I just checked Plebbit after JonTron's debate with Destiny, and it's fucking hilarious. Everyone on /r/JonTron is flipping out beacuse he doesn't agree with them.
Why can't libs ever leave their echo chamber?
I just checked Plebbit after JonTron's debate with Destiny, and it's fucking hilarious. Everyone on /r/JonTron is flipping out beacuse he doesn't agree with them.
Why can't libs ever leave their echo chamber?
Other urls found in this thread:
you're in your own echochamber you stupid fucking burger faggot
Hi Jontron
>caring about ecelebs
>browsing reddit
The fact that you're here and can say that without getting banned objectively disproves your point.
still a fat fuck, go get /fit/ senpai
Fuck off leaf faggot
>Everyone on /r/JonTron is flipping out beacuse he doesn't agree with them
aw is baby drumpfy upset again?
go suck your dads tit
Yeah try posting that on leddit and not get banned cuckboi.
can I get a quick rundown on this guy?
Hehe... you leaves, I'll admit, you're a persistent bunch, but let me make it crystal clear, stop posting. That it, that's all. Full stop. Day after day, you drunkenly stumble onto this board after your daily fill of maple syrup and moose semen, and day after day you lot drain the lifeblood of this board. Throw your computers in the garbage, and yourselves as well. Day of the rake soon.
Some fat idiot.
>you're in your own echochamber you stupid fucking burger faggot
Don't fret OP, some Canadians are just really bad at shitposting.
He's semi-right in a way he didn't put it, though. If they're an echo chamber, then we would be as well. But we're not. Reddit has a much higher chance of becoming one even if subreddits, though.
I got this rake here...
Redditors deserve the death penalty leaf.
Some (((e-celeb))) who made some basic redpilled comments.
Still hasn't named the Jew, but it's a start.
>leaf education
sage and report eceleb cancer
pol is the anti hugchamber, its the hurtchamber
LOL good job you're so smart and current making fun of the most absolute low-hanging fruit that everyone has already been making fun of for five years or more.
Why don't you actually try being forward and edgy and start mocking and calling out all of the brainwashed kike slave normies of pol who think they're super red pilled?
lul his subreddit is really filled with a bunch of kids just crying
... So. I don't really understand what he was thinking. Even though I sat there and listened to the entire 'debate', it was just... God fucking awful.
How the hell did this even happen? Everything I enjoyed about JonTron, it's gone. I really liked him, to the point where I wanted to be his friend. Looks like that's all over.
Normal iq, pale skinned man, tired of the bullshit. The end,
He just shit on SJW's some more.
/r/JonTron is saying it's career suicide and that he's done forever but it's just delusion.
Only thing I hear echoing is Jon's tears.
And pol is a right wing echo chamber.
I love it when reddit plebs shit their own beds.
Thinks he's woke and edgy by thinking calling out the left on anything makes him right.
The twitter meltdown of his fanbase when Trump won was a sight to behold.
Welcome to the fact-chamber, motherfucker.
I'm 41 and I have no idea what's going on here.
Can someone give me the basic gestalt on this fat faggot?
You took the bait or he's retarded and its not nice to make fun of retarded people're
why are reddit memes so funny and cool
I'd say that reddit is exceptionally effective at creating an echo chamber.
Posts aren't just ordered from first to last reply, it's ordered from most agreed upon to least agreed upon.
So if you have a controversial opinion, something like 40% approval rate, your posts would be under the score threshold and would even be hidden by default.
Over here, on the other hand, you might never get a reply, but you'll never be actively slid down because your opinion is unpopular.
You realise that Sup Forums IS an echo chamber for the right?
Like, it takes 1 day of lurking here to realise that every time someone brings up a good point against the right, people just call him a shill/make fun of their flag.
People don't get banned here for their opnions.
You can shitpost leftire junk all day everyday on Sup Forums it's not going to get you shit.
Reddit however will ban you so fast it'll make Neogaf proud.
Stormfront is what you're looking for.
He took the bate.
>when the leafs turn on each other
>yes i know i misspelled that it sounded better
I really wish that you faggots wouldn't jump to his aid with the "JonTron isn't racist!" defense. He is using stormfag/alt-right talking points and thinks that society would go to shit if more mexicans showed up. When asked why he thinks that would be the case he replies "Haha......come on man......you know.....haha.... don't make me incriminate myself! You should work for CNN!". He's a full of racist and he's going to have to accept the consequences of that.
He has made Goy jokes.
>"name 5 african countries "
>*actually tries to name them
>*one of them isnt even a country
i never thought jontron was this retarded. i
>On Sup Forums
>Thinks he's not in an echochamber
>still thinks Sup Forums is right wing
We just like Trump fgt
The majority of ppl here are right wing.
fpbp desu senpai
>a good point against the right
Spamming Marxist Generals and calling everyone who disagrees with you ignorant don't exactly qualify as good points.
You do realize that every response, even in the form of "shill" or "boo" draws attention to whatever argument that is being made.
Literally the opposite of an echo chamber.
>Implying there are non-retarded lefty arguments
You where right the first time.
> you are in your own......
Also being this buttmad your thread didn't take off?
Where were you when Tumblr and Plebbit became one and the same?
can anyone post a link to the debate?
couldn't find one yesterday
thats mighty intolerant of you leaf. reported to department of speech re-education.
Oh Jesus. How did that go?
I used to watch Destiny a long time ago and there's not a single bigger faggot with their head as far up their own ass as that ubertwat.
>pol will deny this
>Meanwhile they will angrily reply because you pointed out that fact
Yes and the majority of people on reddit are left because right wing opinions "disappear". You could be left on here and still be on page 1. Lefties just like a box where you can downvote "bad opinions".
>name five nuclear power plants
>oh, you can't? Then you don't get to have an opinion on nuclear power
Another reason to post this stupid fucking picture that literally no reddit/tumblr faggots has a rebuttal against
"right wing"
Excuse me did you just assume my political orientation? God, you redditors are such fucking bigots.
it may be but you can still post your retarded argument, on plebit you get shalodw banned instantly and then you just post for no reason, its the absolute worst for of censor, where they let you post but no one sees your post.
A place with constant Marxist generals is not an echo chamber.
-nVidia bow to JonTron
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control mushroom kingdom with an iron but fair fist
-Own PS4 & XBOX 360s
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal persian blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Trongrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Tron babies
-said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress
-he own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Tronbots inside you right now
-Jon is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Tron bunker in Wilkes land?
-He learned fluent English in under a week
-Nation states entrust his gold reserves with the him. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Tron
-he is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he is benevolent beings.
This user here is right: Pic related sums it up quite well.
0/10 bait
not sweety enough
>"Sup Forums is not an echo chamber!"
>"Don't reply to leaf's because they go against the echo chamber!"
American education
Read the first letter of every sentence boyo
>Sieg Heil
True that, idiot Republicans can burn in hell, so can cuckservatives. Hate the Democrats too. Trump is my constant.
day of the rake when?
Why are Iranians so based?
>giving (you) to a leaf even tho he disproved his own theory
Kill yourselves, unironically, all of you
Stop giving him attention
now that i gave him attention i have to kms too
See what youve done?
>Don't respond.
That's not what that image says, leaf, look again.
Ok, goodbye Croat
>ITT: People who have spent exactly 3 hours on Sup Forums
That doesn't make it an echo chamber. People like to be around similar people. If this was an echo chamber it would stiffle any debate and force the denizens to migrate to other places. Like how /leftypol/ and, reddit come here constantly. The mods remove disent and the users downvote into oblivion.
Yeah that's why we're fighting with each other constantly.
Doesn't stop Serbian faggot and Canadian faggot from shilling hardcore for Obama, does it, coward?
The irony in this post.
>OP checks plebbit, a place historically ideologically opposite from Sup Forums
>comes back to Sup Forums
>this nigger: "why OP won't leave his echo chamber?"
Pic related, it's your house.
Day of the rake can't come soon enough.
Kill yourself.
fpbp, Sup Forums BTFO again.
>Go to Gobuyism :DDD general
>Ask why they defy history and make brag about their threads when everyone is amking fun of them
>Get called a puppet, faggot, ignorant and a nazi by people with their head up their ass saying WE THE FUTURE and WE REDPILL THE Sup Forums
If those faggots get to have an opinion here, just as the guy who post islamic stuff
Have you ever thought that
Just, maybe
This place isn't an echo chamber
Where do you think you are?
fuck, jontron is so shit at making points
brings shame to Sup Forums
Can someone sift through the video for me?
And still you can write out a stupid comment and not have it downvoted to oblivion, magical right?
Thats a nice photoshopped image of a tweet. But sadly, that's not an argument
Who cares what he thinks though? He didn't even name the Jew.
Far from /ourguy/.
He made a Goy joke.