Looking good so far
>Native American
Fuck my life. I mean it's not bad as being a nigger but still. I'm a fucking red pajeet.
ITT: That one inferior gene you have
Other urls found in this thread:
>English, with a bit of Bavarian
Okay, not bad at all
I want to die
>9.5cm dick
>blue eyes
>awful teeth
one of those just never bothered to even grow
fuck this
Great grandfather was Jewish
>Pureblooded... Russian. I have accepted my fate
I'm an imperial mutt:
50% English
25% French
25% Spanish.... which 23andMe indicates is actually 15% Spanish and 10% Native American. Whoops.
Im only 5'11 and have coeliac and a type of crohns
Dad has green eyes
grandma blue eyes
some aunts/uncles have blue eyes
>brown eyes
That is something to be proud of, son, despite what Sup Forums inbreds will tell you. Celebrate your jewish heritage, if for no other reason than you contain some superior genes.
Sorry but mum had an affair...
grandma was hungarian and because of her i'm blonde...
sorry dude.
The Naders are much less productive and more free stuff grabby than niggers.
Native is worse than nigger.
True heir of the greatest empire
oy vey, G-d chosen as well
>>Native American
Canada has a channel for that.
It's a heritage i know shit about, my great grandfather's family came from Poland, and after that everythings dark, while i can track most of my other ancestors
Kill me
>0.001% Cuban and Native American
>looking good
I've never had my genes looked at but I tracked the origin of my surname. It's an altered form of the original name. From the sound of it I expected Spain but it's really from Ireland, so apparently potato nigger. Because of name transfer through marriages this doesn't mean much though. My skin is white, I cannot get a tan and only burn, hair is blonde, but eyes are brown. There's some corruption in there somewhere.
99.9% White European
>0.00% Ashkenazi Jew
>0.01% Unknown
Aww yiss
>Born with curly hair
Just fucking kill me.
>50% northern spanish
Pretty good
>25% Basque
Not bad
25% andaluce
strong dutch heritage going back to 16th century on both sides.
idk if it's true, haven't done the research myself, but it's said that my mother's family goes back to a spanish soldier with a name which indicated he prolly was of moorish descent.
Well, with your jewish genes, it is your destiny to control and dominate the clueless white nationalist idiots who clearly cannot compete with the superior jewish intellect.
I don't have any complaints about how I look.
Never understood why people get themselves upset over not meeting the criteria for looking like a pretty-boy action/thriller protagonist. If you spent half as much time trying to further your own career or train yourself to not interact with others like an autist as you do loathing yourself for what you apparently lack, you'd probably be happier and feel better.
Not to mention that none of you probably have something that can be classified as a legitimate deformity or hindrance to your physical abilities (such as being deaf or blind).
>this kike
Sure Chaim
>That one inferior gene you have
I'm a dirty 7
>calling me chaim
You're the ones who are going to vote that retard into the highest office in your country. You krauts are a self-hating cancer upon the world.
>English, Norwegian
>Scottish, Irish
Not Bad
>Native American
Damn it
>tfw came from dutch colonists in indonesia but i look completely european
>father could grow a beard
>I can't
my fathers parents were from sicily. god knows what kind of brown person genes i have.
Nah bro, I'm not 100% white so no white privilege, not enough Jewish so no world domination, life's a bitch
Sand Nigger.
That could be due to low test levels. Hit the gym.
Even if you don't get a beard out of it, you'll get fit.
Irish aren't that bad... :(
1/4 Sicilian
>tfw octoroon
Same nose bro!
Stop lying. You're actually 5'7"
Even Napoleon was a Moor.
No problems there
High cheekbones. Breddy gud
>Eastern Jewish
Not too stoked about this, but it is what is. Genetic Heritage is not a defining factor. Cultural heritage is.
25% spanish, 25% austrian, 25% Italian 25% caboclo (son of native woman + european)
I can tell you it DOESN'T grow facial hair. I've seen it in my cousin.
im part potato nigger
Not bad
Also not bad. 100% white!
My mom always does the whole 1/128th Cherokee and muh cheek bones bullshit though
No i lie and say 6ft
im basically a black man at this point.
gonna start filling out job applications as a black man for that sweet sweet affirmative action.
if they call bullshit, ill call them racist shitlords.
Bad eyesight, short, fucked up knees and ankles
>father's family is English and German, Blond haired, blue eyed, nordic faces.
>mother is adopted mystery meat, definite Native American features, black hair, brown eyes. Maybe some highly diluted nigger features as well like a wide nose and thick lips.
My face is more Nordic shaped but I got shit tier black hair, brown eyes. I want to do a dna test but I'm too scared as to what it'd find.
50% Pole 50% Turk here :^)
Well, with shoes on you are most definitely well over 6 feet, so no worries there
Kill yourself you fat fuck
Germans are the niggers of Europe
I'm about 1% Ashkenazi.
Not so bad
>Lipka Tatar
Okay im not mad about it
I honestly would rather have cancer
>le Anglo SAXON rape babby
Who are you trying to kid, Billy; yourself?
They have only fallen so low, because you and your pet kikes abandoned them for selfish gain.
You share their fate, so choose your future wisely, Britcuck.
>go to doctor
>step on scale/height measure
>"How tall are you supposed to be, user?"
>"6 foot"
>"hmm... looks like... 5'11" and three quarters"
Thanks doc, glad we got that cleared up.
That's cool
kill me rn
mine too. and i am from romania as well, odd. does this location spark a match in your mind - laluoaia
7 is literally the only good looking nose up there
> German
Cool john marston was Scottish also braveheart
> Japanese
Grandma was half Japanese half European of some sort . I guess this is My weakest but I've never done any sort of testing so hopefully I don't have any Jew hiding in there
Pic related
>when a racist white supremacist board is filled with people with non-white genes.
not bad, great uncle was in the S.S.
Fuck my life, at least we have cheap beer I guess
Colombian. Half.
Fortunately nobody can see any of the features except for the fact that I'm 5'6". I even have blue/green eyes. A group of Mexicans laughed and said "you ain't one of us" once and it was one of the happiest moments of my life.
Very good
Very very good
fucking why, why does it have to be this way god
fuck you for correcting something you could have deleted just to be a wily cunt. You fucking nigger fuck you fuck.
the best
the best
the best
I don't deserve to live.
Tfw one of my ancestors 200-300 years ago got Walloniad
>half german
>half italian
I am fine although i think I should move to america and see what is like to be white.
Over here I am basically a nigger
Also I can never have a Japanese girlfriend because that would be too many axis forces in one child.
100% Welsh for at least 5 generations with the exception of my Russian/Latvian paternal Grandmother.
Tell me I'm white Sup Forums!!!
>that feel when won the genetic lottery
i have a deep ass voice and can build muscle super fast and im handsome
i love being white
I-is he drank?
>like ehat the fuck tatar or something
That only nice thing in my genes. Oy Vey
You should have a shave, buddy. That fuzz makes your face look rather unclean
Half Irish traveller half Romani
>100% french
Feels Good.
Boths sides of my family are Croatian, but my
grandfather comes from Southern Croatia and has dark skin. I hope that this is due to roach genes than nigger genes, at least
Blonde hair, green eyes (if thats also common amongst Germans). Also pretty good
Yeah I look like a bum, 21 and can't grow facial hair to save my life.
Thanks chink genes
White by american standards
>tfw 95% German / Portuguese / french but my great grandfather fucked a poo in loo
Yeah we require more teeth to be considered white here
>dad has black hair and blue eyes
>mom has blonde hair and brown eyes
>born with black hair and brown eyes
>darkest skin in the family too
>brother and sister both have blue eyes
what did i do to deserve this
Looking good so far
Fuck my life. I mean it's not bad as being a nigger but still. I'm a fucking northern north african.
>50% bavarian
>50% swabian
kill me
you're either inbred or a pure neanderthal
The irony when Celts used soap and had a highly advanced priestly caste system as well as superior astrological skills. But ok.
i bet you are buddy !
>Dominican Republic 100%
I like my plantains, I can't complain.
oi ill have you know mate we anglos ruled the world ya hear me?
>native American
I have alot of body hair no clue wtf that came from oh and ya I am an alcoholic
Reminder: all of your grandchildren will look like this.