Gun thread: post relics your grandpa gave you

Got these from grandpa. He never got to tell me any stories about them.
I don't even know what they are just besides a just your average pistol.

My uncle killed three nazis with the first pistol while guarding an outpost. Supossedly they rushed him sub machine guns and he gunned them down with a pistol.


>Supossedly they rushed him sub machine guns and he gunned them down with a pistol.
Somehow I doubt this, considering how little recoil and how much ammo MP40s have.
I bet your grandfather just sat on his ass the entire war and still wanted to go "I KILLED NAZIS!"

Do you assume this to about 40 percent of vets as well

I kek'd

>grandpa leaves me and my brothers a shotgun, a rifle and a couple of handguns
>he dies
>parents and uncle sell the guns
Fuck my cuck family senpai

>My uncle killed three nazis with the first pistol while guarding an outpost. Supossedly they rushed him sub machine guns and he gunned them down with a pistol.

Sounds like fucking bullshit but whatever.

grandpa Tesla

I don't have them anymore, but my granddad had some SS daggers and some pistols. I saw a photo of his old land rover which he was ambushed in in North Africa. It was fucking swiss cheesed with bullet holes. You wouldn't have thought anyone could have survived. He was also shot down while piloting a glider during the battle of Arnhem. He crashed behind enemy lines and made it back the allies.
He taught me how to hogtie a prisoner so that if they struggle or try and escape, a noose tightens around their neck.

>A WW2 1911 in that condition

I'll give you $300 RIGHT NOW for it.

>first pistol
>pic is of a pistol and a revolver

Your uncle is a liar. Like 100% of all bases they sat post and tried not to fall asleep from the boredom of nothing happened. Only forward bases saw SOME action and that was very few. America had a ton of tank destroyers set up but barely any saw action. I think you could count the tank destroyers that saw combat at like 10.

Anyone saying their gun killed people is a fucking liar unless they are proven airborne or front liners. we had a fuckton of people who sat around and did nothing but inventory, resupply, or post up on green zone bases

I'll take things that never happened for $2000 Alex

>SS daggers
photos or it didn't happen faggot

>implying I didn't kill a Nazi trash can on Inauguration Day and burned it alive



i bet a squirrel startled him while guarding an outpost and he shot and killed it now he comes back and tells everybody he killed 3 nazis

You can usually look up the serial numbers at the manufacturer's website to see when it was made. It's not much but it's something. That's how I know when and where an early 1900's .32 hammerless army pilot's standard issue sidearm that I do not possess in any manner was made.

Swede on vacation here.

what the fuck is wrong with your feet?

is that a sniper cat?

I've just looked up the SS dagger and it doesn't look like the ones he had. This looks like the ones though.
I'm willing to accept it never happened since I don't have the photos though.
Funnily enough, we didn't have cameraphones to be able to record every tiny detail of our lives back in the 80's.

my great grandfathers WW2 ring. His 1911 and garand are in the safe, not getting that shit out

My dad was a kid in the 40's trapping rabbits to feed his mom and siblings, my grandpa had died. A local sheriff took him down to the station in the evidence room and let him pick a gun to hunt with. Dad picked a single shot 12 gauge crack barrel. It had been used to kill a dindu. So I have dads first gun.

My granddad was Mexican and never had guns. My other grandfather was killed when my mom was 4
>tfw no cool stuff passed down to me

my father fought in the korean war and vietnam, so did my uncle. my father in-law was an underwater explosives expert/diver that would go and plant explosives on boats, piers, and destroy bridges. grandfather was a fighter pilot, in-law grandfather was a tank commander in europe. i have all his old tanker maps with enemy positions, etc. on it

figured you had some grainy photos of it somewhere. Why get rid of such a glorious blade captain anglo.

My dad killed a nazi because he wouldnt check his priveliedge

Revolvers ARE pistols, leaf.

It was with my dad's stuff when he died in Borneo. Never got any of his stuff back.

>My uncle killed three nazis with the first pistol while guarding an outpost. Supossedly they rushed him sub machine guns and he gunned them down with a pistol.
