How do we realistically solve the pedophile problem?
How do we realistically solve the pedophile problem?
We can't really solve such a problem until we can find the neurological basis of attraction. Until then, we can only punish and make examples of pedophiles who harm children.
Clarissa thread?
INstant execution if caught harming children
If you dont actually act on it, I have no real problem with Pedophiles other than thinking you're a fucking weirdo, I understand you can't help you are attracted too though
Act on it and you deserve to be beaten to death with a pool cue
Same answer as always. Defeat nihilistic hedonism by reviving God before the void wins.
Do you mean the situation, or the mentality? The trafficking or the attraction?
I think the former has to be dealt with first, at this point.
But for the mentality: Re-socialization for some aspects has to happen to fix them, replace the impulses subconsciously. They have to want to change, is half the battle.
Kill every jew, that would get like 70% of them.
They don't get out of prison still in possession of testicles. I'd prefer to kill them all, but since not enough people feel the same chop off their nuts. This works for the sexual killers too because it's the sexual compulsion that drives them. Seriously, every child murder rape is just the sequel to a child abduction rape case. Kill them all. If not, mandatory castration.
Make robot children with artificial intelligence that can feel pain. Problem solved.
Fresh off the boat from Leddit kid?
what's the deal with these clarissa comics
something seems extremely off about this family
regarding the topic: mandatory execution for child abusers
It's simple
Same way we solved the pot problem.
Execution of all self-professed pedophiles. Execution of all proven violent offenders. Unclear cases and accusations are fully investigated and publicly tried with full transparency.
Addressing that women are most of the problem would be nice
Women molest more often than men if only because of the amount of time spent with then
Yet it's laughed and explained away rarely prosecuted
I'll start caring at all when you deal with women first
Just keep reading
Good going, guys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.
Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed.
Death sentence. Pizza addiction can't be solved. That's like me telling you to stop liking women and start liking guys instead, you like what you like and nothing can change that. Or at least send them all to an isolated island, or a country where pizza is legal.
Context pls.
I dont understand this meme.
same way we dealt with the gay problem
Maybe we need this at the entrance to every city...?
also where are all the mothers that let this happen by men that they never notice or care enough to get treatment for the kids who grow up into pedos
as always this will be men disposed of and the women get a pussy pass
You can't.
The father raped Clarissa and the whole family tries to just ignore it.
It's missing the key pic, not complete set.
Let them have their sexual release with pixels instead of kids.
Supreme Court case 2017: Packingham v. North Carolina
Case questions whether a North Carolina law banning registered sex offenders from using social media violates First Amendment free speech rights
Argument Preview:
SCOTUS Oral Argument Hearing:
Extermin all faggots.
Pretty simple.
Some people dont fear death.
Forced chemical castration for non-offenders. Offenders require to be drawn and quartered publicly
If someone is hurting children they should be taxen out the back of the nearest building and shot same for any one who is involved with trafficking them these animals don't deserve human rights
>If someone is hurting children they should be taxen out the back of the nearest building and shot
While I agree, it's important not to forget due process or it'll be like the salem witch trials
Lower the age of consent, problem solved.
Pick one
Ban all non-Kekist religions+Atheism from the west and have inspectors check out celebrities every 3-4 weeks.
Castration. Legit will stop pedophilia in its tracks. And if women are caught doing it, removal of the uterus. If you harm children, you can't have children.
Kill them, they are broken and cannot be fixed
Prevention is in the hands of the parents
destroy age of consent
The love for children is great. Fucking kids is disgusting. There must be a boundary.
It's in human nature to nurture kids. We want people to love kids. They are the future.
But some people get no action.
Perhaps giving them child like sex dolls will help satiate them.
Just providing some suggestions that could work.
>Forced chemical castration for non-offenders
You have to think of all perspectives though, user.
What about non-offenders that became that way because they themselves were objects of that corruption? Even having never acted, would you compound yet another consequence on them, simply for having survived it?
It's a dangerous thing, to start punishing things yet to happen. You can't really go back once you start down that path. You may end up creating even worse monsters.
This although supporting them in coming out (as much as Sup Forums might hate it) giving them emotional support and helping them through therapy is likely the best solution for the time being. Research shows that harsh justice doesn't decrease crime so executing convicted pedophiles won't solve the problem.
By outing them and getting into therapy we can help them to control their urges and prevent them from ending up in positions where they might end up harming children. The best way to go about this (which most of Sup Forums will also hate) is to be compassionate towards pedophiles. Yes molesting children is bad, and being attracted to them is bad, but being attracted to children cannot be controlled and doesn't make you an inherently bad person. By demonizing all pedophiles you are simply validating the idea that pedophiles should hide their issues and without social support and therapy they are much more likely to eventually give into their urges.
Essentially if someone says they are a pedophile the ideal response of society is
>Wow, that sucks, I suggest you go to therapy and if you need someone to talk to I'm here bro
>Also none of my kids will ever spend time alone with you again
That just sounds like it would encourage them further, It would work towards normalizing it. Castration, as barbaric as it sounds might be the only real solution.
One example of a "Worse" monster? There really isn't one.
A whole breed who get off on the inherent evil of the act itself.
>Research shows that harsh justice doesn't decrease crime so executing convicted pedophiles won't solve the problem.
Wrong research to associate with pedophiles.
Pedophile abuse is a pass-it-down mental disease we don't want in our Christian society.
You don't execute pedophiles to deter others.
You execute them so they can not spread their sick thought and sick behaviors into other minds. Even in prison a pedophile can spread his sick disease into the minds of other inmates, just by talking about his crimes to them.
You dont!
tie a millstone around their neck and toss them into the ocean
this is like the communist thinking their system will work
it won't work without a full enlightenment of humanity and kike/kebab removal
Hang em high. The only truth left is innocence.
That's not how human brains work
If you overvalue women and children you need to be hunted and eliminated from society.
Millions of male children have their sexual organs damaged after birth and pedophilia is the scapegoat.
The real question is how do we solve the dick mutilation problem?
Overthrow and immolate the EU bureaucracy.
Stop giving money and (you)s to Hollywood.
Re-establish Western family values.