I find it peculiar that something like anime exposure in the young can lead to such disparate outcomes. Is there some third factor at work that explains the divergence?
I find it peculiar that something like anime exposure in the young can lead to such disparate outcomes...
its almost like anime is not the driving cause or something
i watched animu when i was a kid, even the super weeb shit like Sora no Otoshimono and i turned out just fine
its al about how you absorb it, there are other things that lead to your picture.
Aside from wish-fulfillment and fantasizing? Nope.
He's cute. So what exactly is the problem?
im 30 and still watch anime.
Watching Sailor Moon versus watching Dragon Ball Z
i wanna fuck my son
no questions
anime is ultimate redpill
God I hope my son never dresses like that. I should never have to face such temptation.
Anime got me into lifting as well. Anime possesses the cute, feminine essence that I can't get from actual women. Not white women, anyway. Moe is a blessing.
Kill all faggots.
There's a solution user.
I want to fuck an anime
>he doesnt stay /fit/ for his waifu
If this is what people mean when they talk about transgender, nobody would mind. Heck, nobody would even fucking notice.
Alas that is not what people mean when they talk about transgender, pic related is the type of person at the forefront of the transgender movement, and ironically their masculine aggression and shouting rarely has anything to to with transgenderism.
battery-powered anime son, you say?
North Americans have literal cuckold propaganda on their fucking TV/Movies/Ads/VideoGames but you faggots still want to make a deal out of some fringe weeboo faggots?
The nazi bodybuilder likely watched good animes such as Berserk, GTO and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
I think it has more to do with what kind of anime you're watching as well as the person's psyche.
Based Japan is on the case.
and cromartie, hokuto no ken and GuP of course.
I'm a 29 year old obese wageslave and anime is my only escape. I dont know if that's good or bad.
get from obese to strong fit
do it for your waifu
Animu inspired me to work out and lose a few hundred pounds over the last 5 years desu
The only question here is why my dick is not in his mouth. Or his dick is in my mouth.
trannies who don't pass should be forcibly detransitioned desu
put your grasses on
Put simply, anime is the use of graphic design to produce an extremely idealized human. They're aesthetically pleasing in a way that an actual human can't hope to be, as they are designed, rather than accidents of nature, and people will naturally feel compelled to recreate that beauty SOMEHOW.
I think there's more significance to anime than what people realize. It's Japan's concept art, either for the first strong AI-driven robots or the first truly designer babies.
There's not an American equivalent, as far as I'm aware. American media is almost exclusively dedicated to the celebration of the profane.
Top is what Moeshit does to you.
Bottom is what watching Hokuto No Ken and the like does to you
Old school anime was manly, modern anime is for social retards.
don't pass, get gassed
I am 31 and work as M.D.
I still watch anime, I still watch seasonal anime. Think about that the next time you step into a hospital for treatment.
Stop being fat. Start lifting. If you're on Sup Forums you must have been told to lift hundreds of time already. DO IT FAGGOT.
Watch all the anime you want but don't be an unhygienic fat sack of shit doing it and have other hobbies as well. Like reading, at the very least.
>berserk anime
>old school anime was manly
Ahahahaha no. The most influential animu of all time was literally moe.
Weak willed men turn into faggots, they are the ones who want to live in their worlds of fantasy with no consequences or effort, they want their perfection now.
Strong willed men find solace in anime by using it as a goalpost, they seek to create that perfect world for a better future.
Start lifting, lad. Get some dumbbells and go at it. Doesn't have to be much, just two or three sets of about 5 movements getting your entire body, every day. You'll have lost the fat within a year if you're persistent.
The only people who hate moe are shonenshit and "deep" faggots.
I would fug dat boi
reading is for faggots
you can download audio books of the great classics and listen to them while working out
>on Sup Forums
First post went over the majority of people's heads I reckon. You're right though
>feminine boys become more feminine with positive reinforcement
>masculine boys become more masculine with positive reinforcement
Oh golly, how odd.
Would pat on the head desu.
It's gay to suck her cock though.
Anime is irrelevant, it depends on the tastes of the person.
>person a watches shitty animes from childhood like Sakura card captors
>then proceeds to watch Sailor moon
>then later on he watches other trash like that Haruhi trash or some shit
Person a turned into a degenerate piece of shit, probably transsexual too.
>person b watches Robotech
>then he watches Gundam anything
>then later on he watches Code Gays and Tengen Toppa, then he watches more Gundam because It never ends
>maybe later he watches that space opera shit Legend of the galatic heroes or some shit
Person b became a normal human bean that likes cars and mechanics, probably electronics too. Because person b was always more into the boy side of things (cars = robots) than into the girl side, like person A.
And then there are other people that don't go autistic on anything and just watch shit because its fun. These people aren't affected in any major way by the anime they watch because its just mild entertainment for them and it doesn't control their lives.
That's what I have noticed anyway. Japanophiles are common here, more or less.
Typical normalfag ignoramus.
no one ever turned into a faggot by watching dragonball z and reenacting vegetas final flash attack against cell in naked in the mirror
Nothing wirr be wrong
That first one was alright.
Anime turned me into an Axisboo.
Lifting comes next.
A majority of the 80/90s anime was targeted at a male audience. The early 00s had a mix of gender neutral ones like death note, then it all fell into oblivion.
This just boils down to "sick people are sick, healthy people aren't".
Bravo, people here and everywhere else fuck up causality all the time, it is no surprise to see them fuck it up when it comes to anime.
I want to fug that.
It's because anime brings you to Sup Forums, which brings you to Sup Forums every now and then.
I watch pretty much exclusively cute girl shows and I'm far closer to person B.
That's not a bad idea actually. I used to go to sleep with audiobooks too at some point
>A majority of the 80s/90s anime was targeted at a male audience
Objectively false.
For everybody manly anime there were hundreds of shoujos, magical girl animu, and comedies with female protagonists. Never talk about anime when you know literally nothing about it.
>the early 00s had a mix of gender neutral ones like death note
Holy fuck I'm laughing
In the 90s and 80s, stuff like this
Was far more common than stuff like this.
No, educate yourself user.
Perhaps it is because of a natural instinct to understand the realities of the world and you simply saw those shows and desired to make a future such as that, but the only way to do so was by becoming an Ubermensch.
>Urusei Yatsura
Get the fuck out. UY had little of the gratuity of Moe, Lum was a nasty bitch who haunted the protagonist and needed no Otaku to protect her. Not a harem show like Tenchi Muyo technically either, as Ataru never got the girls and harem he was after thanks to Lum's interference.
UY also had Oshii as a director, which led to some great shit like Movie 2.
>post girl
>call it a guy
>people flip their shit
Good taste.
i have no idea what that is.
I never watched that shit and never will. Cartoons are for infants.
Lum is literally the first widely popular moe character, not that that's a bad thing.
What does that have to do with anything?
Its all about time management. Combine as much as you can so you get your hour or two where you can sit on your ass and shit post on Sup Forums
Stupid smug CUNT
>checks flag
Not even surprised, Hans.
when your role models are kenshiro, guts and goku you're gonna get swole and fight the forces of evil.
Should fit right in with your politics then.
>The only people who hate moe are shonenshit and "deep" faggots.
Not true. I look at all of the stuff you mentioned and there are good and shit ones out there in their respective genres. Only watching one particular genre all the time and claiming it to be the "best" is autistic.
What's his name?
>Haruhi trash
Your shithole non-country will be the first part of american land to burn in radioactive fire of WW3
I would
>Lifting will make you not fat
No, only eating less than TDEE will make you not fat.
Mike "I will teach you the EM Spectrum if you fudge pack his rectum" Pence
If the dick is feminine, nothing is gay. You can even suck it.
>SDF Macross
my nigga
guess it's time to start listening to my Macross soundtrack again.
Im the third. I watch whatever as long as i like it and its just entertainment to me, not a way of life. Don't let it take over your life and be a productive member of society and nobody can say anything.
Technically, moe is defined as weak, cute characters which evoke a need to protect them. Lum is cute, but lacks that passivity predicated of the moe persona.
>What does that have to do with anything?
Another misconception commonly attributed to UY, is all.
That guy is so comical. It's impossible to take his degree of vitriol seriously.
I have that exact stanley jump starter. Use it to jump start the van i use to tote around my bright haired bright eyed family of six in emergency situations. Quality product.
>Complaining about anime on an anime board
Haruhi is a fucking cunt and the franchise hasnt gone anywhere in fucking years
I'd tear that boypussy to shreds tho...
no homo
Anime provides a foreign subculture with a different pack of values. When it comes to otaku culture it doesn't condemn homosexuality and paedophilia while at the same time promotes tradition, patriotism and family values. You don't find this pack in western ideologies.
It's either tradition + heterosexuality or homosexuality + liberalism. Which is why newfags can't comprehend how Sup Forums works or why tumblr requires very heavy censoring to watch anime. Because half of their values doesn't actually align with the otaku values.
>watched cartoons all my childhood
>watched anime when I was 10-15
>completely grew out of anime at 15
>played vidya all my life, still play GTA, THPS, and vanilla WoW regularly
>turned out to be a strong 100% heterosexual alpha male
the problem is when kids never grow out of childish things like anime and nintendo games, then they become weak numale manchildren that jerk off to futa and ponies in diapers.
I was born in the 80's, pretty much all anime that hit western eyes was targeted at men except sailor moon. Shit like Dragonball Z, Macross, Gundam wing, Escaflowne was what was all over YTV. As for the more adult stuff like Berserk, Evangelion, and Akira were the first to be translated and was popular on the internet.
As for the 00's is was the rise of the fangirl with Naruto, Bleach, Inuyasha taking over. Yea they were not targeted at western women but they loved them all the same.
Sure anime was filled with crap back then but it wasn't popular/even seen in the west. Now shit anime is more accessible and westerners are getting exposed to it.
Lifting builds muscle. Muscle burns fat. Don't engage in topics you have no experience with, faggot. Cardio does not burn fat, by the way, it only builds stamina.
Any pics of boipussy for science purposes?
I loved gta v because you can go around as a woman and buy cute clothes and drive pretty cars.
>playing WoW
being a fedora wearing fat autist doesn't make you an alpha male
It all depends on whether or not someone is reading/watching the correct manga/anime
> strong 100% heterosexual alpha male
> posts on Sup Forums
Anime actually launched me down my career path in STEM. My mother was an EE and my dad an aircraft mechanic as well, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.
It's probably got more to do with upbringing than anything else. I think anime might just be more or less of a catalyst. If, as an example, I watched Girls und Panzer while growing up, I'd probably be more inclined towards an interest in military history, firearms, and the like, rather than watching Planetes or Mobile Suit Gundam and getting involved in aerospace.
...Watching Evangelion as a kid probably did a number on me too.
Vanilla wow at that. If you're not on curve with two legendaries then you shouldn't even say you play wow.
king arthur
Many in the LGBT community refer to him like they would a boogeyman. They call him Deus Volt.