I can't understand the way you think /pol
What is the main reason you don't like black people?
Other urls found in this thread:
you niggers can't into civilization.
I have more frequent unpleasant interactions with them than I do with others, Latinas can be just as bad but I certainly don't hate them, I just find them to be more annoying and likely to leverage their heritage and shit
Also most of their social media is fucking atrocious, even more so than white normies
I don't hate black people.
It would be better though if most of you wouldn't procreate since you are quite low-iq.
Not that I could do anything about that.
>What is the main reason you don't like black people?
They are black.
I feel like black people the way I do about chimps and gorillas at the zoo. I have compassion for them and I wish them no unnecessary suffering. At the same time, I have a healthy fear of them and I know not to expect them to do great things.
I don't hate black people. I dislike some people.
You guys should get into a debate contest, you would win them all with all the arguments you have given
>black people
I do not like stereotypical blacks because they typically wear a thuggish countenance, speak almost exclusively in Ebonics (which is completely incomprehensible to people who did not grow up speaking a mixture of broken English and slang), and have the most repugnant attitudes towards others, especially if they're NOT black.
Classifying yourself as any sub-race of the human race is self-defeating, and not striving to be productive and offer the very best that you can for the betterment and advancement of mankind is amounting to nothing more than totally worthless.
They killed my dad.
They stink, they're rude, and they're stupid.
>you don't like black people?
I don't hate black people. I hate niggers. Unfortunately, most black ppl won't stop acting like niggers and I just don't have the time or patience to find the needle in the hay stack.
I do not hold any resent towards the blacks, maybe only pity for their low intelligence. People here say this is because i never met blacks in my life.
I don't hate them.
That being said they have continually proven to be a race that is incapable of living up to the rest of the world's races' standards.
From The USA, to the UK, to Brazil, China, the Caribbean, France, Central and South America, to their own entire continent of Africa they turn their living spaces into Hells on Earth.
I don't hate them, I just don't want them in my society.
I don't
I hate ghetto rats and street thugs.
I don't think anyone here hates a black nuclear family or just a normal black person.
Better read all the arguments the first commenters have made
Gee, i wonder why. I'll give you a hint, unironically because white people.
I love them, they are valuable members of the society, just look at the numbers, look all the contributions to the society, look all their technology, look at their amazing history and brilliant future, look at the order and prosperity all the countries with a black majority, lowest crime rates in the world, almost nonexistent hunger, literally every place with blacks is an example of how this world has to be.
You know who sold us those slaves?
>edge lords on Sup Forums are serious
i stand by my statement
In my home country, this is Nara of Japan, dark american student
1. steal stuff everything
2. lying to policeman
3. spit to face when talking, mouth smell bad
4. don't have money, many american student, hole in cloths and dirty pants, old shoes
5. raping? jap girl because jap girl say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat
6. very smell of food eating by american
7. very smell of body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?
american=monkey same
Shut up, nigger.
Back to nordeste you go.
My main reason is they have black skin. Not kidding, that's the truth. They look awful.
And it's the same for everyone.
Maybe because they were oppressed for more than a thousand years?
here comes the fascista paulista ganancioso
Fuck off to 2chan.
It's on an individual basis.
Stats show however most black people are completely niggers. However I respect a respectable black man, who does no crime and provides for his family.
You refuse to think
And what were they doing before those thousand years I wonder?
Studies say it will take 350 years for blacks to reach the status the white man has now, that if the white man does not start oppressing the black man again.
But thanks to Yakub the white man is no more
Nigger, kikes have been MUH PERSECUTED for at least 2.5 millennia and they're at the top of their game.
What the fuck is your excuse?
Dis is Akhenaton, first nigga ruler of Egypt
They're really, really annoying in public.
>loud chimpy noises
>bounce around
>play music out loud, not use earbuds or headphones
>and holy shit, nigger girls are awful
I volunteer teaching after school at a majority black middle school because I'm in college for education (I'm gonna do secondary, and try to teach at my affluent highschool) one a week. the nigger girls are loud and annoying as hell. I actually keep myself entirely contained, and they all like me quite a bit cause I'm good with them. some of them have a crush on me. but I listen to "coon town" and other Johnny Reb songs as I drive away afterwards
I'm from Detroit.
I experienced a 'minority white' situation.
It was fucking Hell.
Every nigger needs to die, and I have no sympathy for them. They will steal, beg, and take everything until there is nothing left, and then they will die to starvation, disease, and lack of shelter.
All the while cursing white men for their fate.
>I can't understand the way you think /pol
then leave monkey, we dont want you here!
delete this
>first nigga ruler of Egypt
No wonder why I haven't heard of him
>black people sell drugs, rob people, threaten them on street
>a white person sneezes near a nigger on the subway
because they are black
Black people do more crimes than white.
But white do "bigger" crimes.
Kek'd my sides.
they wuz kangs n shiet
Because im a valet/security at an upscale hotel in a big city, I stand outside and deal with people on the streets all day.
Just yesterday i was having a conversation with my coworker about all the times we've been in fights, or nearly been in fights.
Guess what? Of the about 20 times its happened in the past year, 19 of them were black.
My city only has like ~5% blacks also
Blacks are violent and easy to lose control
Even based blacks don't like them.
irrelevant to IQ and general intelligence. the Irish, scots, and Slavs were oppressed and brutalized just as long.
The fact is, when a group of people don't even migrate out of Africa into a colder region or different environment, there's no catalyst for evolution. particularly cold regions produce the smartest people, because when there are bitter winters you need to be able to plan, defer gratification (if you eat your seed crop during winter, you die), and have a strong sense of group cooperation and altruism, so the whole tribe supports itself during the hard times.
Living in the garden of Eden of Africa, where food is everywhere, requires no such evolution. Only the ability to chimp out when someone from another tribe starts to impede on your territory.
Hence we still see gang warfare replicating the earliest nigger tribes.
wow now that's what I call some serious whitesplaining
if ever, because this
I honestly don't hate blacks. I just don't like degeneracy. And oh man is black culture degenerate.
Interesting theory. Where can I learn more, sir?
Niggers sold their own nigger cousins to kikes, and kikes sold them to other kikes that claimed to be (((white))).
I don't hate Black People, since I'm a true Meritocrat. If you do your job, provide for your family, pay your taxes and make something of your life, you're fine with me.
If you spend all your days on your ass smoking weed and robbing houses, blowing all your money on drugs and jamming metals into your gum while your family lives in poverty, you're a piece of shit, whether you're black or white.
What I'm tired of is people insisting that blacks are in still some way oppressed in the western world. What I'm afraid of is that one day, your race will become the most important determining factor of whether or not you get a job, or have your opinion taken seriously,
As someone that is aiming to run their own business, I don't want a day where I have to employ a less qualified minority member over a more qualified majority, because I have to fulfil a diversity quota. Likewise, if the more qualified person is Black, I'd hire him over the less qualified if he was white.
But apparently, wanting to prevent this means I hate black people. Because I want to put a persons merit before the colour of their skin.
I love black people and visiting them in their respective homelands to soak in their different cultures. I also love European people, why would I want hordes of nigerians disrupting the fragile unity of Europe through mass immigration like has already happened in burgerland?
The situation in burgerland is completely fucked now, that whole place is a write off like south africa thanks to the multicultural experiment.
I used to like them until I found out how much harm they can do to a society. Seriously, the things back people do in America they would be lynched here for that, white people are the nicest race to blacks and you return the favor by shitting on their societies.
At least the fuckers here are driven by a shitty religion, what's your excuse?
Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution
"Ice People and Sun People" theory or smth like that iirc
More seriously, Molymeme has a few videos on YouTube analyzing race and IQ. in one of the more recent ones (not the most recent) it comes up that generally the colder regions of the planet produce the highest IQ.
Here, I found it for you. Quite long but interesting.
This though.
We hate niggers because of their propensity to criminality, low intelligence, etc.
But that's not all of them. Individuals should be treated as individuals and judged on their merit.
>Individuals should be judged on their merit.
Those were the words I think I was meaning to add to my first post.
I hate them because they are arrogant in their utter unenlightenment. And because they lack internal inhibitions to all kinds of sinful behavior, whereby they cause me suffering, but in their unenlightenment they think I'm crazy. In one word, they're gentile.