. IIRC, there is a state election coming up next month. That should show how accurate the polls currently are.

>t. AAS

Because they are idiots, amateurs who really have no clue of what they are doing or have to do.
Thank god

so vote merkel then...

would you say merkel is germany's mark rutte? Afd is your wilders? schulz is pvda?

germans are cucks. i know many germans and you can't even bring up the refugee crisis in public. you think sweden is bad? hah, at least the social democrats are starting to rise. try germany where if you support AfD you are called a nazi and lose all friends

Merkel is a dangerous narcissist
Someone like her should never be in a position of power, the only reason why she even managed to win so many times is because the German political landscape looks pretty bleak.

>so vote merkel then...
I'll still vote AfD 2bh. It's important to get them in so they'll score big in the following elections

>would you say merkel is germany's mark rutte? Afd is your wilders? schulz is pvda?


>ruf doch nochmal Martin
Du kannst das bestimmt genauso schoen :)

oh a brasilian autist
but polls.....muhhhh

yeah but schulz is your alternative
fair enough if you're playing the long game but just know you are indirectly getting schulz elected in 2017

>Trump 5% Chance

>none of the two governing parties "want more refugees"
are you genuinely retarded?
these parties are the exact same parties that opened our borders to the hundreds of thousands of third world welfare leeches that came pouring in in 2015.
the only significant politician who objected was seehofer, yet he didn't actually do ANYTHING besides bitch and moan to the press. in the end, he supported (and keeps supporting to this day) merkels madness.

therefor, all of the governing parties (CDU, CSU, SPD) are ALL pro mass immigration.
regarding the opposition parties:
the greens are extremely vocal about being pro mass immigration.
the FDP is tiptoeing around the issue and avoids taking a clear stance, but since the party line is all about free markets, free trades and being strongly pro EU, they can safely be considered to be pro mass immigration as well.
finally, LINKE is a mixed bag. a bunch of them have spoken out against mass immigration, but they always face massive backlash from within the party. there seems to be a split inside the party regarding this issue.

and that's it. out of 5 parties in parliament, 4 are pro mass immigration and the fifth is a literal remnant of the DDR communist regime. that leaves the AfD as the only option that is explicitly anti mass immigration. unless you consider the controlled opposition meme party that is the NPD a viable alternative, which i don't.

I don't know where you've been for the past years or even decade, but none of both ever wanted to 'take in all the refugees', nor did either "go from 'take in all the refugees' to 'let's have a cap' then".

I know the AfD likes to shitpost their trope about "the AfD made them do this" (which you seem to gladly swallow), but in reality the other parties either haven't in fact adopted what the AfD claims, or it has been party line from even before the AfD existed.

The only ones who call for a cap among the governing parties are politicians from the CSU, but it's not practical in reality, so there's no cap.

>fair enough if you're playing the long game but just know you are indirectly getting schulz elected in 2017

Who gives a shit. No matter if it's Merkel or Schulz, both will be insanely damaging for Germany.
The only option is to start building up a new opposition that can hopefully fix shit in a couple of years.

welcome to Sup Forums

lurk moore

Bit different though. It's not like the media said Trump had 10% support nation wide.

lol more than the half of all ppl i know will vote for afd, including students and workers..
they all are tired of daily terror attacks and high rise of criminality in our region (NRW)

>being this retarded
Germany's government options are complete shit besides AFD.

But its not about Merkel just about CIA and NSA wiretapped her.

But the Germans doesnt know, that Germany is still occupied by the USA and she cant do anything about it. So this will turn very negative for her!

Nah, you are missing the context. A lot of states are either firmly blue or red with no chance of them changing, so calling those correctly isn't a feat and should not be taken into account.
What matters are the swing states, and there they called pretty much every single one incorrectly.

>fair enough if you're playing the long game
Yeah, I don't lend myself to illusions. The AfD won't get into office before 2021 or 2025. But still, you need from some point

>but just know you are indirectly getting schulz elected in 2017
It will most probably a GroKo (CDU and SPD) coalition anyway. But i somehow hope the CDU will be the bigger party, so Schulz won't be chancellor

What's with all the Schulz shills lately? Is this some childish ironic shitposting or are they legitimately retarded?

>are you genuinely retarded?
No, but you obviously are if you equate relieving shit border states of looming humanitarian crisis with "wanting mass immigration".

>all of the governing parties (CDU, CSU, SPD) are ALL pro mass immigration.
Utter nonsense.

nope this wikileaks stuff will only give votes to Schulz because Germans are "Socially progressive"

>What's with all the Schulz shills lately? Is this some childish ironic shitposting or are they legitimately retarded?

Lefties from reddit having "epin raids"

media crackdown and thought policing in germany are on a whole different level.
people have had police raid their homes for making pro afd and anti rapefugee posts on facebook.
people have been fired from their jobs for voicing support for afd.
of all the european states, germany is by far the worst in terms of thought control and social engineering.

Fighting buzzwords with buzzwords. Good job.

Now tell me about their populist grab bag program

i agree, also vote for PVV in Holland

There wouldn't be a """""humanitarian crisis""""" if Merkel didn't call them to come here on a dangerous journey

So both legitimately retarded and childish

>t. mentally ill person

germans are stupid, but secretly i hope some of the usual leftist shit parties wins the election so that germany will go down in its knees.
AfD will have more time to become a better party and will overtake germany after 4 years of socialist crap, the people will also look for a change then

>Well for starters, none of the two governing parties "want more refugees"
>Merkel caused this mess
>no one bats an eye

Meanwhile in the SPD:

At least try harder next time you nigger.

Read their programme. For example, they have neoliberal stuff in there while at the same time they're now adopting some recent SPD or Left positions. Also all the weirdo nationalist and culture garbage devoid of reality.


Fuck it now I want Schulz to win and hopefully everything crashes and burns

We need another country to leave the EU in the meantime

>So both legitimately retarded and childish
Yeah. Sadly, this is Sup Forums. Even someone taking a selfie with an "I'm with her" cap would still get replies, it doesn't matter that they broadcast their intentions with the retarded Schulz-shit right away


did you notice these german payed / brainwashed MARTIN-SCHULZ-Shill FAGS, too ?

Every Thread with AfD or german people is getting infiltrated by payed-german-CTR equivalent OR 16 year old school-college-kids ( hardcore PRO-EU-SPD | ANTI-Trump-populist-right-wing cuck propaganda / indoctrination on german schools going on !! )

i've noticed that these shill spam people always say "eeeh afd is an eevil, racist, anti-human mimimimi party, fuck you racist, multicultural is goood, we need schulz - our Gott Kanzler" or other well-known STUPID leftwing multicultural pro-clinton-"build bridges" psyop arguments

notice /r/The_Schulz is a fully-copied The_Donald clone where they try to use meme magic with pepe - a lot of these pro-schulz images that i've seen were used as Pro-AFD before and now just copied as NOT EVEN FUNNY Pro-Schulz Memes.

These FAGS are disgusting, evil and they don't know that germany is FUCKED, if this evil UN-NWO-SOROS-ROTHSCHILD-plant is installed as GERMAN CHANCELLOR.

German BND ( intelligence ) Wikileaks documents told us that Martin Schulz ( former EU Parliament President ) has engineered this "Refugee-Crisis" in Europe - he also KNEW that these rapefugees are 25+ years old MALE, strong economic soldiers without kids. He did approve all this.

Stop Soros / Schulz. Please. He's everything else then an alternative for merkel. He's a Pro-Corporate-Globalist-NEO-Liberal-Leftist fucker.

Now GERMAN media is talking about banning Sup Forums. Too much redpills inside here huh ?

ByeBye Germany !

Do you even understand the article? I don't see a reason not to adopt to changes. Would you rather have those eligible to stay apart and become more frustrated?

you are mindlessly repeating leftist talking points to distract from reality.

the simple fact of the matter is this: the CDU/CSU/SPD government actively facilitated the illegal entry and accomodation of hundreds of thousands of foreigners into germany. this is mass immigration, plain and simple, and it was (and still is) actively supported by our government.

At least learn how to spell paid correctly, you imbecile.

I'd rather have them return to their families and build up Syria

I'm not even sure why they are doing it because they will convince not a single person to vote for the SPD instead of AfD.

She's our girl!!!

the election program isn't even out yet. I especially like their tax conservatism and economic liberalism. I'm sick and tired of chosing between one of the social democratic/socialist parties and the one economic-right but social progressive party.
If afd shifts to the left though they become unvotable yet again. Considering the other options afd is still best bet.

typical german shill mode - hell of informations and you just care about the correct writing of words. fuck off.

>I don't see a reason not to adopt to changes.
Pumping tax money from Germans for Germans into the asses of people who will probably never work a day in their lives here while living out their medieval backwards culture.

They have to go back to their shitty country and build things up. Not draining our state. That only needs to more problems you dumb prick.

germany was always capable of eating a shitload of social waste and injustice. but someday it will explode, just take a look at what happened 90 years ago (versaille).
There will come hard times under which germans will have to suffer, but i am pretty confident our nation will take revenge one day again

>Well for starters, none of the two governing parties "want more refugees"
Schulz said today that he wants to enable family reunions for the "refugees". That alone would be millions more. You are either trolling or you don't know what you are talking about.

>I'm not even sure why they are doing it
cause they're getting paid for it
look at this guy for example: ALL of his posts contain the exact same talking points that are regurgitated by german TV and press over and over again - mostly low level appeals to emotion, and attempts to paint events as "inevitable" and alternatives as "unrealistic".

nah, banning Sup Forums is again talked about because of the autistic Sup Forumstard that killed the child in Herne and posted it somewhere here

Höcke is what singlehandedly destroyed all chances for the afd because of his retarded autism speeches larping as Richard Spencer. And now he is on his knees asking for forgiveness. What a spastic. Feck off.

>Merkel and the CDU gets hit with wikileak.
>SPD wins, afd gains nothing

Great thread op

>facilitated the illegal entry and accomodation
More nonsense. I guess that's why that moronic Schachtschneider and others failed with their legal actions, because it was so illegal *ooooOoooo*

Strohmann Axel Springer: »BILD« was funded by fucking CIA with 7 Million US-Dollars in 1952

link to bnd sources?

No, I understand that they are being paid to spout this bullshit, that much was obvious when Schulz directly addressed r/the_Schulz in a video even though no one cares about it or knows it.

What I am asking is why they are shilling on Sup Forums of all places. All they are achieving with that is that people hate them even more.

You probably only know leftists and welfare queens.
Only those go to Spain.

>That only needs to more problems you dumb prick.
Meant to write "lead". God I'm tired.
I'm pretty sure that antifa and other left-wing shitters already get paid by the German government to shill everywhere. We have our own little CTR here.

In none. People delude themselves because they want Merkel gone. And while I support that sentiment, we simply have no competent politicians in our current parties. It's frustrating.

Because they are told to. Whoever it was, who made regular afd-threads in the past got shut down. Right after that the shill sessions and schulz propaganda started in germany. And our propaganda machine is heavy.

Every literate german can just read the party programs. That obviously isn't propagated because none of the other "big parties" has one.


antifa is a fucking mafia

It's neither cuckoos of the German, nor thought policing nor Schulz.

It is infighting. The afd destroyed itself. Höcke is a dumb nazi larper who couldn't contain his autism any longer to go full Richard Spencer. Didn't fare well with potential voters of course.

STFU Höcke is a fucking great non-globalist patriot

What different candidate? Merkel has consistently undermined her own party so that everyone with a different mindset is stuck in the lower levels, while she panders to both globalists, socialists and the green party. The CDU, in their current situation, simply have no other candidate (which is a shit situation for the entire country)

I'd like to believe - oh, how I would like to believe - that Wikileaks will bring something explosive. I ain't keeping my breath though. Their track record with sensationalism, isn't all that great.

Not, that we should wait for wikileaks to come to the rescue in the first place, but a plus, would be a plus.

Which the governing parties also want.

>the election program isn't even out yet
It basically is and I doubt it will go through many changes, since they already put the content to a vote of their members.

>I especially like their tax conservatism and economic liberalism
If you're not particularly rich there should be no reason for you to vote AfD on the basis of their weird and impractical tax and economic delusions.

Nah, but if you rant, at least do it properly, you dumbass.

>That alone would be millions more
>or you don't know what you are talking about
I see you don't actually understand the basis on which he made the change of course here.

>t. mentally ill person fantasizing about people paid on Sup Forums
>and attempts to paint events as "inevitable" and alternatives as "unrealistic".
Nonsense, but anything the AfD calls for is in fact highly unrealistic.

>t. mentally ill person

>Höcke is what singlehandedly destroyed all chances for the afd
no. the infighting and drama within the party that followed his speech is what turns people off.
this has always been the case - the media's strongest point of attack against the afd is painting them as a bunch of unorganized and chaotic morons who constantly conspire against each other due to being power hungry opportunists.

Wow! It's like you dont even care about getting into parliament.

kek. Höcke is a firebrand installed to draw attention to the party by the media, similar to Gauland. But now it has backfired and Petry has to transfer the blame to someone

They could use one of the cucks from the CSU. Maybe even get back Guttenberg, since he was fairly popular for some inexplicable reason, and still is.
Really, all the CDU would have to do to destroy the SPD again is run anyone but Merkel. I have no idea what gave them the retarded impression that she's a bonus and not a malus.

I do suspect he is controlled opposition desu, nobody can be as retarded as he is.

well, they are not wrong. This is what has driven Lucke from his own party

You forgot the endless cases of actual neonazis in visible positions and the incompetency of the shit party leaders in dealing with them

For example
>what is AfD in Baden-Württemberg and Antisemite and holocaust denier Gedeon

nice bait


>misquote Höcke to prepare the bait
>Petry obviously takes it because she fucking hates him
>by the time they have to correct themselves it doesn't matter anymore because now they can talk about the infighting rather than whatever Höcke has or hasn't said

AfD needs to learn to not constantly apologize for shit that does not require an pology.


The AfD spends one half of their time eroding their support in the Mittelstand by pandering to their ex-NPD members, and the other half fighting against each other since they are powerhungry shills.

He is still to blame because this wouldn't have happened if he didn't sperg out like a fucking retard in front of the ossi-ronnies.
Guess what? Ossis already vote for the afd, the afd should have tried to win over the "normal" people every else.
Enter the Höcke..

He is just the worst.

>>misquote Höcke

>AfD needs to learn to not constantly apologize for shit that does not require an pology.

Too much AfD infighting. Plus we are too well off.

Also in general Germans are late to any party but when we come we come crashing hard. Example: Hitler.